Accent on Muslim-Christian relations - Pope Francis in Egypt - Canadian bishops' statement on opioid crisis and drug addiction
Steps toward Catholic-Muslim understanding -- Telling America's story in a new way -- Understanding immigrants accurately
Reflections for Lent - Holiness and prayer meant for everyone - Connecting liturgy with ordinary life - Serving suffering people
Guiding principles for receiving immigrants -- Border bishops speak out -- Can the economy really kill? -- Anti-Semitism in today's America
The plight of refugee children - Papal Lenten message - Looking ahead to Lent: reflections on prayer - Muslims killed in Quebec City
Reaction to President Trump's immigration orders - Bishop on implications of nationalism, populism - Refugees and sanctuary cities
The church's "greatest challenge" now - Upcoming synod to hear voices of youth - Race relations and the church
Children who languish this Christmas in squalid "mangers" - Active nonviolence: key to peace - The witnesses essential for a new evangelization
Christmas advice for couples - Advent insights - Harmful effects of today's partisanship - Politics and the common good
The church, immigrants and the U.S. president-elect - New U.S. bishops' pastoral letter on racism planned - Creating a culture of mercy
Pastoral care in prisons - The changing challenges of aging people - After the U.S. election: What now? - Six 21st century beatitudes
Politics vs. leadership - Vatican instruction on cremation - Dialogue's essential, positive role in ordinary life
Is there any joy this election year? -- Failed communication equals human division - How mercy and justice interrelate - Children fleeing conflict
How much do Catholics know about Muslim faith? -- Priests today, from independence to interdependence - Remembering Shimon Peres
U.S. bishop to head new Vatican family-laity-life office - When violence becomes commonplace - Poverty, joblessness, despair this Labor Day
Reaction to French priest's murder - World Youth Day: Life in a diverse world - Urging civility in U.S. presidential campaign
An escalating cycle of violence, racial tension - "Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities" -- Voters' stark death-penalty choice
How Christians respond to evil and extreme cruelty - Thoughts about violence as a contagious, learned behavior - Pastoral action with real couples and imperfect families - Terrorism as a test of "our humanity"
Immigration reform and political game-playing - U.S. Supreme Court rules on Texas abortion law; immigration - Priests in Year of Mercy
Putting human solidarity into practice - Strange paradox: weapons, but not food, for the poor and hungry - Naming the throw-away culture's victims - Women's leadership and the diaconate issue
Introducing civility to political conversations - Accountability in the blogosphere - New priests fashioning new dreams
Roles of laity and pastors addressed: papal letter on baptism - Upcoming diocesan synod on "The Joy of Love" - Declining number of young people marrying in church -- Scandal of human trafficking
Second look at pope's new apostolic exhortation - Divorced-remarried couples and a process of discernment - Marriage, a lifelong project
Pope releases apostolic exhortation on marriage and family - Papal advice for making marriages work - The pope's thoughts on planning a wedding - A spirituality for couples and their families
Mercy's opposite: not justice but vengeance - Terrorism and the power of fear - Worldwide religion gender gap
Demands of democracy - Enmity in public discourse -- Catholics and the Black Lives Matter movement - Concrete impact of spiritual works of mercy
Pope in Juarez, Mexico, speaks on jobs, migrants, dignity - Two U.S. archbishops reflect on issues addressed at U.S.-Mexico border - Anti-Islamic attitudes in the U.S. today - What is a living wage? - Mercy in action
Lent in Year of Mercy arrives - What "mercy" means - Eucharistic reflections as Lent begins - Supreme Court to review Obama immigration orders
Teresa of Kolkata, model for Year of Mercy: Her canonization expected in September - 2016 World Day of Peace views indifference as threat - Responding to extremist violence
After the San Bernardino killings -- Mercy at a time when people are feeling anger - Vatican translation of synod's final report published -- Pope recalls impact of Vatican II
"We know the refugees. They are us." - Church leaders react after Paris attacks - Year of Mercy starts Dec. 8 - Mercy in a suffering world
The laity according to Vatican II - The power of our words - Archbishop Cupich addresses immigration conference - Year of Mercy at an opportune moment
Synod of Bishops concludes deliberations on marriage and family - Purposes of synod examined by the pope - What the synod final report says
The "how" of pastoral action for couples and families - Speaking a language the young understand - Real families are imperfect families
Covering Pope Francis in America - His arrival in Washington - Canonization of Padre Junipero Serra - Papal speech to Congress - Pope's visit to Cuba
Responding to Europe's refugee crisis - Parishes host refugee families - Pope simplifies annulments - Intimate bond of doctrine and pastoral ministry
