Mel Gibson --
Passion and Politics
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, The Bible, The Jews, and the Death of Jesus: A Collection of Catholic Documents, Washington, DC, pp. 110
The Movie -- Thinking of You, by Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick -- thoughts on Mel Gibson's The Passion
Peggy Noonan, A Great Moment In the Life of an Artist, Talking with James Caviezel after his meeting with the pope
Opinion poll on the film “The Passion”
The Passion of the Christ by Tom McCurrie
'Passion' (Contd): A Timid Debate, by Alessandra Stanley, published: February 20, 2004, in the New York Times
Gibson's 'Passion' earns "R" rating for graphic violence, by Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Who Killed Jesus?, by Jon Meacham from Newsweek
Controversy Surrounds Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, Catholic News Service
From the New York Times -- Some Christians See 'Passion' as Evangelism Tool, by Laurie Goodstein, Published in New York Times: February 5, 2004
The Jewish Abuse and Mockery of Jesus, The Marcan Account, taken from The Death of the Messiah, by Raymond Brown
Brown, Raymond, The Death of the Messiah, Volumes One and Two, Doubleday, New York, Volume Two
Some Excellent Links to Sites on the Internet for Additional Information
The Passion of the Christ -- Official Website
The Passion of the Christ -- Fan website
The Passion Outreach -- Pastoral advice for group discussions
The Jesus War: Mel Gibson and "The Passion" article by Peter Boyer (15 September 2003), reprint from "The New Yorker."
The Gospel According to Gibson: Mad Mel article by Paula Fredriksen (28 July 2003) The New Republic. This article summarizes the major flashpoints that erupted over the Bishop's committee study last summer
News Release from US Bishops -- 11 June 2003. Clarification, sort-of apology, for the USCCB's report, reserving the right of the USCCB to review the movie when it is formally released, as it does other films
Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion -- Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, 1988
Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion, Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, 1988. pdf scanned copy of document
Study Guide -- "Facts, Faith, and Film Making: Jesus' Passion and Its Portrayal" (4 pages), by Boston College Center for Christian-Jewish Learning
The Passion: Resource Manual -- American Jewish Committee (42 pages)
Nostra Aetate -- Declaration on the Relation of the Church to non-Christian Religions (28 October 1965), especially §4
Anti-Defamation League -- FAQs and links. Mostly Jewish objections
Rabbi Daniel Lapin -- A rabbi speaks out on Gibson's film (22 September 2003)
Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ -- by Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824). Other source used by Gibson in his film. The site here has the text, and helpful notes about it
Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap. -- "'The Passion of Christ': See this Film," Denver Catholic Register (28 January 2004). Author is Archbishop of Denver
Interview with Fr. Augustine DiNoia -- Undersecretary for Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Interview: 8 December 2003