Going On, Ahead, Ron Rolheiser
Hopes for Priestly Life: Credibility, Friendship, Honesty
Remove the pews and let sacred sites evolve, Donna Schaper
Opioid crisis: Seeking help for pastoral response, Peter Feuerherd
What will happen at the Vatican when Trump meets Pope Francis?, Joshua J. McElwee
When Does Faith Disappear?, Ron Rolheiser
The pain of mental illness and the grace of Catholic faith, Hannah Wingett
Emma Watson, 'The Circle,' and Satire Gone Awry, Published May 8, 2017 in Film, Pop Culture, Science & Technology
Coming Full Circle -- From Storybooks to Spirituality, Ron Rolheiser
Despair as Weakness Rather than Sin, By Ron Rolheiser
Activist wants NYC's shuttered churches put to use, Peter Feuerherd
Francis' Visit to Egypt: Why Was It a Big Deal?
Planes or Open Plains? My 7-hour Life Lesson on a Bus
An Extraordinary Book, Ron Rolheiser
Becoming A Holy Beggar, April 24, 2017, Ron Rolheisser
Pope Francis: The World is Not Round, Published Apr 24, 2017 in Faith & Politics, Global Catholicism, Spirituality
Five Hundred Years of Misunderstanding, Ron Rolheiser
Remembering Fr. Dan Mallette, legendary Chicago street priest, Michael Leach
Good Friday, By Ron Rolheiser
Finding Treasure
Offering a 'Welcome Home', Taken from The Jesuit Post
Doing Violence in God's Name, Ron Rolheiser
Called and Delayed Response
Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2017
Prayer from the desk of Arnold Palmer
Our Shadow and our Self-Understanding, Ron Rolheiser
Nothing is Ever Really Ours, Ron Rolheiser
Beware of Dead White Dudes
Many languages and traditions, together before our God, Elwin C. Schwab
Norristown parish offers one-stop health assistance, Peter Feuerherd
The Flavor of God’s Energy, Ron Rolheiser
Parishes meet anxiety about increased deportation actions with counsel, support, Peter Feuerherd
The Struggle to Encounter the Other
The Heart of Virtue According to Romano Guardini, Eugene Hemrick
Of Virtue and Sin, Ron Rolheiser
Like Mother, Like Son, On Food and Lent
Closing the Golf Course at Washington, D.C.'s Armed Forces Retirement Home: An Effective Means for Rehabilitating Our Troops Being Terminated
Of Winners and Losers, by Ron Rolheiser
A haven for the poor in Margaritaville, Peter Feuerherd
#Examen: Clicking, Liking, and Posting for the Greater Glory
Nothing focuses the mind more intensely than death, Bill Tammeus
Welcoming the Stranger, Ron Rolheiser
Four Reasons Not to Read This Article
What I saw in the megachurches, by Stephen Bullivant
Truth First then Reconciliation
Democratic Prophecy
Embittered Moralizing, By Ron Rolheiser
Building a Culture of Life
God's Power as Powerlessness, By Ron Rolheiser
True lesson of Dorothy Day's 'Coffee Cup Mass', Brian Terrell
Discovering the true self in God with Merton's guidance
San Jose diocese backs efforts to shelter immigrants, Dan Morris-Young
Peace is only found in yes
Taking our Wounds to the Eucharist, By Ron Rolheiser
Nationalism by Bishop Robert McEroy, San Diego
Pope Francis Revolution
National Migration Week
Orthodoxy, Sin, and Heresy, Ron Rolheiser
Courage's new director: pope's language of accompaniment 'is very useful for us', Peter Feuerherd
When a mother loses a child, reach out with tears, not words, pope says, Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
The Best of What I Read in 2016
Colman McCarthy makes sure students learn peace, Tom Roberts
My Favorite Books of 2016, By Ron Rolheiser
Called Out of Consumption
Incarnation -- God is with Us, Ron Rolheiser
Brooklyn bishop pledges to support diocese's immigrants against deportations, Peter Feuerherd
Advent - It's NSFW
Our Churches as Sanctuaries, Ron Rolheiser
Fidel Castro left Cuba a green legacy, Stephen Zunes
Filmmaker Martin Scorsese talks about his faith, upcoming movie 'Silence', Cindy Wooden
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Reflects on the Last Things, Edward Pentin
Cardinal Cupich shoulders Chicago's Catholic future, Joshua J. McElwee
The Martyrdom of Inadequate Self-Expression, by Ron Rolheiser
Parish provides rechargeable solar lamps to its Ugandan 'twin'
Irish priest warns of depression among overworked clerics
My Fellow [Liberal] Americans: We're Doing It Wrong
The Wounded Church
The End of the World, Ron Rolheiser
The Mom: Thanks
The Dangers in being a Warrior Prophet, Ron Rolheiser
5 Steps to Discover Your Calling, Taken from The Jesuit Post
Students get their hands dirty at Stonehill, Peter Feuerherd
Does the United States need anger management?, Phyllis Zagano
Embodying Mercy: An Interview with Sister Norma Pimentel, MJ
Why Dark Nights of the Soul?, Ron Rolheiser
Catholic church can play vital role in healing the nation
Aging priests in Ireland said to increasingly face depression, isolation, Nick Bramhill
The Real Presence, Ron Rolheiser
Why Elections are Unserious
From Sweden, Francis proposes six new Beatitudes for the modern era, Joshua J. McElwee
We pray for all souls today -- but we're not always so inclusive, Brett Hoover
San Diego diocesan synod seeks to put 'Amoris Laetitia' into action, Amy Morris-Young Dan Morris-Young
The Loss of an Ideal
Our Resistance to Love, Ron Rolheiser
Accepting Help to Heal the Heart, Published Oct 26, 2016 in Blogs, Spirituality
Mental Illness and a Football Icon
Already in the Confessions, Augustine is the doctor of grace, Gregory Baum
Pope tells Jesuits to walk to peripheries, be open to future, Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
The Jesuit Trade, Published Oct 18, 2016 in Education, In the News, Justice
Father Michael Pfleger: 'Just a parish priest', By Martin E. Marty
On not Cultivating Restlessness, Ron Rolheiser
The Relevance of Irrelevance
Ignatian Yoga
One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Home
Contemplative Prayer, Ron Rolheiser
William James' defense of faith was liberating, Sidney Callahan
The Struggle to not make God our own Tribal Deity, Ron Rolheiser
Software, Moral Formatting, and Living in Sin, Ron Rolheiser
Finances Differ From Parish to Parish, October 7, 2015, By Dennis Sadowski
Indulgences Revisited, By Ron Rolheiser
On Patriotism, Protest, and Prayer, The Jesuit Post
Pairing parishes yields understanding, advances mission, Peter Feuerherd
Editorial: Make action on poverty a national priority, NCR Editorial Staff
Church Going Solar
Fat Like Me, Taken from the Jesuit Post
Feeding off Life's Sacred Fire, By Ron Rolheiser
From Paranoia to Metanoia
Maintaining Our Zest in Challenging Times, Eugene Hemrick
You want to be a leader, then listen, Eugene Hemrick
The Fainthearted Need Not Apply to the Priesthood, Eugene Hemrick
Hospitality demands patience, persistence, David Kelly | Aug. 15, 2016 NCR Today, National Catholic Reporter
Put yourself in the shoes of a refugee, Tony Magliano | Aug. 15, 2016 Making a Difference
6 Spiritual Lessons Learned from Watching Michael Phelps
A Happy Death, By Ron Rolheiser
Reconciliation in Chicago: Behind the impossible is the grace of God, David Kelly
Providing legal help is a new parish trend, Dan Morris-Young
Days in the life of a pastor, Robert Kus
Francis makes rousing call for millennials to get off couch and fix world, Joshua J. McElwee
Finding Freedom Amidst Fear
Our Fear of Hell, Ron Rolheiser
Pope Francis Meets With Rome's parishes
Lay leader in Louisiana connecting young Latinos with Catholic church, Catholic News Service
Broken, But Not Giving Up, Published Jul 28, 2016 in Blogs, Spirituality
More Than Spanish: 7 Things a VP Candidate Might Learn From a Year of Service Abroad
Leaving the busy city for the quiet of the woods, Donna Liette
Suicide and Mental Health, Ron Rolheiser
An Honest Anger, Ron Rolheiser
'Circling the City with Love' campaign aims to bridge cultural divides, Christine Schenk
Reconciliation in Chicago: A light no one can extinguish, David Kelly | Jul. 11, 2016 NCR Today
For Your Goodness - A Prayer of Gratitude in Trying Times
Our Deepest Insecurity, Ron Rolheiser
Latino council looks toward next 25 years, Soli Salgado
John Oliver and the Year Of Mercy, Published Jun 29, 2016 in Humor, In the News, Justice, Pop Culture, Pope Francis
Routine Maintenance, Published Jun 28, 2016 in Blogs, Spirituality
Chicago parishes look to do more with less through energy efficiency, Marie Venner | Jun. 28, 2016 Eco Catholic
Us First!, Ron Rolheiser
Pastors under pressure can benefit from 'Amazing Parish' program, Peter Feuerherd
Reconciliation in Chicago: Positive delusion, David Kelly
Reconciliation in Chicago: A bit of this and a dash of that, David Kelly
Of Guns and Pacifism, Ron Rolheiser
Parish leadership program turns ideas into actions, Peter Feuerherd | Jun. 16, 2016 NCR Today
Prayer During Tragedy, Published Jun 14, 2016 in In the News, Spirituality
Reason and violence, By Bernie Glos
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young
RENEW International inspires parishioners through small groups, Peter Feuerherd | Jun. 9, 2016 NCR Today
The World Needs More Fist Bumps, Published Jun 3, 2016 in Pop Culture, Sports
Sensitivity and Suffering, Ron Rolheiser
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young
The Joys and Travails of Travel!, By Gene Hemrick
Ordinary Goodness and our Spiritual Journey, Ron Rolheiser
A "Better Place" for Compliments
Francis to priests: Get your hands dirty; people aren't just 'cases', Joshua J. McElwee
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young
Acceptance: A Lesson in the Virtue of Realism, By Eugene Hemrick
Fight Your Own Battles
The Facts About Immigration, By Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio
Believing in God with her whole household, Irene Zarate Rivera
Two Short Stories with a Message
On Command, By Fr. Romano Guardini
Kurisumala made it clear I couldn't walk away, Paul Wilkes
On the Meaning of Old Age, By Fr. Romano Guardini
Statement guides me on my mission, Mariam Williams
Who Would I Be?, Taken from The Jesuit Post
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young
Youth Today -- Who are They Really?, Ron Rolheiser
I saw what the church can be, during a huge parish hall party, Mike Jordan Laskey
I Am Not Jesus
Women Deacons Discussed
The Ten Commandments of Mercy, Ron Rolheiser
Archbishop Cupich joins Austin parish in efforts to promote neighborhood peace, By Joyce Duriga
The Imperative of Human Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics for the Technological Age, by Hans Jonas
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young
Millennials Sure Do Love Their Internet . . . Right?
Dorothy Day's writings stir deep optimism 100 years later, Claire Schaeffer-Duffy
Daniel Berrigan -- RIP, Ron Rolheiser
Cultivating Mean
The Joys and Travails of Travel!
Popularity of fish fries has remained steadfast for decades, By Samantha Johnson, Special to the Journal Sentinel
Yes, I Belong Here: Dan Berrigan, SJ
Practices the Catholic Church Can Learn from Ikea
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, by Leonardo Boff
Three popes and life 'on the job' form Dominican, Peter Feuerherd
What Can The World of Research Teach Us?, By Eugene Hemrick
Francis: Spirit works in laypeople, 'is not property of the hierarchy', Joshua J. McElwee
More Joy, Washing Dishes and Witnessing the Resurrection
Take and Read: Hearers of the Word, William Madges
Seattle cathedral parish a model for 'field hospital' ministries, Dan Morris-Young
Sustainable future calls for new way of being, Alex Mikulich
Caring for Creation, Written by Louis McGill
My Back is Killing Me, Taken from The Jesuit Post
When did we confuse freedom of speech with the freedom to be rude?, Joan Chittister
Loyalty and Patriotism Revisited, Ron Rolheiser
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Peter Feuerherd
Dorothy Day's anarchism is the antidote to disappointing political system, Brian Terrell
The Privilege of Unbelief and the Enduring Question of God, Taken from The Jesuit Post
Love -- A Projection and a Reality, Ron Rolheiser
Reactions to pope's reflection on family life, NCR Staff | Apr. 13, 2016 NCR Today, Amoris Laetitia
Contending with Disillusion in Disillusioning Times, Eugene Hemrick
Michigan Catholic school hits the scales to reduce food waste, Traci Badalucco
Summary of Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family
Being At Our Best As A Priest, Eugene Hemrick
Francis' exhortation a radical shift to see grace in imperfection, without fearing moral confusion, Joshua J. McElwee
'Amoris Laetitia': Start with Chapter 4, Thomas Reese
Not Your Ordinary Monday
Paterson diocese cares for those impacted by developmental disabilities, Dan Morris-Young
The Skin I'm In
Body Language That Speaks Millions
The Power of Prayer and Ritual inside our Helplessness, Ron Rolheiser
Pacing Ourselves in Breathless Times, Sound body, sound mind -- Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Thales
Many Christian pastors offer bad theology about death, suffering, Bill Tammeus
The Triumph of Goodness, Ron Rolheiser
The Golden Rule Lived Out
Take and Read: The Interior Castle, Gillian T. W. Ahlgren
How to renew your spirit during Holy Week: Q and A with James Martin, Charles Camosy Religion News Service
"Laudato Si': Ecology, Poverty and Eschatology" (by Elliott Maloney)
Vatican to undertake ecological initiatives during Easter season, Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
LGBT-friendly parish has long history of ministry to homeless, sick, Thomas C. Fox
The Field Hospital: Grassroots Catholics promote ministries to inmates, Dan Morris-Young
Patience in an Age of Growing Impatience, Taken from the book Homespun Wisdom: Path to the Good Life by Eugene Hemrick
The Power of Fear, Ron Rolheiser
Small Suggestions, Big Changes
Eco-theologian Fr. Sean McDonagh: Don't let this 'Laudato Si'' moment pass, Brian Roewe, March 9, 2016 Eco Catholic
Keeping the Ecological Ball Rolling, Eugene Hemrick
Papal letters raise issues around clerical friendships with women, Jonathan Luxmoore
So far! So good? On Inevitability and Choice
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life, Dan Morris-Young, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
When did we confuse freedom of speech with the freedom to be rude?, Joan Chittister, Mar. 11, 2016 From Where I Stand
Tolerating blasphemy, denouncing hate, Thomas Reese
Five Steps to Learning a Language (Jesuit Style), Taken from The Jesuit Post, By Brian Strassburger, SJ
Sit Still for a Moment!, By Eugene Hemrick
How the Soul Matures, Ron Rolheiser
Priesthood: After Fifty Years, by Rev. Joseph McCloskey, S.J.
How Can I Be Less Dumb?, Taken from The Jesuit Post, By Michael Rossmann, SJ
I Am In Need Of Music, Taken from The Jesuit Post, By Eric Immel, SJ
Listening: A Sine Qua Non for True Friendship and Community Spirit
The Cries of Finitude, Ron Rolheiser
Take and Read: The Seven Storey Mountain, Donald Cozzens
The Wholeness of a Broken Heart, Damian Torres-Botello, SJ
Francis' challenge to bishops, Thomas Reese
Twice removed: Why our sacraments often don't connect with real life, Joseph Martos
Life-Enriching Community Spirit, by Eugene Hemrick
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For Lent 2016
Mourning our Barrenness, Ron Rolheiser
San Francisco parish's pews provide homeless with peace, respite, Dan Morris-Young
Remembering My Father, A Eulogy for Judge Scalia by Rev. Paul Scalia, Diocese of Arlington
God's Inexhaustibility, Ron Rolheiser
House Mass: The Mystery in the Mundane, Brendan Busse, SJ
Sudden Sadness and the World Around Me, By Eric Immel, SJ
Views from Alongside a Border, by Michael Seifert, Brownsville, Texas
On Reading Difficult Passages in Scripture, Ron Rolheiser
Inter-Mission: Waiting for the next act, by Janet Gildea
Mercy Me
Role models around a dinner table inspire hope, Christine Schenk
Frustrations from serving in 'The Field Hospital', Bill Tammeus
A New Creation
Communication and Mercy, Pope Francis
A Shirt of Flame, Ron Rolheiser
Maintaining Our Zest in Challenging Times, Eugene Hemrick
The Iowa Caucus: Just What We Need
Insulation: a practical implementation of Laudato Si', Thomas Reese
You want to be a leader, then listen, Eugene Hemrick
The Kiss of God on the Soul, Ron Rolheiser
Worth Reading: What "the Other" Can Say
Four ways to heal the divide between pro-life and social justice advocates, Mike Jordan Laskey -- Pro-Life
The Name of God is Mercy
Creating Endearing Friendships, Chi dorme con cani se leve con le pulci[i], Eugene Hemrick
On Bowing and Raising our Heads, Ron Rolheiser
Our Society's Throw Away People
The Field Hospital: Covering parish life throughout America, Peter Feuerherd
Simple Gestures and Signature Graces, The Jesuit Post --- Author Brendan Brusse, S.J.
