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Dave's Archives

The rhetoric of contempt - Bringing faith to a changed public square - How to reach the wounded - Rediscovering the sacred in the ordinary

Accent on Muslim-Christian relations - Pope Francis in Egypt - Canadian bishops' statement on opioid crisis and drug addiction

Steps toward Catholic-Muslim understanding -- Telling America's story in a new way -- Understanding immigrants accurately

Reflections for Lent - Holiness and prayer meant for everyone - Connecting liturgy with ordinary life - Serving suffering people

Guiding principles for receiving immigrants -- Border bishops speak out -- Can the economy really kill? -- Anti-Semitism in today's America

The plight of refugee children - Papal Lenten message - Looking ahead to Lent: reflections on prayer - Muslims killed in Quebec City

Reaction to President Trump's immigration orders - Bishop on implications of nationalism, populism - Refugees and sanctuary cities

The church's "greatest challenge" now - Upcoming synod to hear voices of youth - Race relations and the church

Children who languish this Christmas in squalid "mangers" - Active nonviolence: key to peace - The witnesses essential for a new evangelization

Christmas advice for couples - Advent insights - Harmful effects of today's partisanship - Politics and the common good

The church, immigrants and the U.S. president-elect - New U.S. bishops' pastoral letter on racism planned - Creating a culture of mercy

Pastoral care in prisons - The changing challenges of aging people - After the U.S. election: What now? - Six 21st century beatitudes

Politics vs. leadership - Vatican instruction on cremation - Dialogue's essential, positive role in ordinary life

Is there any joy this election year? -- Failed communication equals human division - How mercy and justice interrelate - Children fleeing conflict

How much do Catholics know about Muslim faith? -- Priests today, from independence to interdependence - Remembering Shimon Peres

U.S. bishop to head new Vatican family-laity-life office - When violence becomes commonplace - Poverty, joblessness, despair this Labor Day

U.S. bishop to head new Vatican family-laity-life office - When violence becomes commonplace - Poverty, joblessness, despair this Labor Day

Reaction to French priest's murder - World Youth Day: Life in a diverse world - Urging civility in U.S. presidential campaign

An escalating cycle of violence, racial tension - "Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities" -- Voters' stark death-penalty choice

How Christians respond to evil and extreme cruelty - Thoughts about violence as a contagious, learned behavior - Pastoral action with real couples and imperfect families - Terrorism as a test of "our humanity"

Immigration reform and political game-playing - U.S. Supreme Court rules on Texas abortion law; immigration - Priests in Year of Mercy

Putting human solidarity into practice - Strange paradox: weapons, but not food, for the poor and hungry - Naming the throw-away culture's victims - Women's leadership and the diaconate issue

Introducing civility to political conversations - Accountability in the blogosphere - New priests fashioning new dreams

Roles of laity and pastors addressed: papal letter on baptism - Upcoming diocesan synod on "The Joy of Love" - Declining number of young people marrying in church -- Scandal of human trafficking

Second look at pope's new apostolic exhortation - Divorced-remarried couples and a process of discernment - Marriage, a lifelong project

Pope releases apostolic exhortation on marriage and family - Papal advice for making marriages work - The pope's thoughts on planning a wedding - A spirituality for couples and their families

Mercy's opposite: not justice but vengeance - Terrorism and the power of fear - Worldwide religion gender gap

Demands of democracy - Enmity in public discourse -- Catholics and the Black Lives Matter movement - Concrete impact of spiritual works of mercy

Pope in Juarez, Mexico, speaks on jobs, migrants, dignity - Two U.S. archbishops reflect on issues addressed at U.S.-Mexico border - Anti-Islamic attitudes in the U.S. today - What is a living wage? - Mercy in action

Lent in Year of Mercy arrives - What "mercy" means - Eucharistic reflections as Lent begins - Supreme Court to review Obama immigration orders

Lent in Year of Mercy arrives - What "mercy" means - Eucharistic reflections as Lent begins - Supreme Court to review Obama immigration orders

Church leaders respond to Obama action on gun control - New book on mercy reports lengthy interview with pope - U.S. bishops protest deportations - Declining number of baptisms

Teresa of Kolkata, model for Year of Mercy: Her canonization expected in September - 2016 World Day of Peace views indifference as threat - Responding to extremist violence

