Pope Paul VI
The life of Paul VI from the Catholic Encyclopedia
Featured Works
On Evangelization in the Modern World
, by Pope Paul VI, Thoughts from Pope Paul VI
well worth pondering given the issues the Church presently faces.
Revisiting the Characteristics of the Dialogue By Pope Paul VI
Sacerdotalis Caelibatus
, (The Celibacy of the Priest),
Pope Paul VI, Encyclical promulgated on June 24, 1967
Pope Paul VI -- His Encyclical
-- This will link you to the most amazing list of Papal Encyclicals I've ever seen!
The Vatican's Official Site on the Pope Paul VI
-- includes a biography, list of writings, and all the information you could want about Pope Paul VI.
The Papacy
-- All you could ever want to know about the history of the Papacy and the Popes.