Forever Being Ahead Of Our Souls, Ron Rolheiser
Pope Francis -- Speech to Roman Curia
Our daily work is to do the will of God
The Best of What I Read in 2015, The Jesuit Post
My Top Books for 2015, Ron Rolheiser
Pew Catholics take command to feed the hungry seriously, Dan Morris-Young
What We Can Learn from the Refugees, Brian Strassburger, SJ
Sex and our Culture, Ron Rolheiser
Shopping Around
Francis: Mercy Jubilee means we must open our hearts, forgive others, Joshua J. McElwee
An Open Letter to Hate, Suffering, and Fear: You have NOT won
Action plan offers Atlanta Catholics down-to-earth ideas to implement encyclical, Andrew Nelson Catholic News Service
The UN, the Church and Climate Change
10 Ways to Make Meaningful Connections in the Digital Age
Why battling climate change requires a spiritual rebirth, Matthew Fox Religion News Service Eco Catholic
Doing Justice to Love
The Hiddenness of God and the Darkness of Faith, Ron Rolheiser
Pope calls for eliminating carbon use, says failure in Paris would be 'catastrophic', Joshua J. McElwee
Conference asks: What might the new face of the church look like?
Catholicism can and must change, Francis forcefully tells Italian church gathering, Joshua J. McElwee
Keeping the Ecological Ball Rolling, Eugene Hemrick
Francis' priorities vs. the priorities of the U.S. bishops, Thomas Reese
Facebook and Prayer: A Reaction to Paris and Beirut
Lacking the Self-Confidence for Greatness, Ron Rolheiser
God's Holy Fools? The Wisdom of Living Saints, Taken from The Jesuit Post
Right role of technology dissected at Santa Clara encyclical conference, Mandy Erickson
Don't Waste Love, From The Jesuit Post
The Communion of Saints, Ron Rolheiser
Francis, at the Heart of an Ecological Conversion
Religion, Secular Thought, and Health and Happiness, Ron Rolheiser
German synod group outlines Communion path for remarried Catholics, Joshua J. McElwee
Displacing Ego and Narcissism, October 19, 2015, Ron Rolheiser
A Still and Quiet Conscience -- The Archbishop Who Challenged A Pope, A President and A Church, Review by John A. McCoy, Published by Orbis, $26, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
Our Fathers, Published Oct 20, 2015, In the Jesuit Post
Indian cardinal at synod: Church needs 'new way of being' amidst suffering, Joshua J. McElwee
Can You Drink the Cup?
What Francis' Visit Reveals About Americans
Australian archbishop: Synod must change church's language, actions, Joshua J. McElwee
Can you hear how cool I am? Does it matter?, The Jesuit Post
The Stigma of Suicide, Ron Rolheiser
Whispers in the Loggia, Friday, October 09, 2015, At the Synod, The Moment of Truth . . . Part I
Sitting Still: When Doing Nothing is Actually Something, Keith Maczkiewicz
Innocence, Complexity, and Sanctity, Ron Rolheiser
Francis' pastoral plan for families: gratitude over concerns, Brian Roewe
Pope Francis addresses Congress, Washington, D.C., Sept. 24, 2015
Francis tells US bishops to be 'promoters of the culture of encounter', Joshua J. McElwee
Day and Merton: the Catholic radicals Francis cited, Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter
Our Overstimulated Grandiosity -- and our Impoverished Symbols, September 14, 2015, Ron Rolheiser
Prada or Nada?: 3 Simple Fashion Tips from Pope Francis
God's Ineffability -- What's Revealed in Jesus' Eyes?, Ron Rolheiser
The Good and the Perfect
Dorothy Day -- A Saint For Our Time, Ron Rolheiser
What Should I Do with My Life?, Published Aug 5, 2015 in In the News, Spirituality
An Obituary for A Suicide, Ron Rolheiser
Diocesan social action directors take time to focus on 'Laudato Si'', Ed Langlois Catholic News Service
Imaginary Friend Jesus, Published Aug 4, 2015 in Blogs, Sexuality, Spirituality
Mein Gott or Mein Kampf? On Adolf Hitler and Ignatius Loyola, Published Jul 31, 2015 in Pop Culture, Spirituality
Francis: 'Facts are more important than ideas', Thomas Reese
The pope and poverty, Phyllis Zagano
Children of Both Heaven and Earth, Ron Rolheiser
Editorial: Pope Francis' exhortation to walk on the margins makes us squirm, NCR Editorial Staff | Jul. 27, 2015
Philippine church takes lead on Francis' environmental encyclical, Brian Roewe | Jul. 25, 2015 Eco Catholic
Eat, Pray, Doubt: Temptation and the Call to Love, Published Jul 14, 2015 in Blogs, Spirituality
Volunteer changes the world by lending a hand to the less fortunate, Sr. Camille D'Arienzo | Jul. 21, 2015 Conversations with Sr. Camille
Transforming a Crisis into Hope, Published Jul 16, 2015 in In the News, Pope Francis
Hearts in Need: Practicing Presence & Embracing Reality, Published Jul 22, 2015 in Justice, Pop Culture, Spirituality
Shopping into a Brighter Future, Published Jul 17, 2015 in In the News, Justice
The Healing Place of Silence, Ron Rolheiser
Francis: Mining industry in need of 'a radical paradigm change', Brian Roewe | Jul. 17, 2015 Eco Catholic
The Lord hears the cry of the bourgeoisie, Michael Sean Winters | Jul. 20, 2015 Distinctly Catholic
Should we care about what happens to displaced parish communities?, Christine Schenk | Jul. 16, 2015 Simply Spirit, Printed in the National Catholic Reporter
Political Climate Change, Published Jul 8, 2015 in In the News
Healing -- A Theory, Ron Rolheiser
Between Laudato Si' and Black Lives Matter, by Jason Welle, SJ
Francis: Bishops should always be at service - not a moment's rest, Joshua J. McElwee
Editorial: In encyclical, Pope Francis issues a challenge to the rich, NCR Editorial Staff
The Greatest and the Least: Praying with Laudato Si, by John Shea, SJ
The future of the planet, Phyllis Zagano
The Value and Power of Ritual, Ron Rolheiser
A readers' guide to "Laudato Si", Thomas Reese
Colonial wrongs cloud sainthood cause of Junipero Serra, Tom Roberts
The Hero-Complex, Ron Rolheiser
Laudato Si and Romano Guardini, by Fr. Robert Barron
'Laudato Si'' is inspiration for those who want to be part of the solution, Tony Magliano, Making a Difference
Author envisions a city of transcendence, Dana Greene, National Catholic Reporter
What You Might Overlook in the Papal Encyclical, by Ken Homan, SJ, From The Jesuit Post
The encyclical is first and foremost about human relationships, Allison Walter
What to do? The pope's practical tips for helping the environment, By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
Francis' encyclical an urgent call to prevent world of 'debris, desolation and filth', Joshua J. McElwee
Leaked encyclical text puts climate change on humans, Joshua J. McElwee
Pew survey: 71 percent of Catholics believe in global warming, Soli Salgado | Jun. 16, 2015 Eco Catholic
Churches may be in decline, but Gregorian chant beats secular competition, Leslie Miller Religion News Service | Jun. 16, 2015
The situation with US Catholic youth actually is grim, Christian Smith
Seek, share God's mercy with the lost, unwanted, pope tells priests, Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service, The Francis Chronicles
Franciscan: Encyclical title affirms all creatures have common creator, Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service, Eco Catholic
The Best One can do in the Circumstances
Bishops briefed on rollout of environmental encyclical at spring meeting, Brian Roewe | Jun. 10, 2015 Eco Catholic
Why Young People Are Drifting From the Church, by Fr. Michael Cummins
The New Religion of Food, by Jared Zimmerer, June 08, 2015
Pope Francis offers 'Stone Age' tips to youth for living the digital world well, Carol Glatz -- Catholic News Service
A Primal Understanding of the Eucharist, Ron Rolheiser
Our pope, the sinner, Andrew Medichini/AP, by Patrick L. Gilger
An Open Letter to Parents: Thank You for Not Using the Cry Room, by Joe Simmons, SJ
Schuller: Merging parishes is an unimaginative way to handle the priest shortage, Christa Pongratz-Lippitt, NCR Today
Pope Francis to the bishops of the world, Taken from Whispers in the Loggia
To Be a Better Lover, by Brendan Busse, SJ
The Deepest Secret Inside Wisdom, Ron Rolheiser
Encyclical on environment sparks hope among academics, activists, Thomas Reese, Eco Catholic, Printed in The National Catholic Reporter
Celibacy: Sexless in the City?, by Jason Welle, SJ
Inordinate Attachments, Moral Flaw or Struggle With Divine Energy?, Ron Rolheiser
When the Numbers Don't Just Add Up: Budgeting Justice, By Quentin Dupont, SJ, Taken from the Jesuit Post
Seven Marks of a New Evangelist, by Fr. Robert Barron
Contemporary Writers in Spirituality, Ron Rolheiser
Beyond Bed and Bath: Candles in Latino Culture, by Andras Arteaga, SJ
Junipero Serra: saint or not?, Thomas Reese, Taken from The National Catholic Reporter
Communion theology deepens multiculturalism, Marian Ronan, Taken from The National Catholic Reporter
Eric Immel, SJ from The Jesuit Post, Inconvenient Faith: Ruined for Life
At Georgetown poverty summit, Obama describes a 'great sorting' by class, Vinnie Rotondaro, Reported in The National Catholic Reporter
In Prison and Porn: The Search for a Personal Life, by Brendan Busse, SJ, From The Jesuit Post
Remembering Fr. Ted Hesburgh, C.S.C.P, Priest, President, Citizen of the World, 1917-2015
Artificial Light, Ron Rolheiser
Evolution's Ultimate Wisdom, Ron Rolheiser
Confronting Inner Prejudices, by Lucas Sharma, SJ, April 20, 2015 in the Jesuit Post
Praying for Those Not of this Fold -- An open letter to Roman Catholic Bishops, Ron Rolheiser
Francis: Priests should never refuse baptism to one who asks, Joshua J. McElwee | Apr. 27, 2015 The Francis Chronicles, Rome, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
Who am I to Judge?, Ron Rolheiser
With Scars and All, by Eric Immel, SJ, From the Jesuit Post
Principles for Interfaith Dialogue and Interfaith Attitudes, Ron Rolheiser
Where to Find Resurrection, Ron Rolheiser
Pope Francis -- 10 Inspirational Sayings For The Lenten Season
Fear Masking Itself as Piety, Ron Rolheiser
Christ and Nature, February 16, 2015, Ron Rolheiser
What Should I Do For Lent? Pope Francis' 10 Tips by Kevin Cotter
Our Daydreams, Ron Rolheiser
How Long? Not Long: Our Need of Rest and Renewal, by Brendan Busse, SJ
Why Priests? Here is why, by Jay Hooks, SJ, April 30, 2013
Public Humility, or Talking with One Another Again, by Nathaniel Romano, SJ, on November 15, 2014
Mistakes Were Made, Taken from, Eric Immel
At-home retreat brings Scripture, spirituality to seniors, Christine Schenk | Feb. 5, 2015 Simply Spirit
The Right to Beautiful Things: Education as Transformation, Dan Dixon, S.J.
Our Eyes as Windows to our Souls, Ron Rolheiser
Interview with Archbishop Blase Cupich 2/2/15, Paul Caine | Kristen Thometz | February 2, 2015
The Positive Side of Melancholy, Ron Rolheiser
The 'new' culture war, Vinnie Rotondaro, NCR Today
Fr. Richard McBrien, theologian, has died, NCR Staff | Jan. 25, 2015
Vincentian's work teaches him, 'There but for the grace of God go I', Sr. Camille D'Arienzo Conversations with Sr. Camille Taken from The National Catholic Reporter
What if Pope Francis gave the State of the Union address?, John Gehring, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
On "Strangers No Longer": Perspectives on the Historic U.S.-Mexican Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Migration, Edited by Todd Scribner and J. Kevin Appleby, Paulist Press. New York. 2015. Pp. 358
Looking for the One God Inside Our Denominational and Faith Divisions, Ron Rolheiser
Francis strongly defends criticisms of capitalism, Joshua J. McElwee
The Last Priests in Ireland, Donald Cozzens, The Furrow / September 2014
My Top Ten Books for 2014, Ron Rolheiser
Catholic leaders respond to news of US-Cuban rapproachment, Reaction to Engagement with Cuba, Vinnie Rotondaro, NCR Today
The Visitation -- Revisited
The Heart of Henri Nouwen: His Words of Blessing
Schonborn: The next synod must concentrate on the realities of family life, Christa Pongratz-Lippitt | Dec. 9, 2014
How do we understand the crisis of marriage and the family?, Kelly Stewart, Grace on the Margins, National Catholic Reporter
Changing times may call for changes in religious orders, pope says, Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service, National Catholic Reporter
Archbishop faces fast-changing church, NCR Editorial Staff, Cupich to Chicago
Self-Sacrifice and the Eucharist, Ron Rolheiser
Two Churches, Two Sacred Places, Two Struggles, Ron Rolheiser
Being in the World: A quotable Maritain Reader, Edited by Mario O. D'Souza, with Jonathan R. Seiling, The University of Notre Dame Press. Notre Dame, IN. 2014. Pp. 314
Cupich offers meditation on leadership, Dennis Coday, National Catholic Reporter
Challenges identified in feeding, thinking about the world's hungry, Mark Pattison Catholic News Service
Cardinal Kasper: Pope Francis 'does not represent a liberal position, but a radical position', Vinnie Rotondaro, National Catholic Reporter
Spiritual Warfare, Ron Rolheiser
UN report: As climate warms, poverty will grow, Brian Roewe | Nov. 4, 2014 Eco Catholic
The number of U.S. Catholics has grown, so why are there fewer parishes?, By Michael Lipka
Rockhurst, NCR examine Francis' sense of mercy, Thomas C. Fox | Nov. 2, 2014 NCR Today
Why doesn't poverty play a bigger role in US politics?, Vinnie Rotondaro | Nov. 3, 2014
Carrying Our Cross, Ron Rolheiser
Newly beatified Pope Paul VI championed justice and peace, Tony Magliano
Three Kinds of Spiritualities, Ron Rolheiser
Schonborn: Get rid of 'tunnel view' when it comes to discussion of families, Christa Pongratz-Lippitt, Oct. 23, 2014
All wars begin in a jealous heart; let go of pride, envy, pope says, Carol Glatz Catholic News Service | Oct. 22, 2014 The Francis Chronicles
Pope Paul VI is almost a saint. Here are four of his biggest legacies, David Gibson Religion News Service | Oct. 18, 2014, National Catholic Reporter
The Goddess of Chastity, Ron Rolheiser
MSW Visits Notre Dame, Michael Sean Winters | Oct. 9, 2014 Distinctly Catholic, National Catholic Reporter
Reaching Out to the Lonely, Alan Smith
Four easy steps to take to become a bishop, Fr. Peter Daly | Oct. 14, 2014 Parish Diary, National Catholic Reporter
Sacred Permission to Be Human and the Tools to Handle Frustration, Ron Rolheiser
Thomas Aquinas's Proof of God, By Robert Barron
Lack of priests continues to close parishes, yet there is still no discussion, Dennis Coday | Sep. 29, 2014
Pew study: Catholics are independent thinkers ready to participate in the political process, Dawn Cherie Araujo, The National Catholic Reporter
Pope: Use gifts to benefit church, not create division, envy, annoyance, Carol Glatz Catholic News Service | Oct. 1, 2014 The Francis Chronicles
Five People Who Helped Give Me Some Self-Understanding, Ron Rolheiser
Helping others, especially the poor and the four-legged, a joy for pastor, Sr. Camille D'Arienzo | Sep. 30, 2014 Conversations with Sr. Camille, National Catholic Reporter
How to Stop Time, By Anna Della Subinsept
What I wish people knew about depression, Therese Borchard | Sep. 23, 2014 Soul Seeing, National Catholic Reporter
There's too much hype about Cupich's appointment to the Chicago archdiocese, Tom Gallagher | Sep. 25, 2014 NCR Today, Cupich to Chicago
Fatherless at the Depth of our Being, Ron Rolheiser
The truth about climate change, Tony Magliano | Sep. 15, 2014 Making a Difference, National Catholic Reporter
Fearing Our Own Maturity, Ron Rolheiser
Diaper banks meet an overlooked need, Mick Forgey, Sep. 8, 2014, National Catholic Reporter
Our Timidity in the Face of God's Abundance
Walking on Water and Sinking Like a Stone, Ron Rolheiser
First black priests in US 'opened door for rest of us,' pastor says, Catholic News Service
The 'Francis effect': three voices, Fr. Eddie Siebert, S.J. The IN Network
Do new ordinations signal rising popularity of Latin Mass?, Lilly Fowler St. Louis Post-Dispatch Religion News Service
Across US, groups focus on legal needs of unaccompanied minor migrants, Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service
The Law of Karma, Ron Rolheiser
Survey: Most Americans say U.S. should shelter, not rush to deport, child migrants, Cathy Lynn Grossman Religion News Service
Pope Francis reveals top 10 secrets to happiness, Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
Marriage: listening with the ear of the heart, Melissa Musick Nussbaum
Searching for the Right Fuel, Ron Rolheiser
A Visit from the Goddess of Night, Ron Rolheiser
Disciples with many Faces, Ron Rolheiser
'How can I help the children coming across the border?', by Tracy Abeln
Catholic and libertarian? Pope's top adviser says they're incompatible, By David Gibson
Lifting up leaders, by Nuri Vallbona
Robert Moore on Human Energy, Ron Rolheiser
A fresh look at 'Caritas in Veritate,' a valuable gift, Tony Magliano, Making a Difference, National Catholic Reporter
The ministry of burying the dead, Heidi Schlumpf, National Catholic Reporter
Pope's quotes: Sad realities
Pope: Corruption is easiest 'sin at fingertips' of anyone with power, Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
The Regrets We Can Live With, Ron Rolheiser
Life Lessons From Navy SEAL Training, By William H. McRaven
Cardinal 'shocked' by survey responses on family life, Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service, Printed in the National Catholic Reporter
Dag Hammarskjold on Sexuality and Desire, Ron Rolheiser
New Orleans priest shone light on others, never himself, James Hodge and Linda Cooper, National Catholic Reporter
It's time to rediscover Dorothy Day's voice for the land, Eric Anglada
Hispanics: Not so Catholic anymore, Thomas Reese National Catholic Reporter
Accepting Truth, Whatever its Cloak, Ron Rolheiser
A Pilgrimage through Nature, Desire, and Soul, Ron Rolheiser
Pope Francis' Sermon on the Legacy of Saints John and John Paul: "A Church of Mercy, Which Always Hopes, Forgives and Loves"
Students learn about poverty, health impact of mountaintop removal in Appalachia, Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service, Apr. 29, 2014 Eco Catholic
Reflections on the Service of Pope John Paul II by Father Robert Barron
Reflections on Pope John XXIII, Father Robert Barron
Editorial: New papal saints have flaws as well as greatness, National Catholic Reporter Editorial Staff
For Priests, "A Joy Which Anoints Us . . . Not One Which 'Greases' Us"
God's Quiet Presence in our Lives, Ron Rolheiser
The Transcript of our Trial, Ron Rolheiser
Homily of Pope Francis, Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, St Peter's Square, April 13, 2014
Pope Francis on making Holy Week a holy experience
Summary of the President's Meeting with the Pope
The Garden of Gethsemane, Ron Rolhieser
At border Mass, bishops call for compassion, immigration reform, Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
A Homily by Cardinal Sean O'Malley
Our Need to Share Our Riches with the Poor, Ron Rolheiser
Groaning beyond Words -- Our Deeper Way of Praying, Ron Rolheiser
What Pope Francis can teach President Obama this week, Mary Ann Walsh, Religion News Service
At the Vatican, It's Obama's Turn . . . But The Pope's Trip Takes Center Stage
Jesuit head: Religion isn't doctrine, but sensitivity to human experience, Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter
Pope's Reflection on Mercy as He Meets With Priests of Rome
Finding a parish I can love aligned with a pope I can follow, Bill Mitchell | Mar. 11, 2014 NCR Today National Catholic Reporter
Facing Our Maker, Ron Rolhieser
To understand Pope Francis, look to the Jesuits, David Gibson Religion News Service
Gentle documentary delves into life of Keating, Sr. Rose Pacatte | Mar. 4, 2014
The Human Struggle with Sexual Energy, Ron Rolheiser
A success Story in the diocese of Spokane Washington, Taken from the diocesan newspaper Inlander
Some Catholic leaders need to follow Pope Francis' lead, John Gehring, NCR Today The National Catholic Reporter
The Real Challenge in Creativity - To Enter the Song, Ron Rolheiser
Pope's interviewer tells Vatican congress to reevaluate spiritual quest, Joshua J. McElwee, The National Catholic Reporter
Religious Coinage, Ron Rolheiser
Thoughts on Marriage by Pope Francis
Our Struggle for Empathy and Generativity, Ron Rolheiser
Pope Francis to us: 'I am Vatican II', Eugene Cullen Kennedy, National Catholic Reporter
Holiness, Wholeness, and Depression, Ron Rolheiser
Francis puts usury into mix of social justice concerns, John L. Allen Jr
The Imperative for Wholeness inside Christ, Ron Rolheiser
On the Dangers of Defining Ourselves, Ron Rolheiser
Four new echoes in 'Francis revolution', John L. Allen Jr., The National Catholic Reporter
Francis and a church that breathes with both lungs, John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Fr. Robert Barron on Pope Francis, The Church a Field Hospital after the Battle
Misguided Loyalties, Ron Rolheiser
Every Tear Brings the Messiah Close, Ron Rolheiser
The Art of Caring for the Sick: Guidelines for Creative Ministry, Author: Arnaldo Pangrazzi, St. Pauls. Staten Island. NY. 2013. Pp. 131
Searching for a Word Filled with Reality, Ron Rolhesier
Handling Resentment in our Lives, Ron Rolheiser
Francis' letter-writing revolution requires our involvement, Bob Shine | Nov. 11, 2013, Viewpoint, National Catholic Reporter [NCR]
Playin' church with Francis; the 'Bergoglio of Saskatchewan'; and Iraq, John L. Allen Jr.