After the San Bernardino killings -- Mercy at a time when people are feeling anger - Vatican translation of synod's final report published -- Pope recalls impact of Vatican II

"We know the refugees. They are us." - Church leaders react after Paris attacks - Year of Mercy starts Dec. 8 - Mercy in a suffering world

The laity according to Vatican II - The power of our words - Archbishop Cupich addresses immigration conference - Year of Mercy at an opportune moment

Synod of Bishops concludes deliberations on marriage and family - Purposes of synod examined by the pope - What the synod final report says

The "how" of pastoral action for couples and families - Speaking a language the young understand - Real families are imperfect families

Covering Pope Francis in America - His arrival in Washington - Canonization of Padre Junipero Serra - Papal speech to Congress - Pope's visit to Cuba

Responding to Europe's refugee crisis - Parishes host refugee families - Pope simplifies annulments - Intimate bond of doctrine and pastoral ministry

Slaking the world's great thirsts - Euphemisms for lives considered expendable - The deposit of faith and resurrection newness - Families need a living wage

New study resource on Catholic-Muslim relations - Caring for the church's divorced-remarried members and their children - Current anti-immigrant rhetoric

Catholic children and their 21st century parents - The church and the high court's same-sex marriage ruling - Vatican reacts to U.S./Iran nuclear deal

October 2015 Synod of Bishops to deliberate pastoral action for and with the family - Synod working paper views needs and strengths of marriage and family

Overview of encyclical on ecology - Ecological spirituality - Ecology's social perspective - Faith convictions and ecology

Future impact of Vatican II - As pastoral council, what did Vatican II teach? - Forging ecumenical future by remembering the Gospel together

Future impact of Vatican II - As pastoral council, what did Vatican II teach? - Forging ecumenical future by remembering the Gospel together

Structural sin and urban unrest - What makes Christian life a pilgrimage? - Interreligious dialogue in delicate contexts - Religious life at a crossroads

Violent extremism and the young - True purpose of funeral liturgies - Growing number of migrants lost at sea - War's brutal consequences for women

Inside the pope's document on mercy for holy year - What is mercy? - Mercy and the credibility of pastoral action - Confessors in the year of mercy

Feasibility of dialogue with Muslims today - Transformative ministries: Pope Francis; Archbishop Romero - Easter: Daring to live by hope in 2015

Mercy's key role in theology - Bishops address poverty at nation's crossroads - Looking ahead to the ecology encyclical - Leadership essentials today

Parishes and new evangelization - Understanding immigrants anew - Voting for the common good - Pope asks new cardinals to find God in the marginalized

Vatican issues homiletic directory - Confronting globalized indifference this Lent - What "spirituality" means - Interfaith marriage perspectives

What Junipero Serra's canonization means - The Christian challenge after terrorist attacks in France - Viewing the parts of seminary theology as a single whole

Journey of "spiritual discernment" during time before October synod - Church leaders react to Paris terrorism - Pope's list of "diseases" harmful in the church

Understanding Christmas in troublesome times - The Holy Land this Christmas - Contrasting Christmas light with the dark siege in Sydney - A story of Joseph

World Day of Peace message urges action against human slavery - A unique term to ponder: "integer-ity" - Considering who the God of peace is this Christmas

Catholic leaders on Obama's immigration action -- Archbishop Cupich on church's mission: seek, invite, accompany - How synod discussion mirrored Vatican II

Church in dialogue: Decree on Ecumenism's 50th anniversary - Values that create generosity - Road to 2015 synod - Quotes from 2014 synod's final report

Archbishop meets parents of gay children - Baptized into Christ's body: What does this mean? - Ministry when someone suffers -- Violence against children

2014 Synod of Bishops assembly concludes - Synod on the family sets agenda for discussions in year ahead - Pope invites synod participants to listen, speak openly

Pastoral planning for a diocese's poorest areas - Resurrecting the sense and essence of mercy - Domestic violence, a pastoral challenge - Chicago's new archbishop

Issues for synod on the family - The church as traveling companion for couples, families - Reflections on racism today - Worsening means of war - Polarization's toll

Finding God in darkness, as well as light - Korea: Pope's detailed discussion of dialogue -- Life in community, broadening the challenge - Labor Day 2014: young adults

Profile of a 21st century priest - The church and the children at the border - Thoughts for World War I's centenary -- Tips on happiness from Pope Francis

