Fr. Gene reflects on virtuous communication, Pope Francis and the Year of Mercy
October 12 -- Fr Gene's reflections on the environment and ecology and our place in the whole puzzle of God's green earth
August 11 -- Fr Gene talks about the Pope's latest encyclical and reflects on the Pope's upcoming visit and his thoughts on ecology and the environment
Can something as simple as a garden make a difference in your life? -- Father Gene explains how it's done -- August 12, 2014
This is the time of year when hope is in abundance -- Father Gene thinks so too, and shares some ideas about hope on Relevant Radio
Interesting interview with Fr. Gene about the changes we see all around us dealing with security -- our own and that of others
Gene Hemrick interviewed on Relevant Radio
Fr. Gene reflects on our teachers and the wisdom they share with us
December 13 Fr. Gene gets up early in the morning for a conversation about some great quotes for Advent
September 29 Kindness and Humor
August 23 Religious Symbolism in the U.S. Capitol Building
July 18 The need for more etiquette
June 14 On the book One Nation Under God
May 16 The Beauty of Silence
April 18 Sociability
March 18 Handling Disasters of Mother Nature
February 18 Our Foreign Missions
Gene Hemrick Travels to Lima, Peru to visit the Missions and files this Four Part Report --
Priesthood Vocation Stories (Booklets you can download and read on your computer or print out)
Volume One
Volume Two
Gene Hemrick interviews Bob Pelton on the movie Romero
Gene Hemrick Travels to Lima, Peru to visit the Missions -- a Four Part Report --
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
So You Want to be a Monk? -- Just Listen!
Oscar Romero -- A New Movie!
The Role of a Benedictine Prior and its relation to keeping a family together
St. Paul"s Staying Power
The New Liturgical Changes A'Coming
You want to know what a Priest Does and Experiences? Just listen!
Priests Have Their Ups-and-Downs Also
Discussing Catholic Social Justice for our Times
The Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies: Catholic research at its best
Priest as Social Scientist
Priest as Vicar General of a Diocese
A Day in the Life of a Parish Priest
Pastoral Leadership Secundum St. Benedict
Priestly Formation a la St. Benedict
Part One -- Serving as a Fireman
Part Two-- The seminary formation of a priest
Part Three -- Serving as a campus minister
Part Four -- Msgr. George Higgins: Labor Priest
Part Five -- Priest as Trucker
Part Six -- Fr. Walter Burghardt, S.J.: Preacher par excellence on a number of things
Part Seven -- Msgr. Jack Egan: Community organizer and champion of social justice.
Part Eight -- Priest as a man of Sacred Scripture, preacher and celebrant of the liturgy
Part Ten -- An African American"s journey through the priesthood (Beginning)
Part Ten -- An African American"s journey through the priesthood (Conclusion)
Part Eleven -- A retired bishop who never retired his priesthood
Part Twelve -- A Latino Side of the Priesthood
Part Thirteen -- A Look at the Bizzare side of the Priesthood
Father Vernon O.S.B.: Psychology complementing Spirituality
St. Paul and the Christian Community
The Beauty of Joy by Fr. Tom Hart, O.S.B.
The Spirituality of Administration by Ann Garrido with commentary
Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me About Meaningful Work and Service by Mary Poplin
The New Ecumenism: How the Catholic Church after Vatican II Took Over the Leadership of the World Ecumenical Movement by Kenneth D. Whitehead
The Last Judgement: Michelangelo and the Death of the Renaissance by James A. Connor
Non Discriminating Embrace that still speaks the Truth by Ron Rolheiser with commentary by Gene Hemrick.
Reclaim the Fire: A Parish Guide to Evangelization by Rev. Martin Pable
The Institutional church needs you, you are part of it, whether you like it or not by Tom Roberts of the National Catholic Reporter
Wisdom and a Well-Rounded Life: What is a University? By Peter Milward, Fulcrum, Golden Colorado.
