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Posted November 28, 2005

The Life Cycle Institute
The Center for the Study of Culture and Values

In the framework of the Euro-American Colloquia on Citizenship –
2005 edition, are glad to invite you to attend the mini-conference:

“The Question of NGOs Citizen Participation and Political Representation in Democracy”

Monday, December 5th, 2005

Samuel BARNES, Prof. German & European Studies, Georgetown University
Maryann CUSIMANO LOVE, Assc. Prof. Politics, Catholic University of America
Michael HOWARD, Centre for Democracy and the Third Sector
Giovanni MORO, President of FONDACA, Active Citizenship Foundation, Rome
John WHITE, Prof. Politics, Catholic University of America

Jane FLAX, Prof. Political Science, Howard University
Michael FOLEY, Assc. Prof. Politics, Catholic University of America
John KROMKOWSKY, Assc. Prof. Politics, Catholic University of America
Invited Speakers from the East-West Center, Urban Institute, and Brookings Institution

LUNCHEON SERVED PER R.S.V.P. (Negash@cua.edu)

Contact: Stephen Schneck, Director, Life Cycle Institute (Schneck@cua.edu) The Euro-American Colloquia on Citizenship is a program of the Active Citizenship Foundation, aimed at filling the information gap on differences and similarities between European and American citizenship through specific events in the US and in Europe.

Fondaca, Active Citizenship Foundation, Via Flaminia 71, 00196 Rome, Italy. Tel. +39 06 36006173 – fax +39 06 3207495 www.fondaca.org - home@fondaca.org