Making Catholic preaching better - How Catholic colleges foster priestly vocations - Encouragement, essential for vocations -- Locating "the sacred" in today's world

Cardinal speaks out against sexual violence in war - The plight of unaccompanied children migrating across borders - Linking human dignity with human solidarity

Cardinal speaks out against sexual violence in war - The plight of unaccompanied children migrating across borders - Linking human dignity with human solidarity

A church that fosters world peace - Israeli, Palestinian presidents meet with pope, pray for peace - Jesus, an unorthodox shepherd - Connections between givers and receivers

Empathy: Beyond a globalized indifference - Ten principles for a church active in cyberspace - Developing a comprehensive respect-life strategy

Mercy, neglected church topic - Religious switching among U.S. Hispanics - Faith and U.S. Hispanic youths - Archbishop's stand on guns in Atlanta Catholic churches

Where to find priestly identity - A resurrection ethic of life - What does "joy" actually mean? - Canonizing two popes on one day

Taking the risk of identifying with the poor - How to pray spontaneously - Bishops' border delegation mourns migrant deaths, walks migrants' desert path

The purpose of Lenten self-denial - Fasting from what is "useless" - Bishops' visit to Nogales: mirroring pope's Lampedusa visit - Concrete images of Christian charity

Journey into Lent - Human slavery not confined to the past - Reports released on presynod consultations - The church and divorced-remarried Catholics

Divorce, remarriage and annulment procedures: on track for discussion at fall bishops' synod - Pastoral care of marriage - Can the economy serve all?

Good Samaritans traveling 21st century digital highways: communication technologies and the church - What is cybertheology? - Lent, a season to combat destitution

Evangelization challenges in pluralistic societies - Marginalization's impact on immigrants' lives - To become a cardinal: not a promotion, honor or decoration

Fiftieth anniversaries in 2014 of Vatican II Constitution on the Church and Decree on Ecumenism - Council led to new style of conversing in the church and with others

Migrant families divided by deportations - The plight of many migrant children - Fraternity viewed as key to peace - Liturgy constitution at age 50

Evangelizing communities described in Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation - What a good homily is - Evangelization fosters evangelizers' growth - Parishes and evangelization

Bishop calls broad consultation for 2014 special Synod of Bishops "a major historic development" - Special synod: collegial, pastoral -- Creating parishes where the poor are - Reflections on spirituality for Advent

What is an ideology? - "Unity" and "uniformity" not synonyms - Fiftieth anniversary drawing near of Vatican II's liturgy constitution

Focus on church of mercy: The Jesuit interview with Pope Francis - What he said about Vatican II; about accompanying wounded people - The government shutdown

The church and Syria - Personal but not self-focused homilies - Catechists need more than enthusiasm - The pope's amazing letter to a skeptical editor

Love and truth belong together - Notes on ministry, skeptics and a cultural-warrior approach to society - Jesus' approach to "others" - The pope on chemical weapons and Syria - Dialogue called essential to growth

What "respect" for others actually means - Understandings, misunderstandings of reason to oppose abortion - Longer life in a rapidly aging society

Pope Francis visits Brazil World Youth Day - A church that accompanies people - Meeting Brazil's poor - Accenting "pastoral care" - Ideology blocks missionary discipleship - The place of the young in church and society

New encyclical on faith completes trilogy on theological virtues - Pope Francis' first encyclical views faith as light for life - Faith's role in human relationships and social justice underscored by encyclical

Implications of high-court rulings in same-sex-marriage cases -- What ministry of service means, does not mean -- New website on children's cyberspace safety -- Sixtieth anniversary of Bishop Waters' instruction on segregation in churches

Some 2013 signs of the times - Interreligious leaders' peace pledge - Immigration reform basics, viewed by the church - Pope Francis: how politics and economics go wrong - Interrelating catechesis and theology

Charity's mission to total strangers - The "god" of our own construction - Human trafficking, concern of Pope Francis - Christians and Muslims now

Careerism in the church - Stepping out of a consumerist mode - The difference it makes when human dignity is recognized - Challenges families encounter today

Why the Gospel is not an ideology -- Archbishop examines what a "self-referential church" is - Can cities become places of human fulfillment?

"Pacem in Terris: Encyclical on peace turns 50 - Church leaders address gun control measures- How to be a church of the poor - Reaction to bombing in Boston

Awaiting a new pope - Pope emeritus at Castel Gandolfo -- U.S. bishops' readiness to talk with Obama -- Church's big family meeting coming to U.S.