Living the Eucharist through Sports by James Penrice, St Pauls/Alba House, Staten Island, NY
God"s Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe"s Religious Crisis by Philip Jenkins, Oxford University Press
Pastoral Sensitivity to the place called parish and church
Sociologist William D'Antonio's reflection on what some see as our greatest challenge -- to address the angry, hateful divisions between people
Excellent Models for Pastoring Priests
Cardinal Mahony Bites on the Bullet on Ministry at NFPC Convention
Dave brings us a two part conversation with Dr. Stephen Schneck --
Part One -- The Moral Imperatives Confronting America Today
Part Two -- How Pastoral Ministers and Religious Educators can Address the Moral Dimensions of Public Policy
The Church"s Social Economic Teachings by Ron Rolheiser with a commentary by Gene Hemrick
An Interview with Glen and Kay Elsasser on the demise of the daily newspaper
On Becoming Beloved: Heroic Sanctity in Marriage by Patricia O"Malley Ashker [St. Paull/Alba] with commentary by Gene Hemrick
Spirituality and Sexuality by Ron Rolheiser with introduction by Gene Hemrick
Benedictine Inspirations from St. Vincent College and Archabbey
The Anatomy of Jealousy: Fr. Hemrick's thoughts on an article by Ron Rolheiser titled Congenital Jealousy and a Higher Invitation
The Rule of St. Benedict: Excellent spiritual reading for Lent
A Discussion with Dr. Jason King, Chair of Theology at St. Vincent in Latrobe, Pennsylvania: Marriage and Keeping it Together
On the Subject of Listening by Fr. Tom Hart: a Profound Reflection for Lent
Fr. Tom Hart with A Benedictine Perspective on Pastoral Ministry and Today"s Church
A Discussion with Dr. Jason King, Chair of Theology at St. Vincent in Latrobe: What Exactly is Dating?
Dr. Tim Kelly of St. Vincent in Latrobe: What Happened To Catholics in the 1950s?
More Great Audio From Our Digital Library
Listen With Your Heart, by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO, Parclete Press, Brewster, MA. 2007: An Excellent Meditation for Lent!
Dr. William D'Antonio -- Interview on his years at Notre Dame -- 1959 --
Dr. William D'Antonio prominent research fellow of the Life Cycle Institute at Catholic University discusses his journey that led him to sociology -- Part One
Our Struggle in Faith – Between Knowing It Is True and Believing It! With commentary by Gene Hemrick
The Legacy of Thomas Merton
Dave sits down to talk to Dr. Stephen Schneck, a political scientist from The Catholic University of America. He is the director of the Life Cycle Institute, a center for the study of Catholic social thought and public policy. In Part One and Two Dr. Schneck discusses the common good -- what it really means and why it matters.
In Part Three Dr. Schneck continues his examination of the common good by discussing some of the ways individuals and groups promote the common good in society and some specific challenges they run into.
The Healing Embrace of the Eucharist by Ron Rolheiser
Maturity --- Being Cool or Being Vulnerable? By Ron Rolheiser
Carrying Our Solitude at a High Level by Ron Rolheiser
When Serving the Lord, Ministers Are Often Found To Neglect Themselves by Samuel G. Freedman in the New York Times, Jan. 9, 2009
Leading the Assembly in Prayer: A Practical Guide for Lay and Ordained Presiders by Michael J. Begolly
Owen Phelps speaks of how we can learn to lead like Jesus so that we can be more effective Christian leaders at work, at home and everywhere in between
Another World: A Retreat in the Ozarks by William Claassen, Sheed and Ward, Chicago, 2007. pp. 195
Sense of the Faithful: How American Catholics Live Their Faith by Jerome P. Baggett, Oxford University Press, New York. 2009.
Living with Lewy"s; Empowering Today"s Dementia Caregiver: A Revolutionary New Survival Guide for All Caregivers; Especially Caregivers of Patients with Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Alzheimer"s and Other Dementias by Amy and Gerald Throop, Cando Books, Boyne City, Michigan. [An excellent resource for persons in pastoral care and caregivers!].
Our Struggle to Celebrate by Ron Rolheiser
The Gospel of Mark by Mary Healy, Baker Academics, Grand Rapids, MI. 2008.
