Featured Author
Romano Guardini
Such is the wonderful fact that the liturgy demonstrates: it unites art and reality in a supernatural childhood before God… [Worship] has one thing in common with the play of the child and the life of art -- it has no purpose, but is full of profound meaning. It is not work, but play. To be at play, or to fashion a work of art in God's sight -- not to create, but to exist -- such is the essence of the liturgy. From this is derived its sublime mingling of profound earnestness and divine joyfulness. -- Romano Guardini, The Spirit of the Liturgy. Trans. Ada Lame. London: Sheed & Ward, 1937
Featured Works
An Excellent Meditation for Anyone Who has ever Faced Depression, Finding One’s Center, From the book Romano Guardini: Spiritual Writings
Truth and the Eucharist, From: Preparing Yourself for Mass, by Romano Guardini, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, NH
The Mass as Institution, From the book: Preparing Yourself for Mass, by Romano Guardini, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, New Hampshire
The Liturgy as Play, by Romano Guardini, Read slowly and reflectively to the end, and savor the last two paragraphs
The Crisis of Ethical Norms, Thoughts of Romano Guardini on ethics that are as pertinent to CEO's, church leaders and Ecologists
as when he wrote them 50 years ago
Guardini, Romano, The Lord, Gateway Editions, South Bend, IN
Guardini, Romano, Sacred Signs, Michael Glazier, Inc. 106 pp.
Guardini, Romano, The Virtues, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, NH pp. 163