Slaking the world's great thirsts - Euphemisms for lives considered expendable - The deposit of faith and resurrection newness - Families need a living wage
New study resource on Catholic-Muslim relations - Caring for the church's divorced-remarried members and their children - Current anti-immigrant rhetoric
Catholic children and their 21st century parents - The church and the high court's same-sex marriage ruling - Vatican reacts to U.S./Iran nuclear deal
October 2015 Synod of Bishops to deliberate pastoral action for and with the family - Synod working paper views needs and strengths of marriage and family
Overview of encyclical on ecology - Ecological spirituality - Ecology's social perspective - Faith convictions and ecology
Future impact of Vatican II - As pastoral council, what did Vatican II teach? - Forging ecumenical future by remembering the Gospel together
Structural sin and urban unrest - What makes Christian life a pilgrimage? - Interreligious dialogue in delicate contexts - Religious life at a crossroads
Violent extremism and the young - True purpose of funeral liturgies - Growing number of migrants lost at sea - War's brutal consequences for women
Inside the pope's document on mercy for holy year - What is mercy? - Mercy and the credibility of pastoral action - Confessors in the year of mercy
Feasibility of dialogue with Muslims today - Transformative ministries: Pope Francis; Archbishop Romero - Easter: Daring to live by hope in 2015
Mercy's key role in theology - Bishops address poverty at nation's crossroads - Looking ahead to the ecology encyclical - Leadership essentials today
Parishes and new evangelization - Understanding immigrants anew - Voting for the common good - Pope asks new cardinals to find God in the marginalized
Vatican issues homiletic directory - Confronting globalized indifference this Lent - What "spirituality" means - Interfaith marriage perspectives
What Junipero Serra's canonization means - The Christian challenge after terrorist attacks in France - Viewing the parts of seminary theology as a single whole
Journey of "spiritual discernment" during time before October synod - Church leaders react to Paris terrorism - Pope's list of "diseases" harmful in the church
Understanding Christmas in troublesome times - The Holy Land this Christmas - Contrasting Christmas light with the dark siege in Sydney - A story of Joseph
World Day of Peace message urges action against human slavery - A unique term to ponder: "integer-ity" - Considering who the God of peace is this Christmas
Catholic leaders on Obama's immigration action -- Archbishop Cupich on church's mission: seek, invite, accompany - How synod discussion mirrored Vatican II
Church in dialogue: Decree on Ecumenism's 50th anniversary - Values that create generosity - Road to 2015 synod - Quotes from 2014 synod's final report
Archbishop meets parents of gay children - Baptized into Christ's body: What does this mean? - Ministry when someone suffers -- Violence against children
2014 Synod of Bishops assembly concludes - Synod on the family sets agenda for discussions in year ahead - Pope invites synod participants to listen, speak openly
Pastoral planning for a diocese's poorest areas - Resurrecting the sense and essence of mercy - Domestic violence, a pastoral challenge - Chicago's new archbishop
Issues for synod on the family - The church as traveling companion for couples, families - Reflections on racism today - Worsening means of war - Polarization's toll
Finding God in darkness, as well as light - Korea: Pope's detailed discussion of dialogue -- Life in community, broadening the challenge - Labor Day 2014: young adults
Profile of a 21st century priest - The church and the children at the border - Thoughts for World War I's centenary -- Tips on happiness from Pope Francis
Making Catholic preaching better - How Catholic colleges foster priestly vocations - Encouragement, essential for vocations -- Locating "the sacred" in today's world
Cardinal speaks out against sexual violence in war - The plight of unaccompanied children migrating across borders - Linking human dignity with human solidarity
A church that fosters world peace - Israeli, Palestinian presidents meet with pope, pray for peace - Jesus, an unorthodox shepherd - Connections between givers and receivers
Empathy: Beyond a globalized indifference - Ten principles for a church active in cyberspace - Developing a comprehensive respect-life strategy
Mercy, neglected church topic - Religious switching among U.S. Hispanics - Faith and U.S. Hispanic youths - Archbishop's stand on guns in Atlanta Catholic churches
Where to find priestly identity - A resurrection ethic of life - What does "joy" actually mean? - Canonizing two popes on one day
Taking the risk of identifying with the poor - How to pray spontaneously - Bishops' border delegation mourns migrant deaths, walks migrants' desert path
The purpose of Lenten self-denial - Fasting from what is "useless" - Bishops' visit to Nogales: mirroring pope's Lampedusa visit - Concrete images of Christian charity
Journey into Lent - Human slavery not confined to the past - Reports released on presynod consultations - The church and divorced-remarried Catholics
Divorce, remarriage and annulment procedures: on track for discussion at fall bishops' synod - Pastoral care of marriage - Can the economy serve all?