The Struggle with Terrorism by Ron Rolheiser
Goodies being offered by the National Federation of Priests Councils [NFPC]
An interview with Abbot Dismas of St. Procopius Abbey in Lisle, IL. In it, we discuss St. Benedict, the history of the Benedictines and how their way of life applies to living everyday in the real world
Everything we are given is for our use not for our possession -- reflections on
Ad Usam: For Use Onlyby Ron Rolheiser
Old and New Struggles with the Church by Ron Rolheiser
Pro-life"s day after: Five priorities for the anti-abortion movement to save the unborn by Greg Erlandson, president and publisher of Our Sunday Visitor
An Open Letter to the President-elect on U.S. and Vatican relations by John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter
The Enormous Power of Telling Our Stories
An Interview with Sr. Janet Mock, C.S.J. on Understanding our African American Brothers and Sisters
Introverts and Extroverts and the Spiritual Journey by Ron Rolheiser
Sage Tips for Priests in parish ministry
Seeds of Hope: Young Adults and the Catholic Church in the United States by Tim Muldoom: Paulist Press, 2008
A Balanced Life: 9 Strategies for Coping with the Mental Health Problems of a Loved One
The Humility of God: A Franciscan Perspective
For those who feel they aren't as close to God as they should be
Assessing the Strength of Ministry in the U.S. Catholic Church
The Mission Driven Parish by Patrick J. Brennan, Orbis, Maryknoll, NY. 2008. Listen to it all to obtain some excellent insights on how to make a parish more vibrant and connected
The Gospel of Mark by Mary Healy, Baker Academic publishers, 2008: The interpretation of becoming like little children
Profound questions for making evangelization more effective from the world synod of bishops on the bible
The Church by Richard McBrien, HarperCollins, NY: A Book Review with an excellent excerpt on ministry!
A Case study worth reflecting on for those who serve the public
An Interview with Bishop Gerald Kicanas: Thought on the homily and this year of elections
Blessed are the Weak by Ron Rolheiser
An Interview with Fr. Bob Pelton CSC of Notre Dame University: What is happening in Latin America and its lessons for the U.S.
A unique reflection on Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd
Newman 101: A Man for our times. Published by Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN. 2008. Pp. 174.
The Divine Sabotage: An Expository Journey through Ecclesiastes
The Problem of Suffering and Evil
Transformations of La Familia on the U.S. – Mexico Border -- Edited by Raquel R. Marquez and Harriett D. Roma
A Case Study from St. Luke"s Institute on Social Skills: Wonderful tips for getting along with others
Pope Benedict"s Desire for Christianizing a Secular Europe
Pathways of Hope and Faith Among Hispanic Teens: Pastoral Reflections and Strategies Inspired by the National Study of Youth and Religion
Pope Benedict"s Inspiring thoughts for Priests
A Case Study from St. Luke"s Institute: Fr. David and Boundaries
Hans Kung: Disputed Truth, Memoirs II
A digital review of the book -- Spiritual Evolution: A Scientific Defense of Faith, by Dr. George E. Vaillant, M.D. Random House, New York, 2008
Some thoughts on -- Catholics to explore evangelization in cutting-edge online conference -- A Catholic News Release
A digital review of the book -- Beyond Tolerance: Searching for Interfaith Understanding in America, Viking 2008
Some thoughts on -- On Cultivating or Not Cultivating Loneliness by columnist, writer and author Ron Rohheiser
An audio review of Reaching Out: How to communicate Gospel hope and love to 21st century Catholics, Author: Joseph Lynch, S.M., Resurrection Press, New Jersey 2008 pp. 159
An audio review of Gathered to Serve: Prayers for Parish Leaders, Author: Jerry Galipeau, World Library Publications, J.S. Paluch. Franklin Park, IL. 2008. Pp. 94
Open the Door -- A Journey to the True Self -- Joyce Rupp
When Priests Move Out to be Among the People, the Church moves!
How Do We Attract Young People to Church Ministry?
A review of the book Pope John Paul II and The Family
Something New Is Happening in Lay Ministry!-- a review of an article by Bishop Blasé Cupich
A Project Parishes and Neighbors Should Think of Reduplicating