Dying into Safe Hands, Ron Rolheiser
Grace and renewal, Taken from the conference sponsored by Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University
The Single Life, Ron Rolheiser
David Gibson Religion News Service, National Catholic Reporter, Francis Breaths New Life Into Bernardin's Contested Legacy
The Gifts International Priest Bring, Taken from an interview by David Gibson with Fr. Alan Deck, S.J. on International Priests
Historic Visit with Jesuit Superior General Invigorates US Jesuit Presidents and Board Chairs
Saint or Sinner?, Ron Rolheiser
What do those who are ordained for the priesthood look like?, A report from the Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations (The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
The life and faith of retired Bishop Lyne, a 'true churchman', Heidi Schlumpf, The National Catholic Reporter
On Not Faking Humility, Ron Rolheiser
Disappearing Roots, Ron Rolheiser
Number of permanent deacons grows, but many reaching retirement age, Mark Pattison Catholic News Service
Pope Francis is unsettling -- and dividing -- the Catholic right, David Gibson
Struggling to Understand Suicide, Ron Rolheiser
Pope Francis' saintly politics, By E.J. Dionne Jr.
On Whining and Weeping, Ron Rolheiser
The Substance of Pope Francis, Michael Sean Winters | Jul. 29, 2013 Distinctly Catholic, National Catholic Reporter
In Brazilian favela, Pope Francis becomes apostle of the slums, John L. Allen Jr.
Pastor, parish open legal aid clinic for the poor, Tom Gallagher | Jul. 19, 2013 Mission Management, National Catholic Reporter
Encyclical Letter Lumen Fidei of the Supreme Pontiff Francis To the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful
A season of hype swirls in Rome, John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter Today
Why Faith Feels Like Doubt and Darkness, Ron Rolheiser
Raissa and Jacques Maritain and the New Evangelization, Ron Rolheiser
Pope's 1st encyclical: "Light of Faith" due Friday, Nicole Winfield
Marriage, the church and the Supreme Court, Michael Sean Winters | Jun. 27, 2013 Distinctly Catholic, National Catholic Reporter
The New Breed, by Andrew Greeley 1964
Newly ordained priests across country hail from variety of backgrounds, Catholic News Service | Jun. 19, 2013
Contemplative Sound Bytes, Ron Rolheiser
Francis at 100 days: 'the world's parish priest', John L. Allen Jr. -- Jun. 17, 2013
Struggling for our Father's Blessing, Ron Rolheiser
Politics and Christians in the Holy Land, John L. Allen Jr., All Things Catholic, The National Catholic Reporter
Always in a Hurry, Ron Rolheiser
Fr. Andrew Greeley, sociologist and priest-novelist, dies at 85, John L. Allen Jr.
Ordinary Time, Ron Rolheiser
The Mind of Francis: International Diplomacy, Thomas Reese, The National Catholic Reporter
Demographics don't spell an end to the culture wars, John L. Allen Jr., All Things Catholic, The National Catholic Reporter
The paradox of Pope Francis, Hans Kung, The Catholic Reporter
Our Fundamental Option, Ron Rolheiser
Beneath the hype, Rio a major test for Francis, John L. Allen Jr., All Things Catholic, The National Catholic Reporter
Priests dislike new Mass translations, survey says, Joshua J. McElwee, May. 21, 2013, The National Catholic Reporter
5 Delightful Mysteries of the Rosary, By Father William Byrne
The Wages of Celibacy, Ron Rolheiser
Boldness with God, Ron Rolheiser
Five Thoughts on Pope Francis, by John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
Who Francis may be based on who Bergoglio was, John L. Allen Jr.
Understanding the Hispanic Presence, Posted by Eugene F. Hemrick
Lucky Sevens, Ron Rolheiser
The Call for a Creative Priesthood, Eugene Hemrick
Overcoming Anxiety, Ron Rolheiser
One Tongue, Many Languages, Eugene Hemrick
Will War Lock Us Into a Combative Mood?, Eugene Hemrick
Caring for the World's Ecology, Eugene Hemrick
What Does It Mean To Focus Our Attention On God?, Ron Rolheiser
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2013 C, Fr. Joseph McCloskey, S.J.
Prayer as Sanity and Balance, Ron Rolheiser
What's Your Environmental Mindset?, Eugene Hemrick
Gun Ownership Is Not An Absolute Right, By Bishop Thomas Tobin
Can You Create a More Inspiring Lifestyle?, Eugene Hemrick
What Catholic School Teaches, John McCarthy, National Catholic Reporter
The Intelligence Inside of the Aging Process, Ron Rolheiser
Is It Virtuous to Feel Good About Ourselves?, Eugene Hemrick
The Ineffability of God, Ron Rolheiser
Prayer As Keeping Us Outside The Great March, Ron Rolheiser
My Top Books for 2012, Ron Rolheiser
Swiss abbot makes fiery appeal for church reform, Christa Pongratz-Lippitt
Honoring Life's Complexity, Ronald Rolheiser
Defending Christians at risk is a transcendent post-election cause, John L. Allen Jr. National Catholic Reporter
Lifelong Study of the Faith is Needed More Than Ever Today!, Eugene Hemrick
Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily, Origins: Nov. 29, 2012, Vol. 42. No. 26
Working Too Hard -- It Begins as Virtue and Ends as Escape, Ron Rolheiser
Some Light-hearted Thoughts on a Very Heavy Subject, Ron Rolheiser
The Complete Thinker: The Marvelous Mind of G.K. Chesterton, Author: Dale Ahlquist, Ignatius Press. San Francisco, CA. 2012. pp. 261
Taken from The Charism of Priestly Celibacy (already cited on our website), A Reflection on where intimacy ultimately can be found
Sexuality -- Its Power and Purpose, Ron Rolheiser
Bringing out the best in ourselves, By Father Eugene Hemrick
Insert a little monasticism into your life, By Father Eugene Hemrick
A Christian Attitude Regarding the Salvation of Non-Christians, Ron Rolheiser
Are we losing the meaning of simplicity?, By Father Eugene Hemrick
Emphasizing hospitality and welcome, By Father Eugene Hemrick
Needed: An age of new citizenship, By Father Eugene Hemrick
Quoting d'Tocqueville
The Conscience Question, Taken From National Catholic Reporter, By Joshua J. McElwee
In Gratitude, Ron Rolheiser
Countering Disillusionment, By Father Eugene Hemrick
The Debate Over Mandating Coverage for Contraceptive Heats Up!!, Taken from National Catholic Reporter
The anatomy of racism, By Father Eugene Hemrick
Marriage support at your fingertips, By Father Eugene Hemrick
On Mourning and Dancing, by Ron Rolheiser
Aging Gracefully, Eugene Hemrick
Roman notebook: Strokes for Sant'Egidio, by John L Allen Jr, NCR Today
Expediency vs. prudence, by Father Eugene Hemrick
The Perils of Prophesying, by Patricia Datchuck Sánchez on Jan. 28, 2012, National Catholic Reporter
Other Sheep Not Of Our Flock, Ron Rolheiser
Mosquito Bites, By Ron Rolheiser
Guiding principles for finding a job and keeping composure after losing a job, Taken from Finding Work without Losing Heart by Fr. William Byron, S.J.
Catholic Leaders React to Obama Administration Decision, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
Finding the 'new' in Vatican news, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Maintaining Balance Amidst Disillusionment, Eugene Hemrick
Finding Work without Losing Heart: Bouncing Back from Mid-Career Job Loss
Seismic shifts reshape US Catholicism, Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
A Search for More Abundant Life, Taken from Say Yes To Life: A Book of Thoughts for Better Living, Author: Sidney Greenberg, Crown Publishers, Inc. New York. 1982. pp. 150
Chastity As Purity Of Heart And Intention, Ron Rolheiser
A Spiritual Reflection for Lent, Taken from: The Saints in Daily Christian Life, Romano Guardini, Chilton Books, Philadelphia, 1966. pp. 111
Grandparents: Models, Mentors and Memory-Makers
Maintaining a Good Disposition, Eugene Hemrick
A Haunting Equation, Ron Rolheiser
Benedict XVI's new friends: Greenpeace and the Socialists, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Top 10 under-covered Vatican stories (plus a bonus feature), By John L Allen Jr, All Things Catholic
Books That Have Found Me In 2011, Ron Rolheiser
Bishop ponders reasons Americans leave Catholic church, By Richard McBrien, National Catholic Reporter
Some Thoughts About Christmas, A Commentary by Ben Stein
Praying So As Not To Lose Heart, By Ron Rolheiser
The Repercussions of Pope Benedict's visit to England, John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
Global priest shortages, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
A New Year's resolution, By Father Eugene Hemrick
A new perspective this Advent season, by April Gutierrez, National Catholic Reporter
What is happening to the kiss?, By Father Eugene Hemrick
An Excellent Way to get into the Christmas Spirit, By Father Eugene Hemrick
A new symbol of false sex abuse allegations, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Positive news is always welcomed, Three strengths of contemporary Catholicism, By Richard McBrien, Essays in Theology, National Catholic Reporter
Prayer as Seeking Depth, By Ron Rolheiser
Black Catholics' survey finds strong ties, strong engagement in church, By Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
A Good Advent Meditation for Achieving Christmas Peace of Mind, By Father Eugene Hemrick
In praise of gazing, by Joyce Rupp
Freedom of speech: Watch your language!, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Bishop says religious freedom under attack in America, National Catholic Reporter
Marriage support at your fingertips, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Truly 'Love' is the reason for it all, By Dorothy Day
Love Beyond Naiveté and Romance, By Ron Rolheiser
A rabbi and archbishop connect, and thoughts for new theologians, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Love, Faith, and Ritual, By Ron Rolheiser
Survey highlights struggles of young Hispanic Catholics, National Catholic Reporter
The Catholic Press Loses a Friend, By Ron Rolheiser
Ron Rolheiser, OMI Speaker, Columnist and Author, A Picture of Dorian Gray, and of Our Culture
Our divine uniqueness: On Erich Fromm's 'The Art of Loving', By Chase Nordengren
Catholic leaders focus on growing US poverty, The National Catholic Reporter
Bishops aim to protect religious liberty, The National Catholic Reporter
Unconscious Images that Deeply Influence Us, By Ron Rolheiser
Schneiders: Prophetic future ahead for women religious, 'Women's ministerial religious life has a future in this time and beyond', Heidi Schlumpf
The exhibit on 'Women and Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America', By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
US Priests Form New National Association, David Cooper
A Sufficient Creed, by Ron Rolheiser
The state of US parishes today, By Richard McBrien
Christ as Cosmic, By Ron Rohleiser
Vatican II Themes, The Church is Ecumenical, By Richard McBrien, National Catholic Reporter
On Not Bracketing the Essentials during our Moral Battles, Ron Rolheiser
Opportunities in difficult times, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
A Prophetic Mantra about the Poor, By Ron Rolheiser
John Allen Interviews Fr. Mark Woodruff, National Catholic Reporter, John Allen Reporting
God's ways are not our ways, By Dorothy Day, From the National Catholic Reporter
Of Nietzsche, Feuerbach, and Dark Nights of the Soul, Ron Rolheiser
Good event, bad event, By Joan Chittister
Marriage Tips worth pondering
A Great Nuncio to our Country Returns Home to God: Thank you Archbishop Pietro Sambi for the joy you were to us!, Taken from Whispers in the Loggia
The virtue of sociability, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Preventing a 'spiritual Disneyland' in the Holy Land, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Struggling to Understand Suicide, Ron Rolheiser
The truth with charity
The coming American schism, By Phyllis Zagano, National Catholic Reporter
Report finds fewer priests celebrating more Masses at fewer parishes, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien Catholic News Service
Jubilee and thoughts of Uncles Jim and Bill, By Father Peter J. Daly Catholic News Service
Green Mountain: First monastery devoted to care of the Earth, By Sharon Abercrombie, National Catholic Reporter
A New Challenge, by Ron Rolheiser
Things Hidden from the Learned and the Clever, by Ron Rolheiser
The Beauty and the Truth of Christ, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinal Ratzinger to CL Meeting in Rimini: 24-30 August
Christian leaders issue recommendations for evangelizing, By John Thavis Catholic News Service
Resisting the climate of fear
Professor suggests ways families, parishes can reconnect to the land, by Julie Carroll Catholic News Service
Principles collapse when victory is the goal, Reviewed by Elizabeth McAlister, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
Remembering our past and who we truly want to be, By Joan Chittister, National Catholic Reporter
The Size of our Hearts, Good reflection for Feast of Sacred Heart (July 1), Ron Rolheiser
Hoarding: A psychological or spiritual problem?, National Catholic Reporter
Same-sex marriage approval undermines families, New York bishops say, By Catholic News Service
Ferment in religious life, a new American leader, and 'Vatican Insider', By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Struggling with our Complexity, by Ron Rolheiser
Faith should guide in all aspects of life, including politics, By Bill Tammeus, National Catholic Reporter
Don't forget fathers: They play such an important role in our lives, Catholic News Service
The Meanings of Happiness and Joy, Two articles to make you more joyful, Meaning and Happiness by Ron Rolheiser, Experiencing the joy of living By Father Eugene Hemrick Catholic News Service
Abraham Heschel's prophetic Judaism, By John Dear SJ, The National Catholic Reporter
Theologians leave San Jose lifted after pondering saints, By Thomas C. Fox, National Catholic Reporter
College religion professors meet, discuss violence, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
Listening to Christ's Heartbeat, by Ron Rolheiser
Famed Kentucky abbey part of Trappists' effort to promote vocations, By Marnie McAllister Catholic News Service
Prayer: the heartbeat of Benedictine spirituality, By Joan Chittister, Spiritual Reflections, National Catholic Reporter
An Archbishop Burns While Rome Fiddles, By Maureen Dowd, New York Times
Maintaining Our Zest in Challenging Times, Eugene Hemrick
With a thousand Anglican converts, ordinariate gets going, By John Wilkins
Simplifying our Spiritual Vocabulary, By Ron Rolheiser
Benedict's 'Quiet Revolution', By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
God and Violence, by Ron Rolheiser
Jesuit's approach to Chinese still offers lessons five centuries later, "A Jesuit in the Forbidden City" by R. Po-Chia Hsia. Oxford University Press (New York, 2010). 359 pp., $57.50.
