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Attitude Questions About Priesthood

(In Percents)

All Priests Diocesan Religious
In the future, if you would be asked to restrict your work to sacramental and liturgical duties, would you be satisfied or dissatisfied?

Very to Somewhat Satisfied
44% 50% 35%

Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
10% 9% 10%

Somewhat to very dissatisfied
43% 38% 52%

I Don't know
3% 3% 3%

Which of the following statements most clearly reflects your feeling about your future in the priesthood?

I will definitely or probably not leave
95% 95% 96%

I am uncertain about my future
4% 4% 4%

I will probably or definitely decide to leave
1% 1% 1%

If celibacy for priests became optional, do you think you would ever get married?

Certainly to probably yes
12% 15% 7%
Uncertain 12% 13% 9%

Probably to certainly no
76% 72% 84%

If you had your choice again, would you enter the priesthood?

Definitely yes to probably yes
88% 87% 90%
Uncertain 8% 9% 6%
Probably not to definitely not 4% 4% 4%

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