Awaiting a new pope - Pope emeritus at Castel Gandolfo -- U.S. bishops' readiness to talk with Obama -- Church's big family meeting coming to U.S.

Awaiting a new pope - Pope emeritus at Castel Gandolfo -- U.S. bishops' readiness to talk with Obama -- Church's big family meeting coming to U.S.

A pope resigns - Overlooked themes of Pope Benedict's pontificate - Ash Wednesday 2013 in Rome - The pope looks back to Vatican II

Four decades after Roe v. Wade - Adoption often not accepted as abortion alternative - A church in the modern world: ongoing debate

Church fathers, a resource for homilists -- The children of poverty - Church officials: Jews are not church's enemies - What is baptism?

Church leaders react after Sandy Hook tragedy - Pope says religion not a pretext for arrogance - The Year of Faith and the church's divided people

Reaction to killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School - The Jan. 1, 2013, World Day of Peace message - Opportune moment for U.S. immigration reform

Atlanta archbishop speaks on civility's value in society - Why the church should serve as a model of civility - Civility's challenge for a church in a pluralistic society

Overview of new document on the Sunday homily, adopted this November during U.S. Catholic bishops' national meeting in Baltimore

Looking inside the 2012 Synod of Bishops' concluding statements -- The many demands and dimensions of the new evangelization

October world Synod of Bishops in Rome deliberates the new evangelization

A church, not a political party - Year of Faith begins - The purpose of a business: not profit alone - New evangelization

Pope on necessity of Middle East interreligious respect - Papal perspective on Arab Spring - Religious fundamentalism and violence - A spirituality for times of personal transition or loss

Pope accents laity's co-responsibility - The death of Cardinal Martini - Communicating faith in a transition period - The human spirit at its best

Focus on international priests - Did St. Paul attend the Olympics? - Bishop urges Catholics to vote, even if candidates are flawed - Reaction to Sikh temple killings

A reason to call others by name - Graced social structures - Reflections on Colorado shootings - Is civility possible in American politics?

The contemporary, multicultural seminary - Ethical business leaders for the 21st century - How is "human dignity" defined? - Global interdependence and the poor

Special report: Upcoming synod to address evangelization - Evangelization in a changed world -- Don't overlook evangelization opportunities -- What "new evangelization" means - Jesus' evangelization method

Changing times: The church in the world - The church and its divorced-remarried members - Vast implications of new book on God as love

The HHS mandate and religious liberty - Voicing faith takes more than a tweet - What a 2012 hospital chaplain does - Work and family: competitors or allies?

Who notices when someone drifts away from the church? - Strengths and risks in our strong convictions - When hatred divides society

Pontifical Justice and Peace Council releases handbook on business leader's vocation - Handbook checklist prompts reflection by business leaders, educators and others on business goals, ethics and meaning of work

Repentance and its fuller meaning: reflections for Easter - Good Friday becomes Cuba holiday - Bishops weigh-in on patchwork of state immigration laws

Overview of new report by International Theological Commission on theologians -- their roles, responsibilities and needed contributions

Taking freedom seriously in Lent -- Laity called "nuclear energy" for evangelization - Evangelizing with a smile - Stepping stones to peace

Making kindness a Lenten project - Reaction: HHS contraceptives rule revision - Active participation in the Eucharist - Why humane workplaces matter

When common ecumenical witness is needed - Distinguishing legal from biblical justice - HHS ruling on contraceptives coverage protested - Why go on pilgrimage?

Underlying themes of upcoming Year of Faith - Pastoral insights on marriage - local church mentors for the poor - Boston's abuse scandal after one decade

The implications of human dignity for happiness - Why human dignity is a pivotal doctrine - The well-being of the environment and human dignity

Migrants and Jesus the pilgrim -- Christmas 2011 and the Jesus who was poor -- Keeping the incarnation going - Welcoming the stranger fleeing violence

New apostolic exhortation for Africa connects reconciliation of Christians with God and each other to mission of reconciliation in a divided world

How parishes respect differing cultural groups - The multidimensional child served by Catholic education - Ministry at a time when many appear unconvinced that Jesus and the church are one

