Posted June 24, 2005
Response to a study conducted by Boston College on what the Church needs to improve
6.32 . . . Implementing policies to prevent future abuse
6.20 . . . Restoring credibility and trust in the hierarchy's leadership
5.93 . . . Providing greater opportunities for lay involvement in guiding the Church
5.93 . . . Attracting younger Catholics to the institutional Church
5.89 . . . Healing the victims of clerical sexual abuse
5.79 . . . Redefining the role of women in the Church
5.77 . . . Reinvigorating the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist
5.75 . . . Addressing the continuing decline in the number of priests
5.72 . . . Bringing together the hierarchy and Catholic scholars to discuss controversial issues
5.63 . . . Communicating the Church's social justice mission more effectively
5.63 . . . Addressing the gap between Church teaching on sexuality and Catholic practice
5.43 . . . Re-engagaing Catholics only peripherally involved in parish life
5.32 . . . Promoting biblical and theological education among Catholics
4.92 . . . Emphasizing the Church's counter-cultural role in contemporary society
4.78 . . . Reaffirming the need for fidelity to the theological and moral teachings of the Church
4.77 . . . Finding common ground between conservatives and liberals