Four titles from a bumper crop of Italian books, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Catholic Community serving in the U.S. Congress, Rev. Eugene Hemrick, St. Joseph on Capitol Hill
Growing Older Day by Day, An Interesting Reflection on the Process of "Creeping Maturity"
Helping Catholics Stay Catholic After College, by Samuel G. Freedman, New York Times
Key quotes from National Review Board's 'causes and context' report, By Catholic News Service
"To Enter", Taken from Reflections of a Papal Master of Ceremonies
The Other Side of Orthodoxy, by Ron Rolheiser
The Latest Statistics on Vocations to the Religious Life
Periods of Silence within the Eucharistic Celebration, Taken from Liturgical of a Papal Master of Ceremonies
New form of religious life offers laity a Benedictine pathway, National Catholic Reporter
The Power of Silence, Taken from the book: The Promise of Virtue by Eugene Hemrick
Strengthening Bonds with Other Priests, Taken from the Study: International Priests in America
A Reflection on the Virtue of Respect, Taken from The Promise of Virtue, Ave Maria Press. Notre Dame, IN
Author: Eugene Hemrick
Taken from the study: International Priests in America, Reflections on "acculturation" by Dr. Seung Ai Yang
Pope: Christians Believe in Someone, Not Something, Concert Honors Benedict XVI for 6th Anniversary
An Excellent Model for a Wedding Sermon, From The Royal Wedding: The full text of the Bishop of London's sermon
Liturgy Needs Tradition and Progress, Says Pope, Notes Fruits as Well as Errors in 50 Years of Reform
Remembering Cletus Wessels, O.P.
John Paul II: A Pope for Workers, an essay by John Carr, Executive Director of the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Gift that was Henri Nouwen, Ron Rolheiser
Benedict proclaims John Paul II a blessed, By Vatican News Service
Taken from the Study: International Priests in America, Recommendations: Long-Range and Short-Range
The USCCB Guidelines and COPIM
Beatification Q&A #1: What's the Rush?, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
The Resurrection as Vindicating Human Fidelity and God's Silence, by Ron Rolheiser
"Brother Bill" • The 12-Steps and Ignatian Spirituality
The Passion of Jesus According to John, by Ron Rolheiser
The Priesthood Today and Tomorrow, By Msgr. Steven Rossetti, Origins. April 14, 2011. Vol. 40. No. 44
The Unquiet Frontiers of our Lives, By Ron Rolheiser
Behind peace witness, a prophetic, transforming priest, Fr. Jack McCaslin, friends, reflect on priest's ministry, impact
Being Part of the Church Means Accepting Others, By Pope Benedict XVI, Origens, March 24, 2011, Vol. 40 No. 41
Receive the Sacrament of God's Mercy, By Bishop Sirba, Origins, March 31, 2011. Vol. 40. No. 42
On Dissent, By John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
On Libya, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
The Roots of Forgiveness, By Ron Rolheiser
Crucifix case a victory for 'open door' Catholicism, By John L Allen Jr
Loving our Enemies, by Ron Rolheiser
Golden Years or Anxious Years?, By Bishop Quinn
A Closer Look at a Changing Population -- A report on a decade in which rapid minority growth, aging whites and increased suburbanization were the predominant story lines
'Courtyard of the Gentiles' promises boost to Catholic pride, By John L Allen Jr
A Contemporary Apologetics, by Ron Rolheiser
Three qualities of courage and their opposites, Taken from The Promise of Virtue by Eugene Hemrick. Ave Maria Press. Notre Dame, IN
Memo to a divided church: Meet the Focolare, By John L Allen Jr
Saved by One Man's Sacrifice, By Ron Rolheiser
The Starting point of courage, According to theologian, Romano Guardini
On Blessed and Cursed Consciousness, By Ron Rolheiser
The Vatican beyond its worst days, and Rome beyond the Vatican, By John L Allen Jr, The National Catholic Reporter
Vatican to craft Catholic 'Sullivan Principles', By John L Allen Jr, NCR Today The National Catholic Reporter
Every day the church should give birth to the church, By Richard Gaillardetz, National Catholic Reporter
Following Jesus - According to the Letter or the Spirit, By Ron Rolheiser
The Roots of The National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood, By Eugene Hemrick
Way Living Simply: A Lasting and Fulfilling of Life, By Tim Lanigan
Hearts Made Whole: Pastoral on Behavior Health, By Bishop Michael Bransfield of Wheeling-Charleston, W.VA, Origins. Feb. 17, 2011. Vol. 40. No. 36
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, By Ron Rolheiser
In Mexico's drug war, church caught in the storm, The National Catholic Reporter
A Catholic contribution in Egypt, By John L Allen Jr
Patient and persistent in prayer, By Joyce Rupp, Spiritual Reflections
Straining for Sabbath amidst the Demands of Phones and Computers, By Ron Rolheiser
In America's religious marketplace, the real Catholic problem is new sales, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
144 theologians confront hierarchy, By Paul Hockenos, National Catholic Reporter
LA bishops: US immigration system 'immoral', Immigration and the Church, Mahony, Gomez: Treatment of immigrants 'not worthy of the Gospel', By Catholic News Service
Tormenting the Cat, by Ron Rolheiser
Catholic Republicans' political beliefs, challenged by their faith
Women Entering Religious Orders Today Highly Educated, Experienced in Church Activities, Survey Finds
Why Christianity lacks a Holocaust literature, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporte
Some Hymns for Justice, by Ron Rolheiser
Inductions on money, religious freedom, and polarization, By John L Allen Jr, The National Catholic Reporter
The Asceticism of Pressure and Duty, By Ron Rolheiser
Catholics had major role in passing nuclear treaty, By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service, Printed in The National Catholic Reporter
Rolling the Dice on the Gospel, by Ron Rolheiser
Times Calling for a Radically Improved Friendship in the Priesthood, Eugene Hemrick
Children within our Care, by Ron Rolheiser
Picking the brain of the U.S. bishops' thinker-in-chief, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Children within our Care, by Ron Rolheiser
Picking the brain of the U.S. bishops' thinker-in-chief, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Challenging Thoughts For Priests and Seminarians Well Worth Pondering, The ticking bomb of lay involvement, By Joan Chittister, National Catholic Reporter
Moderator of faith blog says religion affects every part of daily life, By Ann M. Augherton, Catholic News Service
Most under-reported Vatican stories of 2010, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Books That Have Crossed my Path in 2010, Ron Rolheiser
Facing financial scandals, pope creates new Vatican watchdog, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter, New law also criminalizes environmental pollution
On the crisis, does the pope have it right?, By John L Allen Jr, NCR Today
No Room in the Inn, By Ron Rolheiser
Romano Guardini and others on the virtue of humor
Outline of new life, Faith & Parish, by Tom Robert, National Catholic Reporter
Vatican must hear 'anger and hurt' of American nuns, official says, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Website provides assessment survey to help people discern vocation, By Catholic News Service
Longing, Desire, and the Face of God, By Ron Rolheiser
Ratzinger and Guardini, a decisive encounter, by Silvano Zucal
Virgin Birth, By Ron Rolheiser
Dealing with Loss, Grief, and Obsessions, by Ron Rolheiser
Gratitude and Compassion, taken from Spiritual Direction by Henri Nouwen
Pope's remarks in book open new chapter in condom debate, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Three keys to reading the Dolan win at the USCCB, By John L Allen Jr
Survey says dioceses getting the hang of new media, but slowly, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Another Year of the Priest Needed!, Eugene Hemrick
Remarks of Gerald Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson, given at the 2009 annual meeting of the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Stressed Out, Pat Brennan
Atheism and Belief, by Ron Rolheiser
Pondering Islam and its discontents, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Priestly conversion needed for credible church reform, pope says, By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
Seeking a Confessor, By Ron Rolheiser
Internal matters expected to dominate bishops' public agenda this fall, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Study: 74 percent of Irish Catholic women don't feel valued by church, By Michael Kelly, Catholic News Service
Subtle Forms of Idolatry, by Ron Rolheiser
Urban monk works to see 'the church we dream of', Faith & Parish, The National Catholic Reporter, By Tom Roberts
A Commentary by Gene Hemrick on church fallout
On Not Running with the Crowd, by Ron Rolheiser
Memories of my brother, Andrew Greeley, By Eugene Cullen Kennedy, The National Catholic Reporter
On Caritas in Veritate, By John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
On cardinals, consistories and 'Caritas in Veritate', By John L Allen Jr, The National Catholic Reporter, All Things Catholic
These Divinities Must Fall, An Impromptu Address by the Holy Father
Countering Disillusionment, Eugene Hemrick
The 'had it' Catholics, Faith & Parish, The National Catholic Reporter
Maturity in Relationships and Prayer, by Ron Rolheiser
In impromptu synod meditation, pope cites threat of 'false gods', By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Beyond a 'Darth Vader' view of secular, By John L Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
Like Jesus, church must use today's media to tell stories, priest says, By Ed Wilkinson, Catholic News Service
True happiness is found in close friendship with Christ, pope says, By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
Being Stretched by Great Writers, by Ron Rolheiser
Vocation directors report increased interest for fourth year in a row, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Priest seeks to clarify complex identity, faith lives of young adults, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Next steps proposed to attract new generations to religious life, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Ministers from various denominations speak of the stress and physical, mental and spiritual pitfalls of ministering, Taken from Religion and Ethics News Weekly
The reality of celibate life: Reflections from Henri Nouwen, by A.W. Richard Sipe on Oct. 01, 2010, published by the National Catholic Reporter
Struggling to be inside the Present Moment, by Ron Rolheiser
Emerging Church: 'Laypeople, future of missions', Doctor among those who have led the way for lay missioners world, By Tom Roberts Of The National Catholic Reporter
African and Caribbean Catholics in the United States, A Study Conducted for the Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers (PCMRT) 2008, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Does God love some people more than others? Does God have favorites?, By Ron Rolheiser
Some bishops questioning clerical culture, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
Congregations Gone Wild, By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
Ego, God, and Ministry, by Ron Rolheiser
Taking a Break From the Lord's Work, By Paul Vitello
Unformed future, Gathering pairs 'necessary unknowing' with grounded witness, By Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
The Fragility of a Reputation, Eugene Hemrick
You want to be a leader? Learn How To Listen!, Eugene Hemrick
Emerging Church: 'Laypeople, future of missions', by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
Study: Half of children poor at birth spend formative years in poverty, By Jessica Pall, Catholic News Service
The Relationship of Priests and Bishops Today, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, Origins, July 22, 2010, Vol. 40. No. 10
Bishop as Father to His Priests, Archbishop Vlazny, Origins. July 22, 2010. Vol. 40. No. 10
Pope's reluctance to impose American way not a shocker, By John L Allen Jr
Discovering God's Purpose
Why the War on Terrorism Is Likely to Be a Long One, by Fr. William Byron, S.J.
God is Hidden, taken from the book: Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith by Henri Nouwen
The Sustaining Power of Ritual, by Ron Rolheiser
Obama and Benedict: A partnership delayed, but not yet denied, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Seven days that shook the Vatican, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Where Do I Begin?, Henri Nouwen
Capitol Hill briefing assesses far-reaching consequences of pornography, By Katie Bahr, Catholic News Service
Taken from Spiritual Direction by Henri Nouwen -- the book is already posted on our website, Who Is The One To Whom I Pray?
A global case for good government in the church, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Getting it down to the Essentials, by Ron Rolheiser
Elephants in the room of the Catholic health care debate, by John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Health Care: Transcript of Cardinal George June 16 NCR interview, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Priesthood is about service, not status, pope says at ordination, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Off the cuff: tracking the pope's words on celibacy, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Touching our Loved Ones inside the Body of Christ, By Ron Rolheiser
Mandatory celibacy at the heart of what's wrong, by James Carroll
Combating Pressure with Joy: A Priest's Perspective, Author: Eugene Hemrick, Human Development. Old Saybrook, CT. Vol. 31: Number One: Spring 2010.
Touching our Loved Ones inside the Body of Christ, by Ron Rolheiser
The Richness of the Mystery of God by Ron Rolheiser
To be fully human: Rolheiser gets to the essentials, by John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
The autonomy of bishops, and suing the Vatican, By John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
A Good Catholic Story?, Cristo Rey students work hard inside and outside the classroom, By Daniel Henninger
Deeper Language, by Ron Rolheiser
Passion and Purity by Ron Rolheiser
O'Malley on the crisis, the visitation of women's orders, and Fatima, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Budding priests in a time of crisis: Seminarians enter scandal-scarred vocation, by William Wan
Pope Benedict XVI in Portugal, Discourse No. 2 Homily in Lisbon, Saints are the Backbone of the Church
Out of Catastrophe -- Snippets from a landmark address on "the future of the church" on the Isle given by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin
Living with our own Anger by Ron Rolheiser
Benedict in Portugal: A different crisis, secularism, and 'Marian Cool' by John L Allen Jr
The Ethics of the Obama Administration's Nuclear Weapons Policy: Catholic Perspectives, Eugene Hemrick
Understanding the Hispanic Presence, Eugene Hemrick
Forgiving our Differences, By Ron Rolheiser
Pope to launch 'Pontifical Council for New Evangelization', By John L Allen Jr
Can a teaching pope get his house in order?, Pope Benedict, five years into his pontificate, John Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Science and Religion, by Ron Rolheiser
Benedict's strategy on crisis: 'Pastoral not Political', by John L Allen Jr, Nation Catholic Reporter [NCR]
New York Archbishop Praised, Though Tests Await, By Paul Vitello
Living with Frustration and Tension, By Ron Rolheiser
Four points to make about Gomez and L.A., By John L Allen Jr
The Better Pope, by Ross Douthat
Catholic Students Who Attend Catholic and Public Universities and Colleges, Eugene Hemrick
Clericalism and the Liturgy, Whatever became of the 'new Pentecost'?
The Resurrection of Jesus and Physical Creation, By Ron Rolheiser
Memo to Munich: Get it Out Now!, by John L Allen Jr
Tortured Complexity, by Ron Rolheiser
Study finds Latinos who leave their churches are choosing no faith, By Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Understanding the Meaning of Theology, Pope Benedict XVI Address, Vatican City, March 17, 2010
Geno Baroni: The Wisdom of Ordinary People, By Bill Byron, S.J.
The Imperative for Ecumenism, by Ron Rolheiser
Summit looks at how parishes can use technology to engage Catholics, By Jim Gauger, Catholic News Service
A Principled Approach to Health Care Finance Reform, by Fr. William Byron, S.J.
Is Your Marriage Good Enough?, by Ginger Tobias from "O, The Oprah Magazine"
On Being One with the Saints in Praising God, by Ron Rolheiser
Liturgist: Pope aims to 'propose' practices, Published on National Catholic Reporter (, John Allen
Affective Priestly Fraternity, Cardinal Roger Mahoney, Origins. Feb. 25, 2010. Vol. 39. Number 37
Battle lines in the liturgy wars, By Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
Taking Pain to the Heart, By Ron Rolheiser
Foreign priests and the risk of plunder, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Don't Pull up the Weeds -- An Address Given by Fr. Don Senior Upon Receiving the Sophia Award from Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C.
Mother Millea speaks about the visitation, On site visits to begin after Easter; notices mailed this week
Fifth Grade Assignment -- A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in some way to communicate ideas about God.