Rationale for 2011 Assisi interreligious peace day - Ethic of solidarity for a globalized world - Vatican justice and peace council envisions global public authority - Social networking and personal boundaries

A different kind of Red Mass homily: humble public servants - Advantages, disadvantages in priest's attachment to local community - Greed's harm to common good -- Why U.S. bishops reissued 2007 political responsibility document

The human dignity of the imprisoned - The church and prisoners' families - Preaching on human toll of financial turmoil - A reignited death penalty debate

A spiritual practice to sharpen leadership skill -- Interfaith dialogue: 2001-2011 - Poverty rises in America, household incomes decline

The many forms of pastoral care for marriage-- Heartbreaking eastern Africa famine - Viewing immigration outside ideological categories

The "gold standard" for a moral economic system - U.S. parishes grew larger, will grow larger yet - How the church communicates within an angry culture - The debt ceiling, the budget and the bishops

Ministry to youths experiencing same-sex attraction - Christians in a multireligious world - International conference explores Catholic peace-building

What a permanent deacon's ministry agreement accomplishes - On politics, the fiscal crisis and the demands of the common good -- Are physician-assisted-suicide proponents gaining steam? -- Evangelization's essential dynamics

Communicating in language people understand - What is "novel" about the "new" evangelization? - The new universe of social cyberspace - Children's rights

The church and young adulthood's changed "landscape" - What the census learned about Hispanics in the U.S. - Following-up on the "Causes and Context" sexual abuse study - International priests

Special report on just-released "Causes and Context" study of clergy sexual abuse of minors examines complexity of factors and preventive steps

What the royal wedding sermon said about marriage - The May 1 beatification in Rome -- What makes a homily a "liturgical" homily? - Why defining "poverty" too narrowly makes a huge difference

The reason many priests don't suffer burnout, despite pressures - How strong is commitment to 2002 charter for protecting children and young people? - Reflections at Lent's end on charity, forgiveness and imperfect saints

Making evangelization a Lenten practice - Restoring trust to society - Coming to terms with the religious liberty of others - Rediscovering the cross in current events of suffering

The devastating natural disaster in Japan - Uncivil discourse within society and within the church - When a parish council needs renewal

Defending truth, respecting those who think differently - Approaching mental illness and chemical dependency as priority concerns - Archbishop says immigration is family issue for him

Defending truth, respecting those who think differently - Approaching mental illness and chemical dependency as priority concerns - Archbishop says immigration is family issue for him

What gives cyberspace communication a Christian mark? - Accenting the parish's community dimension - Cardinal's retirement plan: to welcome the stranger

Preventing future violence: responses to the Tucson shootings - The meaning and importance of civility - Suffering, a puzzling mystery -- Is growing old a vocation?

Christmas revisited: Looking beyond the pretty pictures to discover what the incarnation has to do with real life's uncomfortable challenges.

World Day of Peace message: Accent on religious freedom - Notes on Christmas - Life's dignity, before and after birth - Advent and the entire liturgical year

Pastoral ministry and social media - The virtues and the economic crisis - The service that is integral to Catholic identity

Special report on pope's new apostolic exhortation, "The Word of the Lord"

What makes listening difficult? - The church, like Jesus, has "bad taste" in people - Science not defined by extreme views of it: not to be feared, not a panacea either -- Is consultation worthwhile?

The 21st century's false gods - And, who are the "lepers" of these times? - Refugees the world over with no place to go - Lives of the saints as they really were

How much do Americans know about religion? - Understanding our world from the inside out - What made Archbishop Helder Camara an effective communicator? - Rising poverty level termed "staggering" by Charities leader

Counteracting fear, hatred and violence - Should we care what happens to Catholic schools? - Pope describes bishop's dynamic service role - Notes on encounters with nonpracticing Catholics

Pope examines meaning of "heaven"-- Archbishop speaks on proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero -- Declining wages in America -- On ignoring the Jesus who ate with sinners

Spirituality insights: God and the human condition -What a catechism is, and is not, for - A model for discipleship - Getting into the seminary today - Fostering unity in divided presbyterates

Guidelines on the church and social networking - Family unity and immigration law - Restoring civility to the immigration debate - The value of humor, laughter and joy in the church

Collaboration of priests and laity called essential - Gang violence: a Catholic concern - Pope establishes new evangelization council - Vatican sees women's economic empowerment as great value for family and society

