Posted October 10, 2005
Book: The Prophetic Call: Celebrating Community, Earth, Justice, and Peace
Editor: Hugh Sanborn
Chalice Press, St. Louis, MO, pp. 206
An Excerpt from the Jacket:
Of all the roles the church is called to fulfill, its prophetic mission is
frequently the most neglected. The Prophetic Call focuses on this disturbing
and yet liberating form of witness, as it brings together a wide range of
social ethicists, activists, and theologians to probe the deepest meaning of
what it means for us today to take up the cross and follow Christ. Essays
include the following:
The Prophets as Challengers of Authority - John Bullard
The Failure of Community - Sharon G. Thornton
Building Authentic Faith Communities - Ismael Garcia
A Prophetic Vision of Building Worldwide Community Charles McCollough
Becoming a Church for Ecology and Justice - Dieter T. Hessel
A Prophetic Vision of Restoring the Earth - David W. Randle
Issues of Injustice in the Church and Soociety - Cynthia Bowman
Building a Peacemaking Church - Jay Lintner
A Prophetic Vision of Establishing Worldwide Peace - Hugh W. Sanborn
An Excerpt from the Book:
A year into the U.S. war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda, a freshman
Congressman uttered a revealing remark. He had been “surprised,” he said, to
learn that “people from other countries have different values than we do.”
He had always thought that other people were “just like us.” Unfortunately,
this reflects geographical and cultural illiteracy that are characteristic
of our culture. With 10 percent of U.S. people having been born abroad, we
do not need to travel far to find people who can teach us about other
cultures and the wider world. Another approach is to get a passport, travel,
see, and listen. A recent visitor to Berlin learned an encouraging lesson
from his experience there. “Berliners of all ages,” he wrote, “leave an
indelible impression of broadly humanistic and progressive values. . .many
Germans. . .have responded to Nazism and its legacy. . .with an indivisible
commitment to oppose all forms of oppression.”
The Germans had changed so much in fifty years was not an accident of
history; it was largely the consequence of the combination of international
pressure and the struggle of conscientious intellectuals who honored their
fundamental responsibility: naming reality, imagining alternatives, and
working to bring them to fruition.
We have many models for such integrity in the United States. At the height
of the Cold War, C. Wright Mills challenged intellectuals to examine their
co-optation and their roles in preparing the world for a nuclear World War
III. He inveighed upon his peers to “fight against the doctrine that . .
.there are no alternatives. . .We should take democracy seriously and
literally. . .We must,” he urged, “attempt to educate, and then again to
impute responsibility. . .we must reveal by our work the meaning of
structural trends and historic decisions . . .we must state what we have
found out concerning the consequences of the decisons of the high and the
Confronting what Senator William J. Fulbright called the failure of scholars
“who ought to be acting as responsible and independent critics of the
governments’ policies but who instead becme the agents of these policies.”
Noam Chomsky skewered the “mandarins” of the U.S. imperial establishment. In
American Power and the New Mandarins, he described how, as U.S.
intellectuals achieved the status of a doubly privileged elite, the
“inequities of society” recede from vision. Chomsky wrote that, “It is the
responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies.”
Chomsky modeled such teaching by deconstructing and rewriting histories of
the Spanish Civil War and the U.S. invasion of Vietnam.
The nation’s intellectual life begins in elementary and secondary schools
that increasingly resemble the rigid class hierarchies and undemocratic
values of the Pakistani educational system. Elite private schoos serve the
wealthy and the fortunate few who win scholarships and then must navigate
the shoals of alienation on a daily basis. Public schoos in U.S. cities and
rural areas are often woefully underfunded and frequently lack essentials:
books, paper, and dedicated and well-educated teachers. Finally there are
the U.S. versions of madrassas – religious schools tht inculcate
fundamentalist and authoritarian values. Even in many U.S. public schools,
religious fundamentalists, like the Taliban, seek to prohibit the teaching
of evolutionary science. Democratic alternatives have long been known. They
begin with ample funding for public education and move through updated and
multicultural versions of the pedagogy described by John Dewey in Experience
and Education. Dewey understood that teachers should be constantly
re-creating learning environments to provide opportunities for learning and
openings for engagement with a variety of aspects of the subject at hand.
While urging structured flexibility, Dewey insisted on honoring the
continuity of learning, building on what is known, and has captured the
learner’s interest.