Church statistics show increase in Catholics, priests, seminarians, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Turning Inner Chaos into a Peaceful Garden, By Ron Rolheiser
Where are the 'talking heads' on global affairs in religious life?, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
A 'Dallas experiment' in orthodoxy and openness, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Seasons of marriage, Taken from Catholic News Service
On Fasting and Praying in Secret, By Ron Rolheiser
Catholics of all ages see U.S. moral values on decline, survey says, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Notre Dame, Tucson Diocese form partnership to help Catholic schools, By Bern Zovistoski, Catholic News Service
CARA [The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate] Now Features a Blog Called 1964
Pondering Roman collars, the Latin Mass and 'holy ignorance', By John L Allen Jr, The National Catholic Reporter
Today's Catholics Different From Earlier Generations, But No Less Religious
A Special Poem For Older Folks
What is Happening to Christianity in the Middle East?, By John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
A theologian-pope sidelines theology, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Haiti and the Theodicy Question, Ron Rolheiser
The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in a Digital World: New Media at the Service of the Word
The biggest Vatican stories of the decade, By John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Of Elders, Character, Christ's Passion, and Blessing, by Ron Rolheiser
A place for renegades, Camden community confronts 'dark side of the American dream', by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter [NCR]
Living in the Face of Mortality, by Ron Rolheiser
Ecological reforms, new practices save energy, cash at Oregon school, By Ed Langlois, Catholic News Service
Catholics look at how to welcome their own back to the fold, By Katie Bahr, Catholic News Service
Good Books That Found Me This Year, By Ron Rolheiser
Study of Latino youths sees optimism, hope amid struggles, By Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Chastity and Christmas, by Ron Rolheiser
Joseph and Christmas, by Ron Rolheiser
Benedict's headache with populist Catholicism, by John L Allen Jr, National Catholic Reporter
Recession helping couples to value marriage more, expert says, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Play about St. John Vianney touring nation during Year for Priests, By Ed Langlois, Catholic News Service
Bringing passion to what the world most needs, by Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter
Pope says contemplation, pursuit of understanding are keys to theology, By Sarah Delaney, Catholic News Service
Prayer with an Infallible Guarantee, by Ron Rolheiser
Pope Recommends Keeping Diary of God's Love, Says Every Event of Every Day Is Sign of His Care
Joy an essential element for good spiritual health, Jesuit says, By Beth Griffin, Catholic News Service
Presidential Address from the USCCB Meeting, November, 2009
Respect for Each Other in a Polarized Community, by Ron Rolheiser
Pope names Notre Dame professor to theological commission, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Abortion and Health Care Bill, By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press Writer
Hopeworks 'N Camden, In diminished circumstances, Jesuit connects to a God of hope, By Tom Roberts, From the National Catholic Reporter
Priestly Celibacy -- Still A Topic for Discussion
So Much for the 'irrelevance' of the bishops, By John L Allen Jr
What Attracts Vocations to the Religious Life Most?, Taken from the CARA Report
A Mystical Image for Service, by Ron Rolheiser
On Litmus Tests for Christian Discipleship, by Ron Rolheiser
The next generation of Catholic leaders, By John L Allen Jr
Benedict's Gambit, By Ross Douthat
Is Pope Benedict a closet liberal?, By David Gibson
The Joy of the Groove, By Ron Rolheiser
Vatican Makes it Easier for Anglicans to Join the Catholic Church, By Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Writer
Cardinal George's plan to evangelize America, Calls liberal Catholics 'chaplains of status quo'; conservatives in sectarian dead-end, By John L. Allen Jr.
Chaput rejects cardinal's upbeat appraisal of Obama, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Father Jenkins elected to second term as president of Notre Dame, By Catholic News Service
Pope establishes structure for Anglicans uniting with Rome, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Report finds weakened state of US marriage, some encouraging signs, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Cardinal says US church ready to collaborate on receiving Anglicans, By Catholic News Service
In Pursuit of Innocence, by Ron Rolheiser
The Perils of Safety, By Ron Rolheiser
Hidden Prospects, The New Mexico Church May Hold Answers for the Future
Theme for 2010 communications day invites priests to use digital media, By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
Fostering the Baptismal Priesthood in the Year of the Priests, Author: Cardinal Roger Mahony, Origins. Oct. 1, 2009. Vol 39. No. 17
A Professor Pope Wields Some Rhetorical jiu-jitsu, by John L Allen Jr
The Eucharist as a Celebration of Everyday Life, by Ron Rolheiser
Happiness and Hell, by Pat Brennan
Bees keep community abuzz at Catholic retirement home, By Clarice Keating, Catholic News Service
Sociologists, educators see challenges for children of single parents, By Jessie Abrams, Catholic News Service
Year of Priests, Year to Recall St. Paul, Author: Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, NY, Origins. Sept. 17, 2009. Vol. 39. No. 15
Survey compares 'conservative' and 'progressive' religious activists, By Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Tennessee parish farmers' market shares bounty, supports ministries, By Theresa Laurence, Catholic News Service
Catholics Among Least Likely to Divorce, Taken from The Barna Group
Importance of Religion Increases with Age, Taken from the Pew Report
Daily Marriage Tips, Tips courtesy of Susan Vogt, MA, CFLE
Religious Language as Icon, by Ron Rolheiser
Media watchdog: Pope takes wary approach to communications explosion, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Spiritual lesson of caring for creation seen in eco-friendly designs, By Carmen Blanco, Catholic News Service
Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Stories, by Ron Rolheiser
Catholic school's multiage format could be national model, By Mary Chalupsky, Catholic News Service
One Catholic high school's special education program inspires another, By Andy Telli, Catholic News Service
Walking program gets students, parents involved in physical activity, By Joseph Kenny, Catholic News Service
New study shows current state of vocations to US religious communities, By Chaz Muth, Catholic News Service
Pope Benedict Revisits Vatican II's People of God and the role of the laity and pastoral co-responsibility, An Excellent Reflection on collaboration between the laity and clergy, Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Benedict XVI's very own shade of green, by John L Allen Jr, The National Catholic Reporter
The Eucharist as a call to Justice, by Ron Rolheiser
Programs help international priests minister in US, gain acceptance, By Angela Cave, Catholic News Service
What is the Essence of True Religion?, by Ron Rolheiser
A key to reading Benedict's social encyclical, by John L. Allen Jr of the National Catholic Reporter
Obama cites influence of Cardinal Bernardin, prepares to meet pope, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Americans believe in lifelong marriage, but don't live it, speaker says, By Maria Wiering, Catholic News Service
A Particularly Joyous Wedding, By Ron Rolheiser
New poll finds growing 'religion gap' between old, young Americans, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
What Makes a Great Priest?, Taken from Catholic News Service [CNS] blog
Sociologist, panelists discuss how to unite varied church generations, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Church social teaching confronts world problems with Gospel power, by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
When what is precious is taken from you, by Ron Rolheiser
The Paratrooper's Prayer
Pace of parish closings in US has quickened over past 20 years, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Cardinal urges Boston priests to be united in sacramental brotherhood, by Sarah M. Barrett, Catholic News Service
Church Management Roundtable Focuses on Effective Church Communication, National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Our One Great Fidelity, By Ron Rolheiser
Where Have All the Parishes Gone?
When parishes close, there's more to deal with than just logistics, By Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service
Parish Life, Tom Roberts, NCR Editor at Large
Parish Renewal Key to Catholic Future
Poor Teens Less Likely to Participate in Religion
Year for Priests: Pies, prayers not enough; clergy need love, support, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Remarkable congruence' between pope and president on Islam, by John L Allen Jr, The National Catholic Reporter
The Year of the Priesthood, By John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
Few surprises, but some glimmers of hope in new US church statistics, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Priestly and Affective Prayer, by Ron Rolheiser
Grass, Sky, Song - A Moral Voice, by Ron Rolheiser
Laypeople must share responsibility for church, pope tells delegates, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Boston Archdiocese Restricts Funds for Retired Infirm Priests
Mystical Images for Our Religious Quest, by Ron Rolheiser
Pope says simplicity, sobriety, sacrifice aren't just for monks, By Sarah Delaney, Catholic News Service
Cardinal George Praises President Obama's Promise to Support Conscience Clauses, Seeks to Work with Administration on Goal
Vatican newspaper says Obama sought 'common ground' at Notre Dame, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
L'Osservatore "Simply Observes"
In Internet age, church cannot avoid debate, Vatican spokesman says, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Polls find more Americans call themselves 'pro-life' than 'pro-choice', by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Remarks of President Barack Obama at the 2009 University of Notre Dame Graduation
Statistics on Retirement for Priests, Taken from A Special Report by The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., President, Remarks and Introduction to the 2009 Graduation at the University of Notre Dame
The Anatomy of Sacrifice, by Ron Rolheiser
Judge Noonan, Laetare Remarks at the 2009 graduation at the University of Notre Dame
Creativity as One Answer to Violence, by Ron Rolheiser
Reflections on Catholic Universities and Ecclesial Communion, The Teaching of Christ, by Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl
Tending the Grief, Submitted by John Chuchman National Catholic Reporter on Apr. 27, 2009
Clericalism, ideologies hinder parish evangelization, priest says, by Catholic News Service
Critical Issues for an Evangelizing Parish, Allan Deck, S.J., An Excerpt from talk given at 2009 NFPC Convention in San Antonio
What If, By Eugene Hemrick, Presented at The National Federation of Priests Councils Convention: San Antonio, 2009
Pope ordains priests, warns of worldly spirit in the church, by John Thavis, The Catholic News Service
A Year of Preaching, Eugene Hemrick
Catholics generally optimistic about church, Zogby poll finds, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Entering Lent, By Ron Rolheiser
Who are the poor? Advocates use many means to put a face on poverty, By Dennis Sadowski, Catholic News Service
Transparency: The watchword in the Catholic world this week
Rollins Lambert, March 3, 1922 -- January 25, 2009, A Beloved Mentor, Friend, Example
Marchers urged to support proposed legislation to help pregnant women, By Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service
Vatican approach to Obama in contrast to conservative U.S. Catholics, by John Allen -- National Catholic Reporter
Philip Sheldrake Lecture
Apostle of Life, By Michael Gerson, Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My New Year's Wish For You, Gene Hemrick
Vatican Israel Lock Horns Over Gaza Violence (again), By John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
Comparing pro-life struggle to slavery may be 'high risk, high reward' move for Catholic Church, By John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Survey finds most people support some restrictions on abortion, By Catholic News Service
Touched By A Brick!!, a modern day parable about making time for those who need us
Conversation Caferview with the pope's new 'eco-bishop', By John L Allen Jr
Church agencies try to help as unemployed Americans search for work, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
The Epistle of St. Paul to the Catholic Community serving in the U.S. Congress, Eugene Hemrick
A Letter from a Dad to his Son on Staying Catholic, by John Hazzard
Africa may be the future of 'seamless garment' Catholicism, By John L Allen Jr
"The 2008 Presidential Election", Essays in Theology By Rev. Richard P. McBrien
The 'Green' Heart of the Holy See, By John L Allen Jr Daily
A Post Mortem on the Bishops Meeting, By John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
The Great Inertia By Eugene Cullen Kennedy
The Song Taps
Cardinal George Voices Hope For Obama Administration, Points to Possible Obstacles To Our Desired Unity
Why so many pro-life Catholics backed Obama, in the Chicago SunTimes' Daily Southtown, By Andrew Greeley
Plenary Session Address by Cardinal George
Liberation theologian Gutirrez says hope takes work, By John L. Allen, Jr., Published: October 30, 2008
One of Many Precious Gifts Dean Hoge was to us!
Nourishment for Ministry -- 2008 - 2009
The multi-faceted challenges of poverty, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Is it possible to go on a fast from violent media?, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Daily Marriage Tips, Tips courtesy of Susan Vogt, MA, CFLE
Economic crisis shows why life shouldn't be built on money, pope says, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
The Loss of a Cherished Friend and Colleague, Eugene Hemrick
Tips for a Happy Marriage, Courtesy of Susan Vogt, MA, CFLE
Four Sfumature from the Popes trip to Sydney, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Priest's meditations on CDs aim to help people listen for God's voice, By Mary Ann Wyand, Catholic News Service
Benedict paints his own shade of green, By John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Our Misconceptions about Suicide, Ron Rolheiser
Resilence, Fr. Paul, Frances Omodio, CSJ, LCSW-C, is a Continuing Care Therapist at SLI
Bread and Wine, Ron Rolheiser
More on Burke's move to Vatican court, Posted on Jul 3, 2008, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Catholic University hosts seminar on causes, impacts of hoarding, By Brandy Wilson, Catholic News Service
Speakers say parishes thrive with strong leadership, management, By Catholic News Service
Church Chicago-Style, Author: William L. Droel, Acta Publications. Chicago, IL. 2008. Pp. 126
Oblates to focus their missionary zeal on secular culture of U.S., By J. Michael Parker, Catholic News Service
The Service of Authority and Obedience, Author: Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Origins. Vol. 38. Number 5. June 12, 2008
Pope turns spotlight on St. Paul as model for modern Christians, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Church leaders lack credibility, seem rigid, arrogant, June 25, 2008, By Andrew Greeley, Taken from the Chicago Times
Review of Studies on Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life
, Sister Margaret John Kelly DC
New CARA report assesses likely Catholic influence on 2008 elections
, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Priests urged to care for their bodies the way they care for souls, By Chaz Muth, Catholic News Service
Some Guidelines for Service, by Ron Rolheiser
Aphorism: A Short, Pointed Sentence Expressing A Wise Or Clever Observation Or A General Truth
Time Is Not Your Friend, Richard Bakker, MA, CCDC, CPC, Vol. I No. 5 October/November 1997
Different Wavelengths: The Young Clergy and the Young Laity
Pastoral Aspects on Youth Ministry: A Response to Dean Hoge
Chastity And the Enchantment of Life, by Ron Rolheiser
Moms evangelize with vacation Bible school kits for Catholic children, By Paula Doyle, Catholic News Service
Former Dominican general tells Canadians vocations still vital, By Benedictine Abbot Peter Novecosky, Catholic News Service
Hispanics Will Soon Comprise More Than Half of U.S. Catholic Teens, Taken from the CARA Report, Georgetown University
More Marriage Tips
What do our newly ordained look like?, Taken from the CARA Report
Permanent Deacon Candidates Down 8 Percent, Taken from the CARA Report
A priest's perspective on pastoral assignments, Catholic News Service
'I Was Not Going to Let This Destroy Me', Face to Face With Her Daughter's Murderer, Will a Mother Ask for Mercy or Revenge?, By Bob Brown
Study says poor students do better at Catholic than at public schools, By Catholic News Service
The Many Faces of the Eucharist, By Ron Rolheiser
Fr. Paul, Frances Omodio, CSJ, LCSW-C, is a Continuing Care Therapist at SLI., Case Study: Fr. Paul
Centuries-old debate still rages over religion's role in public life, By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service
John Allen, National Catholic Reporter, The Health of Pope Benedict VI and Successors
Remembering Writer and Friend Tim Unsworth, Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Survey finds pope's visit got a big chunk of U.S. media's attention, By Patricia Zapor. Catholic News Service
Priest calls for new strategies to keep young adults in church, By Catholic News Service
Diverse leadership seen at summit as key to future of healthy church, By Karen Osborne, Catholic News Service
The story behind the pope's meeting with sex abuse victims; Cardinal O'Malley interview, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Baltimore pastor details evolution of multicultural ministry, By Chaz Muth, Catholic News Service
Michael Novak on Pope's U.S. Visit (Part 2), Interview With Theologian and Author, By Carrie Gress
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Donna Kelley, IHM, Psy.D., is a psychologist in the Talitha Life women's program at SLI., From St. Luke's Institute
Happy priests equal more priests, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Benedict on America: In his own words, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Mystic or Unbeliever, by Ron Rolheiser
Pope Says Dialogue Has a Purpose: Finding Truth, Greets Jews for Feast of Passover
Spokesman: US Church Can Move to Reconciliation, Father Lombardi Comments on Pope's Visit With Abuse Victims
Crises of Truth and Faith Linked, Says Pope, Addresses Representatives of Catholic Education
Study explores support for vocations, response to decline in priests, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Vatican ambassador to U.S. talks of coming papal trip, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Eight questions American Catholics are asking, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Young adult Catholics are interested in church ministry, study finds
A Spirituality of Martyrdom, by Ron Rolheiser
Make Some Resolutions To Your Resolution, Dana Dowd , M.S.P.T., Vol. XII, January/February, 2008
Seeing the Resurrection, By Ron Rolheiser
Find It Online -- Best Practices For Parishes
Major Findings On Catholic Attitudes Toward Sacramental Marriage, Taken from the CARA Report, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
Words Mean Ever So Much, Especially in Our Parish Bulletins --- Be Careful of What You Write!
Lord, When Did We See You?, Five lessons to make you think about the way we treat people. Possible stories for a homily
The biggest challenge facing the priesthood in 2008, By Father Eugene Hemrick
The Nature of Faith, by Ron Rolheiser
Jesus and Justice, by Ron Rolheiser
Synod of Bishops on the Bible already causing ferment; Good Friday prayer revised, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Catholic Preaching in the Multicultural Context of the United States of America, By Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta, Ga.
Experts on International Priests, Deacons, Lay and Hispanic Ministry, by Father John Kemper, S.S.