Spirituality and stress along the Gulf Coast - What priestly identity is and is not - Catholic investors urge action against human trafficking at World Cup - Crossing the "Jericho Road" willingly in modern communities

Spirituality and stress along the Gulf Coast - What priestly identity is and is not - Catholic investors urge action against human trafficking at World Cup - Crossing the "Jericho Road" willingly in modern communities

Viewing 2010 mining disaster as a faith concern … What U.S. bishops learned from the sexual abuse crisis … Understanding the church's young adults … The riches of diversity within the church

Ethics and the financial crisis front and center on Capitol Hill - Catholic leaders react to Arizona's new immigration law - New Web sites on social justice and priestly or consecrated-life vocations - Charity's essential role in ecumenism

Sexual abuse crisis revisited: What has been learned? - Defining and honoring the common good - Mexico-born leader named coadjutor archbishop of Los Angeles - Accenting sacramental signs and symbols

Why and how to speak once again of God in society - The rich symbolism of oil in sacraments - Cardinal urges Latinos to participate in Census - Is respect for women growing in the world? - The human vocation to love

The challenge to use words well in ministry - Factors undermining the fraternity of priests - Ways to strengthen bonds among priests - The rationale for hope in bleak times

Privatized religion won't achieve aims of new evangelization, archbishop says -- What being truly human means for priests - Families taking children out of Catholic schools due to recession -- Building bridges within local communities on issues of life

Viewing the new communications technologies as pastoral tools - How much does the church care about health care reform? - Faith support for job seekers - Fostering and contributing to a national dialogue on human dignity

Viewing the new communications technologies as pastoral tools - How much does the church care about health care reform? - Faith support for job seekers - Fostering and contributing to a national dialogue on human dignity

Responding to Haiti after catastrophic earthquake - What does personal "integrity" mean, and does it really matter? - Human trafficking: Fast growing form of organized crime - Pope Benedict XVI offers positive and negative views of secularity - Cultural diversity viewed from a Christian perspective

World Day of Peace message factors environment into peace equation - Christmas 2009 revisited - How to recruit volunteers - Pope urges new form of dialogue, one with those who sideline God -- Purpose of youth ministry - Starting point for presenting the Christian moral vision

A lesson of Advent - Opening up places in Catholic schools for Latino children - Evaluating online social networking in ministry - Bits of prayer advice

Special report: The U.S. bishops' pastoral letter on marriage

Accenting the relationship of religion and science - Compassionate recognition of those who grieve - Taking stock of life's realities for a rapidly expanding population of the aged - Migrants experience dehumanization firsthand

What the Synod for Africa proposed - Chapter 11 reorganization leads to fresh awareness of laity's role - Understanding addictions: pastoral support for addicted persons - The demands of justice and peace

Online forum solicits "big ideas" for cutting poverty rate in half - The priest in the third millennium, more than a provider of sacraments - Youth: advocates of justice, often victims of injustice too - Ministry and the new communications media.

Online forum solicits "big ideas" for cutting poverty rate in half - The priest in the third millennium, more than a provider of sacraments - Youth: advocates of justice, often victims of injustice too - Ministry and the new communications media

Five essential attributes of leaders - Accounting for the crowded pews in three parishes - The intersection of health care reform and immigration reform - The peacemaking power of dialogue - Why becoming a good listener matters

The dynamics of a vibrant parish - Is prayer during parish meetings a waste of time? - Defining "collaboration" - What permanent deacons do - and much more

Liturgical "tune-ups" for those on both sides of the altar - What is "abortion-neutral" health care reform? - Making the church visible after natural disasters - Why parents bring children for catechesis, but don't participate in Mass

Preaching to the heart, not just the head - Reflections on the blogosphere's "verbal fratricide" - Dynamics of Hispanic ministry - Why it's good for us to be good

Special report on the new encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI titled "Charity in Truth" ("Caritas in Veritate") applying church social teaching to the many dimensions of integral human development in the world of the third millennium

Special report on the church and communications: Communicating effectively in the contemporary world - The new communications technologies --The greatest challenges the church meets in communicating its message

The Year for Priests - The threat of unchecked hatred - Church communications: Understanding the people one hopes to reach - Laughter is still good medicine

Church makes its way into Internet age - Elements of youth ministry - Interreligious action combats violence in urban streets - Pope addresses laity's co-responsibility for church's mission - and more.

