Posted October 1, 2005
Book: Missing Mary: The Queen of Heaven and her Re-emergence in the Modern
Author: Charlene Spretnak
Palgrave Macmillan, NY, pp. 280
Excerpt from Endorsements:
“In Missing Mary, Charlene Spretnak details the opposition to Our Lady
during and after the Second Vatican Council, how liturgists, catechists,
religious educators, ecumenists and feminist theologians have tried to
diminish Mary’s role in Catholic life . . .She argues that they almost
succeeded, but now there are signs of a ‘return to Mary.’” Fr. Andrew
“Missing Mary is a classic! Charlene Spretnak offers authentic insight into
the mystery that is Mary. The book is elegant, playful, and real. It’s
history and theology. It’s mystic, scientific, and above all, it’s
cosmological. Fr. Thomas Berry, Author of The Great Work
Excerpt from the book:
In March 1987 Pope John Paul II composed a more strongly Marian
interpretation of Vatican II’s decisions than was his predecessor’s Marialis
cultus. In order to launch the Marian Year, he issued Redemptorius Mater
(The Mother of the Redeemer). It is a lengthy explication (seventy-nine
pages in booklet form) divided into three sections: Mary in the Mystery of
Christ, The Mother of God at the Center of the Pilgrim Church, and Maternal
Mediation. The entire text is larded with biblical citations and sprinkled
with reminders that it is in line with Vatican II, but beyond that, it is
infused with a warm and tender devotion to Mary. The third section, in
particular, reflects a lifetime of communion with Our Lady of Czestochowa
and other forms of the Blessed Mother. In this text, the pope honors – not
merely tolerates – the rich source of Marian spirituality that lies within
“the historical experience of individuals and the various Christian
communities present among the different peoples and nations of the world.”
Not surprisingly, he includes an admiring reference to St. Louis-Marie
Grignion de Montfort, an early eighteenth-century missionary in western
France who created an exuberant explication of the rosary and Marian
devotion. The Secret of the Rosary, based on his observation about the
biblical account of the Incarnation: Jesus had to entrust himself to Mary,
and we are to imitate Jesus. Therefore, concluded St. Louis de Monfort, the
Blessed Virgin is a strategic and central element in the divine plan for our
. . . The current pope has been on the Marian path since his adolescence,
when he served as president of the large Marian society in his hometown. As
a young Polish priest, Karol Wojtyla consecrated himself to the Blessed
Mother, considering her the spiritual guest in his soul, as the apostle John
had done. When he was made an archbishop, Fr. Wojtyla inserted into his
coat-of-arms an unmistakable Marian symbol, a large “M,” which he carried
into his papal seal years later. Similarly, his papal motto continues his
earlier declaration of his spiritual consecration to Mary: Totus tuus (My
Entire Self is Yours).
Table of Contents:
Introduction: Being Marian
1. The Virgin and the dynamo: a rematch
2. The quiet rebellion against the suppression of Mary
3. Premodern Mary meets postmodern cosmology
4. Where Mary still reigns
5. Why the Church deposed the Queen of Heaven
6. Mary’s biblical and syncretic roots
7. Her mystical body of grace
Epilogue: Being Mary