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Major Events in Church and Around the Country
From November -- January 2006

Upcoming Events At The Washington Theological Union

6896 Laurel Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20012
Phone: 202-726-8800 for more information

[Washington Theological Union is 3 blocks
from the Takoma Park Metro Station]

Events are free, donations welcomed

Sunday Dec. 4

Beauty in Galilee and Gilead
William McConville, OFM
Fr. McConville will explore the marvelous convergence of grace and beauty within a theology of the incarnation and will draw upon the texts of the vesper service as well as Marilynne Robinson’s splendid novel, Gilead

5:00 pm in the Connelly Chapel of Holy Wisdom
Reception follows


World Aids Day, Dec. 1.

December 5

Life Cycle Institute of Catholic University Presents a Conference on “The Question of NGOs Citizen Participation and Political Representation in Democracy” Click here for more details.

December 7

The Life Cycle Institute at The Catholic University of America presents Michele Dillon, Ph. D, Professor of Sociology, University of New Hampshire, Catholic Women in a Changing Church, December 7, 2005, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. at the LCI Auditorium
(Click on this link for more information)

Hanukkah begins, Dec. 26.


World Day of Peace, Jan. 1.

National Migration Week, Jan. 1-7.

Annual meeting of North American Academy of Liturgy, San Diego, Jan. 5-8.

Annual meeting of American Catholic Historical Association, Philadelphia, Jan. 6-8.

Epiphany, Jan. 8.

National Catholic conference for the deaf, Albuquerque, N.M., Jan. 13-18.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed, Jan. 16.

Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan. 18-25.

National prayer vigil for life, Washington, Jan. 22-23.

March for Life, Washington, Jan. 23.

Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 29-Feb. 4.