Church and society: Does real faith allow room for real dialogue? - Recession closes doors for migrants and refugees - The struggles parishes face - The divided people of a polarized era.

NFPC assembly: "Evangelization" means more than outreach; priests and priestly people in parishes - Pastoral planning makes a difference - Economic downturn leading couples to marriage counselors - and much more

What is a secular Catholic? - People unaffiliated with a religious tradition often found to harbor interest in faith and religion - Migrants as pawns in complex economic system - Protecting the environment means protecting the poor - and more

New papal analysis of liturgical symbols: water, and fire and light - The church as lender during economic downturn - St. Paul's gospel of reconciliation - Native Americans celebrate Palm Sunday - and more

Strong words of the pope in Africa on women's rights - Reflections on resurrection and on the claims Jesus made about himself - Who is entitled to baptism or marriage in a parish? - and more

Pope urges efforts to relate God's word to people's actual lives - Bishop announces Lenten apology service - U.S. Catholic population shifts from Northeast to Southwest -- Lenten focus on listening skill - and more

Business ethics: German archbishop's timely topic at London School of Economics - The year we didn't choose Lenten sacrifices, they chose us - What clergy personnel boards actually do - If charitable contributions decline, volunteerism must rise - and more

The catechist's three-dimensional role - Three virtues religion fosters that benefit society - An explosion of cultural diversity in U.S. church - Why traditionalist bishop's Holocaust views matter to people in the pew - and much more

Lent in 2009 - Where Is Happiness Found? - The Holocaust and Bishop Williamson - Year of St. Paul - and more

Is hope possible in times of lessened optimism? - Pastoral advice of the pope to parents: baptismal insights - The bishops and the new president -- Society's fresh opportunity to take stock of itself - and more!

Insights for family ministers: the Internet in home life -- How human trafficking works - Greed and its far-reaching effects - When parishes collaborate in youth ministry - and more!

Different kind of Christmas in year of economic crisis: Realities linked to economic downturn viewed from pastoral perspectives during holiday season -- Globalization and the path to peace -- Children of poverty are children of Christmas -- and more!

New World Day of Peace message -- Children of poverty in this season of a child named Jesus - Reflections on the life of Cardinal Avery Dulles - It's OK to be human: The angel's words to Mary - The financial crisis -- and more!

New epoch in U.S. church history: Diversity and the Hispanic presence - What leaders within the church do - Why the financial crisis is an ethical crisis - The environment and God's ongoing creation.

Perspectives on the economic crisis: the causes; the toll taken in people's lives; the church's response

Did the world Synod of Bishops say anything of value for parish life? The Word of God in the church's life.

Lectio Divina at the synod: An in-depth look - U.S. immigration reform and the next administration - Getting beyond the screaming and the divisiveness in society - Scripture as a living Word.

2008 world Synod of Bishops on the Word of God gets under way -- The reason it is important to know "the why" of pastoral ministry -- Preaching in the eucharistic community - Why the current U.S. immigration situation is "bad for the soul" - and much more!

Church leaders speak out on ethical dimensions of the economic crisis and its harm to ordinary people - A contemporary challenge to spirituality - What Catholic education is for - The dynamics of parish hospitality - and much more!

How lay ministers view themselves - The emergency that migration has become - What the virtue of hope is, and what it is not - The sacrament of confirmation - and much more.

Five ways to serve migrants and refugees - Interpreting new U.S. statistics on poverty - The importance of parish ministry to the already married - Homily preparation -- and much more!

Listening-in on the pope's summer question-and-answer session with clergy -- Welcoming the stranger with much more than a "hello" -- Young-adult ministry considerations -- Labor Day 2008 - and more!

Year of St. Paul: How much do we know about the apostle's life? - The basics of compassion - When church ministries compete with each other -- The Eucharist and the parish - and much more!

World Youth Day in Australia: ideas and insights gleaned from the July 15-20 events in Sydney for youth ministers, others in pastoral ministry, pastoral planners, even for youth groups and other discussion groups.

The church responds to the home-mortgage crisis - Why it matters that we bless people - The makings of a leader - Bread's role in salvation history - Where in the world the church's people will be found in the future.

