August 31, 2014
Twenty Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Matthew 16 : 21 - 27
Last week we heard a passage immediately before this Gospel in which Peter
responded to the question of Jesus, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter makes a
profession of faith in Jesus in declaring his belief that "Jesus is the Messiah,
the Son of the Living God." (Matthew 16: 16) Jesus' response to this shows his
high regard toward Peter, "I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I
will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against
it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed
in heaven." (Matthew 16: 18 - 19) This is followed by Jesus making the first
prediction of His Passion. Peter gives, what seems to be, a sensible and caring
response, "God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you." (Matthew
16:22) The response of Jesus to this was no doubt unexpected by Peter. "Get
behind me Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does,
but as human beings do." (Matthew 16: 23)
Within a few short verses Peter goes from being the rock to satan. What a
drastic change and one that probably had the heads of Peter and the others
spinning. What Peter did to cause this change of direction in Jesus' remarks is
very simple: Peter made a bold profession of faith, but he didn't follow
through with it. It's similar to when he had the courage to step out of the
boat and walk on water, but not the faith to remain afloat, and when he spoke
boldly at the Last Supper that he would never deny Jesus, but a few short hours
later denied him three times. Peter had the courage to speak out, but wavered
in acting it out.
This passage is subtle compared to walking on water and the denial. When Jesus
predicted his passion it would seem that it was a caring and kind response of
Peter to express his hope that this would never happen. Who of us truly wants
to see bad things happen to people? Jesus' problem with Peter isn't that he
spoke kind words, but that his words were contrary to God's plan. Peter's words
hoped for a change in God's plan. Jesus calls him an obstacle for speaking
these words. This is a case where the unintended evil would far outweigh the
intended good of Peter's words. Maybe if Peter said something like this, "May
you find strength in your suffering, and be assured that we will remain with
you," Jesus would have responded differently.
Jesus goes on tell them that all his followers will face crosses and they must
be willing to take up the cross and follow him. We don't like to think of
crosses, whether it be the cross of Christ, a cross we carry, or the cross of
someone else. But Jesus makes it clear that crosses are part of discipleship
and they should be embraced as opportunities for grace and not as obstacles in
our lives. It takes a strong foundation of faith to do this, like Peter the
rock. It also takes the ability to follow through in living our faith, even to
accepting the crosses that come with life. I would much rather be the sturdy
foundation rock, than the obstacle that shakes my faith. May we be both
steadfast in professing our faith and bold in living it.
Fr. Killian Loch, O.S.B.