Happy priests equal more priests, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Sociologist's new book shows Catholics changing with times, by Sherry Fisher - February 4, 2008
The Unexpected Monks, Taken from the Boston Globe
Catholic Identity is Still Very Much in!!, Beefing up the Catholic in Catholic charities, By John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
Images for Lent, by Ron Rolheiser
Father Schall on "Spe Salvi" (Part II), Says Pope a Universal Voice for the World, By Carrie Gress
Father James Schall on "Spe Salvi" (Part I), Jesuit Scholar Points to Pope's Insights Into True Hope, By Carrie Gress
Mary Catherine Hilkert, Bearing Wisdom -- The Vocation of the Preacher
On the Changing Model of Parishes, Interview With Father Yves le Saux of the Emmanuel Community, By Gisèle Plantec
Frequently Asked Questions About Marriage
Communications Ministry, given by John Allen, National Catholic Reporter NCR, At a meeting of rectors of cathedrals in Florida
Archbishop Niederauer on cathedral ministries, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
The Domestic and the Monastic, by Ron Rolheisser
Deciphering the Catholic Vote
Daily Marriage Tips, Tips courtesy of Susan Vogt, MA, CFLE
Study: Young Adult Catholics and Their Future in Ministry, Interim Report on the 2007 Survey of The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders, Dean R. Hoge and Marti R. Jewell, Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership
Fr. General's Homily, Gesu Church, Sunday, January 20, 2008, Mass of Thanksgiving
The Paradox of Our Age
Vatican official says pope does not want to abandon liturgical reform, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
What If?, Ron Rolheiser
Fr. Joe, Relapse Prevention, by Reverend James Gordon
Fr. Eric, Sr. Jane & Br. Bob, Joseph P. Collins Jr., D.O., a psychiatrist, is Director of Medical Services at SLI
Clapton, Blues and Conversion, Ron Rolheiser
Marini's book on liturgy: The future of the liturgy is the future of Christianity, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Vatican's clergy congregation unveils Web site with important texts, By Catholic News Service
No Longer Church Goers, Eugene Hemrick
My Christmas and New Year's Wish for You, Gene Hemrick
Advent Longing, by Ron Rolheisser
Sex abuse settlement, the pope's visit and ecumenism: Cardinal Mahony speaks with NCR, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
The Prominence of Truth in the Priesthood
Once a Priest - Always a Priest, A Story I Heard and Will Never Forget, by Ron Hindle
The John Jay study of clergy sex abuse challenges evangelical Catholics, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
The Other Health Crisis, Why Priests Are Coping Poorly, Paul Stanosz
Pontiff Extols Jerome's Biblical Insights, Comments on the Scholar's Many Lessons
The Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Catholics Becoming Mainstream America, From the CARA Report
Finding the Strength to Reach Across Differences, by Ron Rolheiser
Seeking the Outlines of the Church of Tomorrow, From the CARA Report
Compared to Others, Clergy are Most Satisfied with Work and Happiest in Life, Taken from the CARA Report
Facing Resentments and Careerism Truthfully in our Priesthood, By Gene Hemrick
Putting Truth to Work in the Priesthood, by Eugene Hemrick
Signs of life in Latin America, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Father, What are You Really About?
Global South under represented in college of cardinals, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter, Another well thought out analysis by NCR
Testimony by Tony Snow -- An outstanding testimony from Tony Snow, President Bush's Press Secretary, and his fight with cancer.
Ongoing Education is a Sine Qua Non for the Priesthood, Study is Ministry!, By Eugene Hemrick
The Struggle to Bless by Ron Rolheiser
The Making of a Priest by Carol Farthing, Ph.D.
Father, Please Keep Your Contemplative Edge Razor Sharp!, Eugene Hemrick
How Honest Are We Priests With Our Health?, Eugene Hemrick, A Chapter from Gene Hemrick's soon to be published New Book
John Allen Reporting, National Catholic Reporter, An Interview with Cardinal George of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Lost is a Place Too, By Ron Rolheiser
CARA reports uptick in Catholic college seminarian enrollment figures, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Restlessness on a Friday Night, by Ron Rolheisser
A Meditation on Looking Back to Learn How Far We Have Come And How Grateful We Should Be, And Whether Our Present Age Has Made Real Progress Or Regressed In Some Ways
Self-Disclosure: References in the sermon to the preacher's life
Carl J. Peter Lecture - A Vocation to Preach
Why is Fr. Peter Phan under investigation?, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Multicultural preaching
U.S. mission priests want church updates -- but on the short side, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
A Crisis of Faith or of the Imagination?, By Ron Rolheisser
A Survey of Health Services given by Churches, conducted by the National Council of Churches USA (NCC) with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Priests of Integrity, By Carol M. Lackie
A Conspiracy Against Interiority, by Ron Rolheisser
Gallup Catholic student brings smiles to kids with birth defects, By Melissa Nicholson, Catholic News Service
The Silence of Life, by Ron Rolheiser
The deathbed friendship between a bishop and an atheist, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., The National Catholic Reporter
Church Attendance an International Concern
The Latest on the Permanent Diaconate
Making God Known, Loved, and Served: The Future of Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools in the United States, Notre Dame Task Force on Catholic Education, Final Report, Dec. 2006, University of Notre Dame Press
John Allen Reporting On Tridentine Mass, National Catholic Reporter -- An excellent way to keep Catholic Updated!!
Fewer Parishes Being Entrusted to Someone Other than a Priest, From the CARA Report, Summer 2007
Our Unfinished Symphony, by Ron Rolheiser
The Church's Changing Face, By Andrew M. Greeley, America, August 13, 2007
Understanding Suicide
Survey says excess TV bad for Americans individually and collectively, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Religion in the Public Arena, The Vital Role of Spiritual Values, By Father John Flynn, L.C.
Wrestling with God
Here Come the Evangelical Catholics, By William Portier
Cardinal: Pope's Book Goes Against the Grain, Says Ideas Are Original and Pointed
The Vatican's changing relationship with Europe, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Books offer insights into where our food comes from, Reviewed by William Droel, Catholic News Service
Pedophilia and the Priesthood, "A Crime Against the Most Weak"
Study confirms disconnect seen between marriage, parenthood, By Kaitlynn Riely, Catholic News Service
Catholic Identity and Apologetics in a Post-Modern Age, The 2005 Hecker Lecture, Richard R. Gaillardetz, Ph.D., Murray/Bacik Professor of Catholic Studies, University of Toledo
Ex-college president 'transformed' by experiences teaching in Africa, By George P. Matysek Jr., Catholic News Service
Year of St. Paul: Focus on the Bible
Struggle to reassert traditional Catholic identity scores two wins, All Things Catholic, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Preparing to Preach: The Art and Skill of Paying Attention, The spirituality of the homilist begins and ends with paying attention to the scriptures and to life, by Father Robert Schoenstene
Lay ecclesial ministry and the feminization of the church, By John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
Our Three Temptations, By Ron Rollheiser
Author reports 'good girls' are speaking out against promiscuity, By Andrea Slivka, Catholic News Service
Pope relaxes restrictions on use of Tridentine Mass, By John Thavis
Eloquence is Timeless, Augustine and the modern-day media have something in common: They tap into the power of good communication, By C. Colt Anderson, Associate Professor, St. Mary of the Lake University, Mundelein, IL
Current Words Worth Pondering, By David Gibson
Wider Use of Latin Mass Likely, Vatican Officials Say, By Laurie Goodstein and Ian Fisher
Father Cantalamessa on Pope's Book, Pontifical Household Preacher Comments on Sunday's Readings
Pope meets bishops, discusses decision on pre-Vatican II liturgy, By John Thavis and Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
New books offer assistance to those facing illness, loss, By Catholic News Service
Mindfulness: Living With The Lights On, Hetty Irmer, LGSW, St. Luke's Institute, Vol. 9, No. 4
New glossary seeks to improve Catholics' literacy about their faith, By Kaitlynn Riely, Catholic News Service
The Conscience of Our Age, Interview With Father Vincent Twomey
The Search for Perfection, Babies Eliminated as New Eugenics Gains Force, By Father John Flynn, L.C.
Loneliness and God's Pleasure, Ron Rolheiser
Suffering Writ Large
Athanasius Defended God's Closeness, Says Pope, Address Focused on Foe of Arianism
Moral Loneliness, by Ron Rolheisser
Overcoming Hypersensitivity, by Ron Rolheisser
Climate Change Strikes the Poor
Roadway Commandments
Theologians challenged to set the pace for inclusive conversations, John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
Spokesman: Pope Sees Heart of Culture's Problems, Defends Pontiff's Estimation of "Educational Emergency"
Bush Hears of Sant'Egidio's Philosophy
National hot line to offer listening ear to priests in crisis, By Ann Piasecki, Catholic News Service
Chicago shutters one of nation's last Catholic seminaries, By Don Babwin, Associated Press Writer
A Forgotten Saint: Unearthing San Clemente's, Remembering St. Petronilla's Legacy, By Elizabeth Lev
Is now the time to beatify and canonize Pope Pius XII?, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
On Wars Thought Holy, Interview With Marco Meschini
Conference focuses on best management practices for parishes, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Will I Get Better in Treatment?, Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, Ph.D., D. Min, Vol. XI, No.1, January/February, 2007
More than 20,000 in Lay Ecclesial Ministry Formation, Taken from the CARA Report
Pastoring Multiple Parishes: Top Ten Best Practices, Taken from "Pastoring Multiple Parishes," by Mark Mogilka, a planning booklet for the Diocese of Green Bay
On Tertullian, "Accomplished a Great Step in the Development of the Trinitarian Dogma"
Sorting out the results of the Latin American bishops' meeting, Things Catholic, by John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Understanding the Mind and Heart of Pope Benedict XVI, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Dear CUA, don't kill the messenger
Beauty, Faith -- and Weddings, Interview With Designer Justina McCaffrey
Father Cantalamessa on Witness, The Pontifical Household Preacher Comments on Sunday's Readings
Immigrants and their families: God's People Caught in the Middle of Politics, Advocates say immigration bill a good start but in need of amending, By Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
A Call for Accuracy, not only in the media, but in everything we communicate, Vatican official: Media nonsense on religion often reflects ignorance, By Catholic News Service
Advisory - Best Sellers, By Catholic News Service
Benedict's priorities: Feeding humanity's spiritual and material hunger, All Things Catholic, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Origen's Teachings on Prayer and Church, "The Privileged Path to Knowing God Is Love"
Lectio Divina: A moment of reading and listening, The Clerestory • Spring 2007, Produced by St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL
The meaning of vocation for baptized Christians, Archbishop Philip Wilson, Archbishop in Australia
Speech by Very Rev. Louis V. Iasiello, OFM, PhD to The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, New York City -- April 29, 2007
Papal Address to Theology Professors, "Listen to the Answers That the Christian Faith Gives Us"
Pope's new book addresses key concerns for this pontificate: Christ is key, Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Survey shows average age of priests to be ordained in '07 is 35, By Catholic News Service
Changing Faiths: Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion -- Taken from the Pew Report [Other parts of report have been posted prior to this report --- see Home Page]
The Latest on Hispanics and Religion, Taken from the Pew Hispanic Center and the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Hold your breath for the next media frenzy: The Latin Mass document is coming, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
On Clement of Alexandria, "One of the Great Promoters of Dialogue Between Faith and Reason"
Spontaneity and Health, Stephen F. Kopp, MS, TEP, Vol. IX, No.1, January/February, 2005
The Reason for Music and Its Role in Worship, by Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI
Catholic Best-Sellers List for May 2007, Catholic Book Publishers Association
Synopsis of Pope's Book, "Jesus of Nazareth"
Statistics released on enrollment, staffing in U.S. Catholic schools, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Why hasn't Catholicism had a more positive effect?, All Things Catholic, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Latest sex abuse report finds drop in reported victims, By Agostino Bono, Catholic News Service
Survey checks Catholic attitudes on immigration, terrorism, bishops, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
To Be Or Not To Be An Ugly American Will Depend Greatly On How We Treat Our Immigrants And Champion Human Dignity, Why so many walls?, By Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Origin and Use of the Paschal Candle
Strengthening Catholic Identity
Trust, in government as elsewhere, fast to lose and slow to regain, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
On St. Irenaeus of Lyons, "The First Great Theologian of the Church"
Cardinal Hummes on Priestly Celibacy, "Christ's Precious Gift to His Church"
Monasticism and Benedict are the Rage of the Day! But Why?
Christianity for Beginners, by Carmen Acevedo Butcher
Bishop, victims have spirited talk about child sex abuse cover-ups, By Agostino Bono, Catholic News Service
On St. Justin Martyr, He Considered Christianity the "True Philosophy"
Sobrino's notification: a sign of things to come, Posted on Mar 16, 2007 10:12am CST., All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., Friday, Mar. 16, 2007 - Vol. 6, No. 28
Benedict XVI Highlights 1st Century Papal Primacy, Begins Audience Series on Apostolic Fathers
In Harm's Way, Catholic News Service
"The Church Has a Sacramental, Not Political Structure"
Questions raised by Victor Klimoski in the book Priestly Ministry in Multiple Parishes
Address Of His Holiness Benedict XVI To The Confessors, Who Serve In The Four Papal Basilicas Of Rome, Clementine Hall, Monday, 19 February 2007
Ecology makes the Catholic mega-trend list, by John L. Allen, Jr., Friday, Mar. 2, 2007 - Vol. 6, No. 26
Pope Answers Seminarians, "A Day Without the Eucharist Is Incomplete"
Pope encourages priests to face challenges with trust in God's love, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Papal Address for Symposium of Secular Institutes, "God Is All and Will Be All In Your Lives"
Relating to the Opposite Sex, Interview With Author of "Men and Women Are From Eden"
Papal Message for Lent 2007, "They Shall Look on Him Whom They Have Pierced"
Right and left join forces to oppose brave new world of biotechnology, Posted on Feb 9, 2007 09:25am CST., All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr., Friday, Feb. 9, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 23
Study finds alumni value Catholic college experience, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Diocesan Presbyterate Examines Its Role: Priests of Wilmington, Del., Origins: February 15, 2007. Vol. 36. No. 35
Sociologists see strong identity, less commitment in young Catholics, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
On Christian Unity, "It Is Not We Who Organize the Unity of the Church"
A Success Story on "Where there is a will, there is a way.", Airmen race against time for Manta kids, by Maj. Chris Hemrick, 478th Expeditionary Operations Squadron Public Affairs
Religious called to imagine new future, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Caution Over Interreligious Marriages Is Reiterated, Church in Italy Takes Special Note of Catholic-Muslim Unions
Principles to remember for those in responsible church positions
Wilmington bishop approves priests' plan to address clergy shortage
Religious opposition to homosexuality increasingly a question of law, Posted on Feb 1, 2007 15:51pm CST., All Things Catholic, National Catholic Reporter, by John L. Allen, Jr., Friday, Feb. 2, 2006 - Vol. 6, No. 22
Benedict XVI: Educate Children in Beauty, Media Day Message Focuses on Youth
Notre Dame task force issues report on future of Catholic schools, By Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service
The Role of Feelings in Looking Back, Sheila M. Harron, Ph.D., Vol. VIII, No.3, May/June, 2004, St. Luke's Institute. Silver Springs, MD
Law, Lawyers, the Court, and Catholicism
Family Trends, Pressures on Married Life Continue to Grow, By Father John Flynn
Congress more religiously diverse; Catholics still well represented, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
"Horizontalism -- Does Damage to Catholic Faith and Worship", Cardinal Arinze Address to Institut Supérieur de Liturgie
Attending Sunday Mass at Other Parishes -- And a Last Word on Christmastide
The Bishop, a Prophetic Voice for Reconciliation, Author: Bishop Gregory Aymond, Origins. Jan. 4. 2007. Vol. 36. No. 29
Musicians, people in pews differ on what encourages singing in church
Pope Benedict XVI's Address of January 14, 2007 on the World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Explaining the Mass During Mass, And More on Christmas
Markets and Morality, Debating the Role of Self-Interest, by Father John Flynn
Recent Catholic Trends, taken from the Contemporary Catholic Trends poll conducted by LeMoyne College in Syracuse and Zogby International
Mindfulness: Living With The Lights On, Hetty Irmer, LGSW, St. Luke's Institute. Vol. 9, No. 4, September/October, 2005
Ten Mega Trends According to John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
A Letter From A Parish Priest to His Bishop on the Cleansing of the Cups
Discussion on the possibility of taking a closer look at celibacy in the priesthood, Triggered by recent statement from Rome on celibacy's place in the priesthood, For more reactions see NCR John Allen Reporting, From John Allen National Catholic Report
John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter, Curial cardinal says celibacy 'not a dogma,' can be discussed
Families Under Pressure, Marriage, Funding and Faith Intertwine, By Father John Flynn
Great symbols from pope and patriarch, but no breakthroughs, By John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
Speech given at St Anselmo in Rome - 'Benedict and the future of Europe', 21st November 2006
From the Introduction of Benedict XVI's New Book, "A First Glance at the Secret of Jesus"
Address By the Holy Father during his Meeting with the Clergy, Warsaw Cathedral, 25 May 2006
My Thanksgiving Wish for You, Gene Hemrick
Benedict XVI, top aides to discuss Milingo and celibacy, Posted on Nov 14, 2006 04:51am CST, By John L. Allen, Jr.,
New York
Pro-life Outlook After the U.S. Elections, Interview With Russell Shaw
Why the pope criticized careerism in the church, by Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
Do you have to be smart to be a priest?, Father Louis Cameli, Origins. Oct. 26, 2006. Vol. 36. Number 20
Considerations for Seminary Educators, Bishop Kicanas, Origins Oct. 26, 2006. Vol. 36. Num. 20
Pope Recalls Padre Pio and His Works, "Faith in God and Scientific Research Cooperate"
John Allen Reporting from Rome, A National Catholic Reporter Article, Papal appointments have been moderates and pastors
Who will say no to Benedict XVI?, Posted on Oct 27, 2006 09:39am CST, All Things Catholic by John L. Allen, Jr.