Upcoming synod on the Bible: Liturgy of the Word; biblical fundamentalism; "lectio divina" - Annual meeting of National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management: Insights on leadership and management, and how they relate to each other

The parish and evangelization: Will returning Catholics feel welcome? - Three vital sources of hope - What makes Catholics reluctant to evangelize? - Surging food costs and the poor -- The church's divided people

Review of "Shaping Catholic Parishes," newly published book about the many, diverse ministers and ministries in U.S. parishes today

Priests and Laity Together in Ministry - The Changing U.S. Parish - How to Speak With Nonbelievers About God -- Polarization - Prison Ministry - Sacramental Ministry to Immigrants

Preparing for Ministry in Multicultural Communities - What Is Religion's Purpose? How Can This Purpose Be Shown to Others? - Ministry in a World of Skyrocketing Food Costs - The Roots of Immigration - and More!

A Special Report on the Pope's Visit to America: Insights That Bear on Pastoral Ministry, Evangelization and the Work of Justice

The A-B-Cs of Pastoral Planning - Rescuing Religion From Two Current Tendencies - Ministry When Prisoners Go Home - Implementing One Diocese's Parish Reconfiguration Plan - and More!

Relating the Sacraments to Life - Cathedral Ministry of Charity to Those Lacking Health Insurance - Actions to Counteract Climate Change - What the Church Knows About Public Policy

What Resurrection Faith Means: Easter Perspective - A Preacher for Our Times - The Work of Reconciliation: Two Dimensions - Seven Marks of Vital, Growing Parishes - Community Summit Proposed to Address Crime and Violence

Who America's Religiously Unaffiliated Adults Are - Pastoral Ministry Considerations: Marriage; Separated and Divorced Catholics - The Sacramentality of the Biblical Word -- Undocumented Immigrants: Taxes, Yes; Tax Rebates, No - Ordained Priests Are Deacons Too

What Makes People Happy? - Eucharistic Table: Dining With the Lord of Justice and Peace - Ministry Success Story in Washington: "The Light Is On for You" - Hispanics in the U.S. in 2050 -- What Lent is For: Breaking the Cycle of Negativity and Resentment

Focus on Health: Exercise; Anxiety - Ten Ways to Observe the Year of St. Paul - The Overlap of Racism and Poverty - Lent 2008 - Youth Ministry

Preaching in a Multicultural Church - Does All This New Technology at Home Leave Time to Spend With Others? -- Ministry to and With the Aging -- The Consuming Quest of Security -- Evangelization Approaches -- and more!

Ministries With Hispanic Catholics, With Teens; Christmas in January (or July); The Next Step in Social-Justice Ministry; Reflection on Celibacy; History of Catholic Prayer; Parish Councils

Homily Preparation; How New Vatican Document Describes Evangelization; Contemplative Prayer; Story of a Family and the Mass; Pastoral Planning for Growth - and More

Special Report: The New Encyclical on Hope -- and much more!

Advent Reflection - Overview of U.S. Bishops' Catholic Teaching and Political Life Statement - The Gifts of People With Disabilities - Migration's Root Causes - Threat to the Young Posed by Reading's Decline - Faith Formation at Home - and Much More

The Value of Prison Ministry; U.S. Bishops' Fall Meeting; What Leadership Means; Next Steps in Iraq; Gratitude's Practice; Pastoral Planning Goals; The Catechist's Witness - and more

Special Report on Priests Serving Multiple Parishes, PLUS: How Understanding of the Liturgy Grows; Characteristics of Adult Faith-Formation Participants; Health Care Among Priests; Acting in the Spirit of the Apostle Paul Today; Franz Jagerstatter, Man of Conscience - and more

What Blessed Mother Teresa's Spiritual Darkness Means for Others in Ministry; What Parish Councils Do; Making Oneself Present to Others to Carry the New Evangelization Forward; Year of St. Paul - and More

An Invitation to Participate in Our Online Forum -- Finding the Value in Your Work; Creative Dimensions of Pastoral Planning -- and Much More

Stewardship and Evangelization; Education, Cultural Diversity, Priesthood, Social Justice - and More

Every Life Has Value and Worth

Listening, Dialogue and more!

What Makes Marriage Work?

Words Worth Pondering

Evangelization Resource: Questions Inactive Catholics Ask

Excellent Preaching

Year of St. Paul: Focus on the Bible

Current Words Worth Pondering

Three Priorities for Priests

Why Hispanic Catholics Really Leave the Church

Reflections on Compassion and Being A Good Samaritan