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A working bibliography of good resources for preachers and others interested in scripture compiled by Sr. Barbara Reid, O.P.

It's in the News! Click here to read some interesting articles we've found about the priesthood in the news and from various other sources.

Articles -- Click on this link to visit our source page of magazine articles from Origins that have a specific bearing on our work and our mission. Feel free to share your thoughts about them on our Discussion Board.

Books -- Click on this link for an alphabetical listing of the authors which will also allow you to read a summary of each volume.

Statistics -- Click on this link to take a look at some interesting statistics about the current state of the Priesthood.


Washington Theological Consortium -- EcuNotes #17 (March 2003)

Washington Theological Consortium -- EcuNotes #16 (February 2003)

Washington Theological Consortium EcuNotes #15 (October 2002)

Washington Theological Consortium - EcuNotes #14 (September 2002)

Washington Theological Consortium EcuNotes #13 (July 2002)

This Web page was created and is maintained by the National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood. Please send comments to Father Hemrick


Last updated September 7, 2004