Secularism Won't Satisfy, Pope Tells Irish Bishops, He Also Urges Them to Bring Healing to Sex-Abuse Victims
Money, abuse and communion bans: U.S. bishops meet with Benedict, By John L. Allen, Jr., National Catholic Reporter
On Judas Iscariot and Matthias, "Never Despair of God's Mercy", Pope Benedict XVI
Iraqi death numbers rise should spur troop withdrawal, U.S. Catholic peace leaders say, by Agostino Bono, Catholic News Service
Pope set to liberalize use of Pre-Vatican II Mass, by John L. Allen, Rome Reporter
The Softer Side Of Fitness, Dana Dowd, M.S.P.T., Vol. X, No.3
Fitness Gains, Vol. VIII, No. 5, November 2004
Prayer and Science Help in Pain Relief, Says Pope, Benedict XVI Helps Mark Anniversary of a Key Project of Padre Pio's
Vatican Document on Corruption, "Makes Societies Less Just and Less Open", "The Fight Against Corruption"
John Allen Reporting from Rome, A National Catholic Reporter Report, Avery Dulles and the Muslims
John Allen Reporting, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter, The BBC Documentary on Sex Crimes in the Vatican
Faith-based political guidance: What's out there, by Catholic News Service
Timeshifting, Carol Farthing, Ph.D., Vol. X, No.4, September/October, 2006
Inside or outside church structures, Catholics engage change, By Joe Feuerherd, Washington
Ministering to the Gay Community, from John Allen Reporting from Rome, National Catholic Reporter
Speakers say church needs to see ministry, roles in new light, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Scriptural Basis of the Mass as Sacrifice -- And More on Withholding Holy Communion
John Allen Reporting from Rome, On Benedict and the Muslims
Pope Says Dialogue With Islam Vital for Future, Meets With Muslim Leaders and Diplomats, Castel Gandolfo, Italy, September 25, 2006
Pope Benedict's Address to Leaders of Muslim Communities in Italy, Castel Gandolfo, Italy, September 25, 2006
Vatican Statement on Pope's Words About Islam, "A Clear and Radical Rejection of the Religious Motivation for Violence"
Pope Benedict XVI Takes on Muslims and also our culture of reason -- Faith, Reason and the University -- Memories and Reflections
Pope Benedict XVI on Islam and the West
In a scholarly lecture, the pope reflects on crisis of faith, reason, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Bishop Joseph E. Kurtz on Marriage
Facts and Figures That Are Changing Parish Structures
Sant'Egidio at work, Religions as "Precious Resources of Peace", Address by Andrea Riccardi in Assisi
Experiences of Priests Ordained Five to Nine Years
The Morale of Today's Priests, Taken from Experiences of Priests Ordained Five to Nine Years
Does Peace Have a Chance?, Interview With Professor of University of Valencia
Vatican Criticizes New Stem Cell Procedure, It's Still Manipulation, Says Bishop Sgreccia
Recommendations for Raising Morale Among Priests
John Allen Reporting From Rome -- A Follow Up On Pope Benedict XVI's Remarks on Working Too Much
Study on Priests Nearing Completion, Infuential Writers, Periodicals, and Websites
Interview with Samuel Escobar, Conducted August 14, 2006, By John L. Allen, Jr.
U.S. churches key in integrating Mexicans into U.S., says study, By Agostino Bono, Catholic News Service
Creation and Evolution, John L. Allen, Jr., Reporting From Rome
The Challenges of Support Groups and Their Benefits, Fr. Rob, Frances Omodio, CSJ, LCSW-C is a Continuing Care Therapist at SLI
What is Happening with Marriages These Days and How are Priests Perceived in Supporting Married Life?, Executive Summary, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, Family, Laity, Women and Youth Secretariat
The Decline of Common Meaning in the Church, Bishop Edward Braxton, Origins, August 3, 2006. Vol.36. Number 10
Fr. Jeff and Loneliness
Pope says being silent about Christianity will not increase peace
How do older, younger priests differ?, By James D. Davison, Ph.D.
Father Cantalamessa on How to Live Vacation, Pontifical Household Preacher on This Sunday's Gospel
They're Back! Church Bulletins: Thank God for church ladies who look cuter on a computer!
Thoughts About the Priesthood
Yet another church movement working to make Christ alive in the hearts of people, Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
Founded by a Group of Students
Case Study: Father Joe, Taken From St. Luke's Institute, Ellen M. Griffiths, RD, MPH, Clinical Dietician at Saint Luke Institute
Pope Benedict XVI's Visit to Spain and Message for Family Life, John Allen Reporting from Rome, A National Catholic Reporter Article
Padre Pio on Anxiety
A Possible Sainthood in the Making That Shows Truth Always Wins Out, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter,
The Word from John Allen
The Shalom Catholic Community, Yet another lay community doing apostolic work
Profound Thoughts on Christ by Profound Thinkers
A Scripture Lesson on James the Less by Pope Benedict XVI
The Sant'Egidio Community
-- Established in Rome in '60s
How Bad/Good Is Mass Attendance in the Church?, John Allen Reporting from Rome, National Catholic Reporter - a paper well worth supporting
The Militia Christi
Catholic Bishops to Debate Mass Changes, By Gillian Flaccus, The Associated Press, Thursday, June 15, 2006; 7:58 AM
Young adults give little, but most goes to church
Youth Arise -- An Interdenominational Youth Prayer Movement
I've Found God, Say Man Who Cracked Genome, By Steven Swinford, Taken from the Sunday Times
On Pope Benedict XVI and his quiet way of pontificating, John L. Allen, Jr., Taken from National Catholic Reporter
Memores Domini Lay Association -- Who are they and what do they stand for?
Some Statistics and Facts about Evangelization and Ecumenism Among Hispanics
Address of Andrea Riccardi on Psalm 112, "A Charisma Is a Gift, Not a Utopia"
Ecumenism for America's Hispanic Christians, Father Rausch, SJ, Origins. June 1. Vol. 36. No.3
Benedict XVI's Long Vision of the Movements, Archbishop Rylko Tells of Pope's Views
Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs Established by Students Group
Movements as Response to Need
Policy Implications for Parish Management
Place and Role of Movements in the Church
(Part 1), Interview with Father Arturo Cattaneo, Professor of Canon Law
Place and Role of Movements in the Church (Part 2), Interview With Father Arturo Cattaneo
Overall Priests' Compensation Increased since 2002
'On Eagle's Wings' On Top in Catholic Music Survey, Taken from the CARA Report
Deacon Candidates Decrease, Aspirants Increase
Numbers of Religious Decreasing, Reveals Church's Statistical Yearbook
A Cry To Youth Ministry and Especially Its Need Today!!, Solidarity With the Next Generation, Rome Meeting Highlights Responsibilities and Challenges
The Priest as Shepherd, Not Careerist, Pope Benedict XVI, Origins, May 25, 2006. Vol. 36. Number 2
Catholics not swayed by 'Da Vinci Code,' according to poll
Inspiring Thoughts of Pope John Paul II That Apply To Everyday Life Today, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter, John Allen Jr. Reporting
Sociologist offers solutions to growing divide among U.S. priests
A New Debate Over the Old Question About Participation in the Mass, Reported in The National Catholic Reporter
An Excellent Article for Fighting Depression, Art Therapy & Healing, Anne Corson, M.A., ATR-BC, Vol. X, No.2, January/February, 2006, St. Luke's Institute
Br. Bob -- A Case Study by Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D.
Priests' morale reported high despite hurt, anger at abuse crisis, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Poll: Americans more pro-life but still don't grasp how far Roe goes
A Lay Movement Well Worth Emulating, For More On The Sant'Egidio Community Go To Links On Our Web Site
An Excellent Article on Joseph Ratzinger by one of his students, The Old Church, Taken from Commonweal April 21, 2006, For the entire article, please see Commonweal
Learning More About Pope Benedict XVI, John Allen Reporting from Rome -- National Catholic Reporter
John Allen Reporting from Rome on The Gospel of Judas and Benedict on Scripture, Our gratitude to The National Catholic Reporter for making this possible!
Cardinal asks people not to support immigration-related boycott May 1, By Catholic News Service
Transcript for April 16, Meet The Press, Joan Chittister, Michael Lerner, Jon Meacham, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Richard Neuhaus, Joel Osteen
Men let cameras in on their vocation discernment for cable TV series, By Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
What Do We Mean When We Say International Priests Need To Be Inculturated?, Taken From the Study International Priests in America, [Already cited on our website], by Dr. Seung Ai Yang
It's All How Long You Hold It -- Reflections on Dealing with the Burdens of Life
Reflections on the first year of Pope Benedict XVI, By John L. Allen, Jr.
Statement of the Catholic Bishops of Illinois on Immigration Reform, March 2006
A New DVD About Pope John Paul II: A Pope Toward Holiness: Chronicle of a Pontificate
"Promoting and Sustaining Marriage as a Community of Life and Love", A Colloquium of Social Scientists and Theologians, October 24-25, 2005, Marriage as a Unitive and Procreative Partnership, John S. Grabowski, Ph.D., The Catholic University of America
Pope, cardinals discuss several issues, including dialogue with Islam, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
A year after Pope Benedict's election, world sees new style of papacy, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
An Interview with Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, former superior general of the Jesuits, by John Allen, The National Catholic Reporter
Some Thoughts on Celibacy from the book The Risk of Discipleship
Drafting the New Program of Priestly Formation: A Labor of Love, Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt
Responding with a True "Amen", Taken from the book Active Participation at Mass: What it is and How to Attain it
Practical Suggestion in regard to International Priests, by Dr. Seung Ai Yang
John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter on his take of Pope Benedict's understanding of women
A Good Suggestion by Rev. Michael Heher for Better Working Together with International Priests
How Pope Benedict XVI might respond to South America
Doctrinal head: Openly gay priests make it tough to represent Christ, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Capitalism in the Dock, An Interesting analysis of the market and free-market policies, New York February 18, 2006,
A report
Author says McGivney bio could help restore respect for priests, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
The Touch of the Master's Hand
A unique way of dealing with the priest shortage other than importing priests, recommended by Rev. Virgilio Elizondo in International Priests in America [Study already cited on our website]
Recent Background History on International Priests Coming to the United States, taken from the study: International Priests in American [Already cited on our website]
The Armed Forces Trying To Define Their Ethical and Moral Responsibilities in an Unconventional War
John Allen of The National Catholic Reporter and The Catholic News Service
on the possibility of new Cardinals being appointed
Beware of the new Devils within our Midst -- Cyber-sex and Cyber-relating, Taken from St. Luke's Institute in Silver Spring, Maryland, "Fr. Kevin and Sister Karen"
Vatican official: Spiritual reform must begin with religious orders, By John Thavis
The Theologian's View, by Father John Perry, SJ and The Navy Chaplain's View, by Father Louis V. Iasiello, OFM
An Excerpt from the article: Finding Needed Wisdom and Courage During Difficult Days, by Bishop Tod Brown
Progress, new challenges seen for black Catholic community, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Commentary on Pope Benedict XVI's First Encyclical, by Mark Stricherz
Survey Shows Catholics Who Give Most Want More Church Accountability, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
John Allen Jr. Reporting from Rome for the National Catholic Reporter, on The Next Consistory
Fr. Joe, A Case Study
All I Want For Christmas is a Few More Priests, by Fr. Jonathan Foster, O.F.M., Mayslake Ministries Second Journey: A Quarterly Newsletter of Mayslake, Ministries, Inc.
Taken From John Allen Reporting From Rome in the National Catholic Reporter, Pope Benedict XVI on truth as our best means for achieving peace and justice
Fraternal correction in this day and age, and especially in our priesthood?, Father Eugene Hemrick
Solitude vs. Isolation, Andrew Martin, Psy.D., Vol. VIII, No.2., March-April, 2004, Taken From St. Luke's Institute, Silver Springs, Maryland
The greatest terror in terrorism for our country, by Father Eugene Hemrick
Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, For the Celebration of the World Day of Peace
Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, Authors: U.S. Bishops, Origins Dec. 1, 2005, Vol. 35, Number 25
Despite disagreements, Catholic women said to be committed to church, By Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Vatican letter says norms on priesthood must be 'faithfully observed', By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Parish event for high school students combines Mass, supper, 'Narnia', by Pat Norby, Catholic News Service
Homosexuality: The Essentialist Argument Continues to Erode, By A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D., MBA, MPH
More Insights and Discussion on the Vatican Document on Gays, John Allen, National Catholic Reporter
Doubt Is Their Co-Pilot, More Americans are shunning traditional religions and turning to upstart faiths such as Universism, whose sole dogma is uncertainty, by Stephanie Simon, Times Staff Writer
Bishops, seminary officials react to document on gays and priesthood, By Agostino Bono, Catholic News Service
Vatican document on homosexuals raises series of delicate questions, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Bishop Says Edict Allows Some Gay Priests, U.S. Catholics at Odds Over Interpretation of Vatican's New Directive, By Alan Cooperman, Washington Post Staff Writer, Wednesday, November 30, 2005; Page A01
Vatican says no ordaining homosexuals, men who support 'gay culture', By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Papal premiere: Yet another pope movie gets Vatican screening, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Commenting on a Conversation with John Allen in the National Catholic Reporter
Congregation for Catholic Education Instruction
Concerning the Criteria of Vocational Discernment
Regarding Persons With Homosexual Tendencies In View Of Their Admission to Seminaries and Holy Orders
Roundtable Discussion on Confession
The Demographics on Lay Ministers, Taken from Lay Parish Minsters: A Study of Emerging Leadership by David DeLambo, associate director of pastoral planning for the Diocese of Cleveland
The Statistics on the Financial Compensation and Benefits of Lay Ministers
Taken from Origins Nov. 17, 2005 Vol 35, #23, Indicators of a good parish
John Allen Reporting from Rome on the Issue of Gays in the Seminary, Taken from the National Catholic Reporter
What Does a First Assignment Look Like?, A Study Conducted by The Life Cycle Institute and the Seminary Division of the National Catholic Educational Association in Washington DC
Study finds U.S. Catholic teens less religious than Protestant teens, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
What One or Two Persons' Writings Have the Most Influence on Your Priesthood?, Taken from the recent study of priests ordained five to nine years
President of Bishops' Conference gives heavy emphasis to state of today's
priesthood, Presidential Address At The Bishops' Conference in Washington DC, Bishop William Skystad, DD
An Interview with Archbishop Leveda on his new role of following Pope
Youth Ministry and the Socioreligious Lives of White and Hispanic Catholic Teens in the U.S. [NSYR]
The Ministry and Experience of Parish Life Coordinators
Theology On Tap As Reported in the New York Times by Katie Zezima, Published: November 12, 2005
Home visits seen as way to reach unchurched Hispanics, By Agostino Bono, Catholic News Service
New study finds lay ecclesial ministry still growing in United States
Washington Theological Union, Distinguished Service Award Celebration, Rev. Daniel P. Coughlin
Saving Fr. Ryan: understanding the good priest, by Eugene Kennedy
The Word From Rome, By John L. Allen, Jr.
Where Are Our Manners/Civility/Gentleness?
Key Question: How Is Jesus Present in the Eucharist?, Father F.J. Moloney, Expert at Synod, Responds
Rossetti: Most Priests Well-Adjusted and Happy
Benedict XVI's Interview on Polish Television, John Paul II "Is Always Close to Me"
John Allen Reporting from Rome -- A National Catholic Reporter Report -- A good newspaper to support
Busyness, by Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D.
No ban on gays expected in Vatican document; will advise 'prudential judgement' by John L. Allen Jr.
Archbishop says he's not speaking for Vatican on gays in seminaries
A New Movement Afoot
-- The Catholic Alliance for the Common Good
Vatican Document on Gay Priests
The Latest Study on Radio Indecency
Lectio Divina -- A source of spiritual strength for us all
Final days, last words of Pope John Paul II
Taken from the National Catholic Reporter, Reactions to Hurrican Katrina; The Romans, the Orthodox and primacy; The pope and Turkey; Testimony of a cab driver; 40th anniversary of Dei Verbum; Oscar Romero's cause, by John L. Allen, Jr.
World Youth Day, taken From the National Catholic Reporter
Catholic church has no national voice in America anymore, Tom Roberts NCR editor
The Need for the Rosary in our Times, Taken from The Rosary of Our Lady, by Romano Guardini
Pope, in spotlight, outlines priorities, style of emerging papacy, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Case Study: Father Juan -- The Story of a Priest from Central America
Some New Facts and Figures on the Priesthood, Taken from "Report on Survey of 2005 Priestly Ordinations, by Dr. Dean R. Hoge
Closing Thoughts on Celibacy, Taken from articles in Commonweal
Reporting From Rome, by John L. Allen, Jr., Cologne, Germany
When the virtue of love is studied, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, it consists, among other virtues, in: Mercy, Beneficence, Joy, Peace, and FRATERNAL CORRECTION
Trying to Figure Out Who You Really Are?
