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Posted February 5, 2005

International Priests -- Statistics

Dr. Dean Hoge and Fr. Aniedi Okure, O.P. at the Life Cycle Institute at the Catholic University of America, and the Bishops’ Conference and NFPC are about to publish a book on international priests in this country. Below are some of the statistics they have attempted to put together to better understand this phenomenon.

Diocesan Priests

Religious Priests

(Number of Respondents 170) (Number of Repondents 57)
Average Age of International Priests 47 45

How long do you expect to stay in the United States?
For a year or less 5% 4%
2 or 3 years 13% 7%
4 or 5 years 9% 13%
More than 5 years 34% 32%
Uncertain 39% 45%

In which country did you complete your seminary studies
Africa 16% 12%
India 18% 12%
Asia and Pacific Except India 20% 25%
Latin America 19% 4%
Europe, including Rome 8% 21%
United States 20% 30%

Are you a full time student?
Yes 11% 16%