Good Samaritans traveling 21st century digital highways: communication technologies and the church - What is cybertheology? - Lent, a season to combat destitution
Evangelization challenges in pluralistic societies - Marginalization's impact on immigrants' lives - To become a cardinal: not a promotion, honor or decoration
Migrant families divided by deportations - The plight of many migrant children - Fraternity viewed as key to peace - Liturgy constitution at age 50
Evangelizing communities described in Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation - What a good homily is - Evangelization fosters evangelizers' growth - Parishes and evangelization
Bishop calls broad consultation for 2014 special Synod of Bishops "a major historic development" - Special synod: collegial, pastoral -- Creating parishes where the poor are - Reflections on spirituality for Advent
What is an ideology? - "Unity" and "uniformity" not synonyms - Fiftieth anniversary drawing near of Vatican II's liturgy constitution
Focus on church of mercy: The Jesuit interview with Pope Francis - What he said about Vatican II; about accompanying wounded people - The government shutdown
The church and Syria - Personal but not self-focused homilies - Catechists need more than enthusiasm - The pope's amazing letter to a skeptical editor
Love and truth belong together - Notes on ministry, skeptics and a cultural-warrior approach to society - Jesus' approach to "others" - The pope on chemical weapons and Syria - Dialogue called essential to growth
What "respect" for others actually means - Understandings, misunderstandings of reason to oppose abortion - Longer life in a rapidly aging society
Pope Francis visits Brazil World Youth Day - A church that accompanies people - Meeting Brazil's poor - Accenting "pastoral care" - Ideology blocks missionary discipleship - The place of the young in church and society
New encyclical on faith completes trilogy on theological virtues - Pope Francis' first encyclical views faith as light for life - Faith's role in human relationships and social justice underscored by encyclical
Implications of high-court rulings in same-sex-marriage cases -- What ministry of service means, does not mean -- New website on children's cyberspace safety -- Sixtieth anniversary of Bishop Waters' instruction on segregation in churches
Some 2013 signs of the times - Interreligious leaders' peace pledge - Immigration reform basics, viewed by the church - Pope Francis: how politics and economics go wrong - Interrelating catechesis and theology
Charity's mission to total strangers - The "god" of our own construction - Human trafficking, concern of Pope Francis - Christians and Muslims now
Careerism in the church - Stepping out of a consumerist mode - The difference it makes when human dignity is recognized - Challenges families encounter today
Why the Gospel is not an ideology -- Archbishop examines what a "self-referential church" is - Can cities become places of human fulfillment?
Awaiting a new pope - Pope emeritus at Castel Gandolfo -- U.S. bishops' readiness to talk with Obama -- Church's big family meeting coming to U.S.
A pope resigns - Overlooked themes of Pope Benedict's pontificate - Ash Wednesday 2013 in Rome - The pope looks back to Vatican II
Four decades after Roe v. Wade - Adoption often not accepted as abortion alternative - A church in the modern world: ongoing debate
Church fathers, a resource for homilists -- The children of poverty - Church officials: Jews are not church's enemies - What is baptism?
Church leaders react after Sandy Hook tragedy - Pope says religion not a pretext for arrogance - The Year of Faith and the church's divided people
Atlanta archbishop speaks on civility's value in society - Why the church should serve as a model of civility - Civility's challenge for a church in a pluralistic society
Overview of new document on the Sunday homily, adopted this November during U.S. Catholic bishops' national meeting in Baltimore
Looking inside the 2012 Synod of Bishops' concluding statements -- The many demands and dimensions of the new evangelization
October world Synod of Bishops in Rome deliberates the new evangelization
A church, not a political party - Year of Faith begins - The purpose of a business: not profit alone - New evangelization
Pope on necessity of Middle East interreligious respect - Papal perspective on Arab Spring - Religious fundamentalism and violence - A spirituality for times of personal transition or loss
Pope accents laity's co-responsibility - The death of Cardinal Martini - Communicating faith in a transition period - The human spirit at its best
Focus on international priests - Did St. Paul attend the Olympics? - Bishop urges Catholics to vote, even if candidates are flawed - Reaction to Sikh temple killings
A reason to call others by name - Graced social structures - Reflections on Colorado shootings - Is civility possible in American politics?
The contemporary, multicultural seminary - Ethical business leaders for the 21st century - How is "human dignity" defined? - Global interdependence and the poor
Special report: Upcoming synod to address evangelization - Evangelization in a changed world -- Don't overlook evangelization opportunities -- What "new evangelization" means - Jesus' evangelization method
Changing times: The church in the world - The church and its divorced-remarried members - Vast implications of new book on God as love
The HHS mandate and religious liberty - Voicing faith takes more than a tweet - What a 2012 hospital chaplain does - Work and family: competitors or allies?