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June 11, 2017

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Gospel - John 3; 16 - 18

We just completed ninety days of Lent and Easter in which we recalled and entered into more deeply the Paschal Mystery. We begin this first week of Ordinary Time by celebrating the Most Holy Trinity we focus' on one God, and three persons. It is in many ways a summary of what we heard and reflected on during Lent and Easter. The Gospel for today is brief and to the point. It comes from the third chapter of St. John and tells us of God's love for us. This sets the tone for all that would be written in this Gospel. The reason Jesus is born into the world is because of the Father's love for us, the purpose for Jesus being born into the world is so that we would be saved by him. The birth of Jesus, his ministry, suffering, death and resurrection were all an act of God's love for us. We celebrated its' completion las week on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to be with the church and each one of us.

The mystery of the trinity has been written about for two millennia, but it is a mystery and can never be fully understood. In celebrating the Feast of the Holy Trinity it is a day for us not to get bogged down with trying to wrap our minds around an unsolvable mystery, rather let us allow the mystery of God to wrap himself around our hearts and souls and fill us with a deeper experience and appreciation of God. Through Baptism we are all united with God and one another. The mystery of the Triune God fills us with the Love of the Father, the Peace of Christ, and the unity of the Holy Spirit. We are united with God who draws us into His family, he is the loving Father, he is the Son, our Brother, who brings us Peace, and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us.

We first experienced the Trinity at the moment of our conception when God breathed into the act of love of our parents' life and soul. God has been with us from that moment and remains with us forever. At Baptism we were Baptized in the name of, The Father, and of The Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and became a member of God's Family. We went on to receive Jesus in Holy Communion, and the Holy Spirit at Confirmation. These were all major occasions in our lives that involved beautiful ceremonies in a church, and usually some sort of party afterwards. They are important and worthy of a celebration.

In addition to these celebrations there are the times we encounter the Trinity in other ways. It could be the silent prayers at home while praying for some particular situation. It could be at some retreat or spiritual gathering were the words of someone, a song, or a prayer, struck the heart with the reassurance that God is with us. It could be the unexpected encounter with someone in need, whether it be a kind word and encouragement, or a simple ride somewhere, or even a loan, that we realize that we just helped Jesus. During Advent we hear the word Immanuel, which means God is with us. God is with us, not only during Advent and Christmas but every day of our lives. The Trinity is itself a mystery that we will never solve, and it is also a mystery how God can be so attentive to us at every moment of our lives. But God is Trinity of persons who is always with us. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is a to behold with awe and to celebrate with joy.

Fr. Killian Loch, O.S.B.