Here is what St. Ignatius would say on this
John L. Allen, Jr., Reporting from Rome, National Catholic Reporter
The Ten Guiding Principles of Discernment
Pope John Paul II was world's conscience, modern-day apostle, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Evolution and Christianity, By John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter
The Latest from Rome, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Different Ecclesiology That Comes with International Priests
Father, How Do You See The Priesthood? by Eugene Hemrick
Joseph Ratzinger on Uncertainty and Doubt, from An Introduction to Christianity
Arguments Against Bringing in International Priests
The Church's Kerygmatic Functions: Broadcasting the Seizure of Power
International Priests in American History, taken from the Study: International Priests: New Ministers in the Catholic Church in the United States, by Dean R. Hoge and Aniedi Okure, O.P.
Motivations of Priests to Come to America, taken from International Priests: New Ministers in the Catholic Church in the United States, by Dean R. Hoge and Aniedi Okure, O.P.
International Priests: New Ministers in the Catholic Church in the United States, Dean R. Hoge and Aniedi Okure, O.P.
NFPC Hosts Consultation on Priests from Other Countries Serving in the United States
The Priesthood Ordination Class of 2005 -- Some of our Ordinands Respond to the Question: "People would be surprised to know that I . . ."
Archbishop urges better use of consultation structures in church, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Where Are The Young Adult Catholic Men? Some thoughts on the ongoing shortage of priests, from The Priest, Our Sunday Visitor, by Francis Kelly Scheets, O.S.C.
Lay ecclesial ministry discussed at bishops' meeting, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Brother Paul -- Case Study: Brother Paul, by Joseph Bachand, MS, Th.D
Fr. Jeff and Loneliness, by Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D.
Reporting from Rome, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Newly ordained priests come from varied backgrounds, by Christina Capecchi, Catholic News Service
Not many sound bites: New pope's discourses defy simplistic headlines, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
In spiritual matters, kids take their cues from Dad by David Murrow
The Church in Crisis: Pope Benedict's Theological Vision, by Joseph A. Komonchak in Commonweal June 2005
Painting honoring Pope John Paul II is unveiled at U.S. Capitol
Young adults of all faiths have similar needs, wants, study finds, by Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Clergy of Rome
Priests Must Take Kindness Seriously, by Father Eugene Hemrick
For pope, dialogue does not mean toning down doctrinal teachings, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
New Vatican doctrine chief a theologian who knows pastoral issues, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
A Papal Foreword by John M. Haas
Diversity and Inclusion by Any Means: Making Room for the Disabled, taken from The Pastors Bible Study
To Tell the Truth, Thoughts on the Virtue of Truth by Romano Guardini
Jesuit officials say America editor resigned after Vatican complaints, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Priests' Spirituality Key to Pastoral Excellence
Cries of Lament -- from the book: Faith That Dares To Speak
A New Twist To Raising The Weekly Collection
Cardinal Ratzinger's Haven in Tuscany, Testimony of Religious of Cloistered Benedictine Monastery
Jews Praise Pope's Commitment
The Pope Without A Country, by Martin Mosebach
Un inicio de pontificado lleno de simbólicas novedades, El palio, el «Anillo del Pescador» y la visita al sepulcro de san Pedro
Understanding the Depths of Meditation, taken from The Dark Night of the Soul [Posted on our website]
The Spirit of Selma by Marc DelMonico
Unique Reflections on Pope John Paul II, Rev. Joseph F. Wimmer, OSA, Associate Professor, Sacred Scripture, Washington Theological Union
Heady days -- but not as clear as we pretend, by Owen Phelps, Rockford Diocese
The Church as God's Avant-garde by Harvey Cox in The Secular City [already posted]
When Priests Listen, taken from the book: Faith That Dare To Speak with a commentary by Fr. Gene Hemrick
Daring to Question, Taken from the book: Faith That Dare To Speak with a commentary by Fr. Gene Hemrick
The Social Edge Interview: Author and Theologian Gregory Baum, by Gerry McCarthy
A Discussion of the Legacy of Pope John Paul II featuring Zbigniew Brzezinski
Unleashing the Catholic Imagination -- A Review of Our Discussion Board Posts
Experiences and Attitudes of International Priests -- Research Regarding International Priests and Seminarians
Some Reflections on the Future of the Priesthood in the United States taken from an article by Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF in the NCEA Seminary Journal, Washington, DC with comments by Fr. Gene Hemrick
A conversation about John Paul's life and legacy with Kim Lawton of Religion and Ethics Newsweekly and David Gibson, journalist and author
The Legacy of Pope John Paul II by Eugene Hemrick
An Excellent Meditation for Anyone Who has ever Faced Depression, Finding One's Center, From the book Romano Guardini: Spiritual Writings
Toward Immigration Reform, U.S. Bishops Are Calling for Justice for Foreign-Born People Who Emigrate to This Country, by Mark Franken
What Advice Would You Give to Seminary Personnel Today, taken from Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to Priests
Letter of the Holy Father John Paul II to Priests For Holy Thursday 2005
A Reflection on the Nobility of Respect, taken from The Promise of Virtue, by Gene Hemrick
Thomas Morris: Gifted for the Journey: The Art of Spiritual Direction
Some Specific Causes of Priests' Anger, taken from the NCEA Seminary Journal, Winter 2004, by Louis Cameli
Thomas a Kempis on the Virtue of Knowledge
St. John of the Cross, Suffering and Prayer - Their Vital Roles, A Guide for Good Lenten Practices
The Place of Religion in America -- A Reflection on Religion on the Eve of the Supreme Court Undertaking the "Ten Commandments in Public Places."
Fitness Gains, Dana Dowd
A Radically New Style of Church Leadership, by Father Eugene Hemrick
The Ethical Rights of Priests, Rev. James F. Keenan, SJ
Keeping Alive in Ministry, By Father Eugene Hemrick
Priest, 95, says scientific work has deepened his faith in God, by Maria Wiering, Catholic News Service
The Mission of the Contemporary Parish, by Bishop Howard Hubbard, Origins, Jan. 2005
The Amazing Ministries of Retired Priests, by Father Eugene Hemrick
"See, I Am Doing Something New!", Prophetic Ministry for a Church in Transition, 20th Annual Spring Assembly of Priests, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Rev. Bryan N. Massingale
Head of NFPC sees need to change clergy image in wake of abuse crisis, by Michelle Martin, Catholic News Service
Six Roles of the Ordained, The National Federation of Priests' Councils
Bishop Gregory reflects on three turbulent years and changes to come, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Catholics in the 109th Congress
Convocation Address for Saint Vincent Founders' Day at Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Thursday, November 18, 2004, Education a la St. Benedict, Eugene Hemrick
Reviving the Catholic Imagination by Eugene Hemrick
The Charter and Norms Two Years Later: Toward a Resolution of Recent Canonical Dilemmas, Origins Nov. 11, 2004: Vol. 34, No.22
The Shape of the Church to Come, by Bishop Edward Braxton, Origins: Oct. 21, 2004: Vol. 34: NO. 19
Secularism' in Europe vexes Vatican, by Liz Sly, Tribune foreign correspondent, published November 5, 2004
Catholics in Political Life
Theologian says one-issue voting is foreign to Catholic tradition, By Catholic News Service
Cardinal calls Lewis probably 'most successful' apologist of century, by Tracy Early, Catholic News Service
The Table of the Eucharist in an Election Year, Archbishop Harry Flynn, Origins, Oct. 14, 2004, Vol. 34: No.18
Faith and Patriotism, by Charles J. Chaput
Remarks of Bishop Wilton Gregory at the Forum, "Great Voices of Faith in a Time of Crisis"
Reasons Why Some Individuals Changed Religious Affiliation -- Thoughts about interfaith/mixed/ecumenical marriages
Supreme Court takes cases on Ten Commandments, religious rights, by Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service
Group of Bishops Using Influence to Oppose Kerry, by David D. Kirkpatrick and Laurie Goodstein, Taken from the New York Times
The Latest from CARA on Parish Life and Women's Role in it
An excerpt from the Keynote Address of Dominican Father Timothy Radcliffe, Given at the NFPC Annual Convention
Summary Points, The Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, On Our Civic Responsibility for the Common Good -- Contains link to complete text
Women religious issue booklet urging everyone to be earth-friendly, By Sister Beth Kress, Catholic News Service
The Awesomeness of Silence: Another Look At This Powerful Virtue, taken from The Promise of Virtue by Gene Hemrick
What Good Things Are You Doing Now?, taken from Riding the Dragon
The Greatest Treason from Say Yes To Life by Sidney Greenberg
Catholic Books Most Read in October 2004, According to the Catholic Book Publishers Association
The Awesome power of the voice in suffering, taken from: Moral Wisdom: Lessons and Texts from the Catholic Tradition
Silence: Its Meaning, Beauty and Power, taken from The Promise of Virtue by Eugene Hemrick
Adjusting to Times of Change, by Archbishop Rembert Weakland, from his Website
Comparing the workings of dialogue according to Pope Paul VI and John L. Allen, Jr. Rome Correspond: National Catholic Reporter, The Essential Principles of Dialogue According to Pope Paul VI in Ecclesium Suam
The Greatest Treason, from Say Yes To Life by Sidney Greenberg
What Is the Vatican Saying About Women?, Conservative Catholics Might Be Surprised, as it appeared in The Washington Post, by M. Cathleen Kaveny, Sunday, August 15, 2004; Page B03
The Danger of Staying the Same Size, taken from Say Yes To Life -- already cited on web site
A Priest's Relationship with Jesus and the Paschal Mystery, taken from Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests
Thoughts to ponder by lay leaders and priests engaged in teaching/preaching religion, Visions and Realities: Part Four, Eugene F. Hemrick, Taken from Modern Masters of Religious Education, Edited by Marlene Mayr, Religious Education Press, Birmingham, Alabama
Thoughts to ponder by lay leaders and priests engaged in teaching/preaching religion, Visions and Realities: Part Three, Eugene F. Hemrick, Taken from Modern Masters of Religious Education, Edited by Marlene Mayr, Religious Education Press, Birmingham, Alabama
Thoughts to ponder by lay leaders and priests engaged in teaching/preaching religion, Visions and Realities: Part Two, Eugene F. Hemrick, Taken from Modern Masters of Religious Education, Edited by Marlene Mayr, Religious Education Press, Birmingham, Alabama
Thoughts to ponder by lay leaders and priests engaged in teaching/preaching religion, Visions and Realities: Part One, Eugene F. Hemrick, Taken from Modern Masters of Religious Education, Edited by Marlene Mayr, Religious Education Press, Birmingham, Alabama
Retirement Programs and Retired Priests, Taken from As One Who Serves
Future Issues for the Permanent Diaconate, Taken from A National Study on the Permanent Diaconate of the Catholic Church in the United States -- 1994-1995, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, Washington, DC
Vatican says battle of sexes not part of God's design, By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
Support Groups, Taken from Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests
Survey finds Catholics skeptical of bishops' handling of sex abuse, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
A Double Take on Early Christianity, An Interview with Rodney Stark
Continuing Education, taken from: As One Who Serves: Reflections on the Pastoral Ministry of Priests in the United States. United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, Washington, DC
Entering a New Age of Monasticism, by Father Eugene Hemrick, Catholic News Service
What Would Jesus Weigh?, In the Church, the Body's Back in Vogue, by Henry G. Brinton, Sunday, July 18, 2004; Page B01, Washington Post
Homilies: What makes for a good one?, by Jane Harriman, Catholic News Service
The Necessity of Humor in our Lives, Reminders of the Value of the "Virtue" of Humor
Reflections on the Humanity of the Priesthood, taken from On One Who Serves, United States Catholic Bishops Conference, Washington, D.C.
Study says training, consultation are keys to reorganizing parishes, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Thoughts of Priests on Pedophilia, From the book: Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests, NCEA, Washington, D.C.
A Poetical Reflection on the Procession in Mass, taken from Liturgical Gestures, Words, Objects, Selections from Assembly in honor of Mark Searle, edited by Eleanor Bernstein, CSJ
Social Phobia, Case Study: John, taken from the St. Luke's Institute website
Cardinal Ratzinger lays out principles on denying Communion, voting, by John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Catholic Common Ground Lecture, June 25, 2004, Catholic University of America, Washington, John L. Allen, Jr.
Formation for a Holy, Healthy, Effective Priesthood, Msgr. Dennis Sheehan, Origins June 17, 2004 Vol. 34:NO.5
Bishop Gregory Urges Support for Marriage Amendment In Letter to Fellow Prelates
Cardinal Keeler: Many think sanctions on politicians a bad idea, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Three Challenges for Seminary and Ongoing Formation, by Father Paul Ritt, Origins June 17, 2004, Vol. 34: No.5
A father's passing, Outspoken priest gave voice to liberal views, by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, 6/21/2004
The Ever Present Question of the Church and Politics, Time Magazine Survey Results on Catholics and the Presidential Candidates
Bishops Approve Audit
International Priests Flooding Our U.S. Parishes, By Father Eugene Hemrick
In Defense of Celibacy and Taking Offense At It Being Improperly Portrayed, A Review of HBO's "America Undercover" program: "Celibacy", a television production that calls for a rebuttal
America, Catholic Magazine, Focuses on Communion Debate, Should Support for Abortion Be Used to Determine Worthiness For Communion?
U.S. Debate on Catholic Politicians Echoes in Vatican
Why are our Catholic Churches half empty?, Children of the Council, by Andrew Greeley in America June 7-14, 2004
Love of Christ Seen as Secret of Priests' Happiness, Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos' Letter for a World Day of Prayer
John Paul II Convokes "Year of the Eucharist", From October 2004 to October 2005
For God and Country, the military chaplain corps suffers its first casualty
Workaholism, A Case Study from the St. Luke's Institute in Silver Springs, MD
Pope John Paul II's May 28 remarks to the bishops of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin during their "ad limina" visits to the Vatican
Altar Is Not a Battlefield, by Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Sunday, May 23, 2004; Page B07, Washington Post
Excerpts from an NCR interview with Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk on denying the sacraments, by John L. Allen, Jr.
65 parishes to be closed, News brings despair, relief, by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, May 26, 2004
John Renard: A Contemporary Christian Response to Islam
Bed-and-breakfast in former convent a place for quiet reflection, by Katie Eder, Catholic News Service
Breaking & Running In the First Five Years, Carol Stanton, Vol. II No. 4 August/September 1998
Undertreatment of Depression, Luisa M. Saffiotti, Ph.D., Vol. I No. 3 June 1997
A Contemporary Case for Moral Law: What and What not to Enforce?, The text of a letter dated May 10 from 48 Catholic members of the House of Representatives, all Democrats, that was sent to Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington
A Portrait of African American Bishops in the United States
Favorite Authors of Catholic Priests
Priests - Celibacy, Priests urging optional celibacy described as men who love the church, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Babel in Our Front Yard, by Father Raymond B. Kemp
Understanding Defense Mechanisms, by Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D., Vol.VII, No. 4 September/October, 2003
Goodbye, Friend: A Homily for Father Joyce, delivered by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., May 5, 2004, Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Pope urges U.S. bishops to be close to their priests, encourage them, by Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service
Mary as Mother Is Close to Us, Says John Paul II, Sees Her Spiritual Maternity as a Help to Foster Fraternity
On the Spiritual Maternity of Mary, "This Heart Has Always Followed the Work of Her Son"
Pope John Paul II, on Liturgical Reform
Study finds divorce drops where clergy band to strengthen marriage, By Catholic News Service
Compulsive Spending by Stephen Montana, Ph.D., Vol. VIII, No. 1
An Article to be meditated by priests and deacons performing weddings, Christopher Kiesling: The Liturgy of Christian Marriage: Introduction to Marital Spirituality
Papal Preacher's Homily for Good Friday, Christ "Brought About a New Kind of Victory", by Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa
Addressing Priestly Fraternity During Difficult Time, by Father Eugene Hemrick
The Priesthood, Monsignor Luigi Giussani
Papal Prayer Intention: Priestly Formation
Pope's Address to a Group of U.S. Bishops, "No Effective Reform Without Interior Renewal"
When Churches Disappear, The Boston Globe, March 14, 2004, by Gerald Gamm
Are We Being Understood? Criteria for Assessing Mission, An address to 2000 assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men by Marianist Brother Stephen Glodek, Origins, Vol. 30
Charity needed in debate on gay marriage, by Sean P. O'Malley, 3/11/2004, Boston Globe
Thoughts of Emmanuel Cardinal Suhard well worth pondering from his classic book: Priests Among Men
50 Years -- Caution, Sexual Abuse -- a Never Ending Problem/Sickness/Sin?, by Michael Swan, Catholic News Service
For Priests: Celibacy is not the Problem, Andrew Greeley, from the New York Times
The Passion of the Christ by Tom McCurrie
Experts' Report at Vatican Faults Sex Abuse Policy in U.S., By Frank Bruni, Published: February 24, 2004, New York Times
Priestly celibacy in the light of medicine and psychology, Wanda Poltawsk Professor of Pastoral Medicine, at the Pontifical Academy of Cracow
Understanding Defense Mechanisms, Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D., Vol.VII, No. 4 September/October, 2003
'Passion' (Contd): A Timid Debate, by Alessandra Stanley, published: February 20, 2004, in the New York Times
A Portrait of Pain, Wilton Gregory, The Wall Street Journal
Gibson's 'Passion' earns "R" rating for graphic violence, by Mark Pattison, Catholic News Service
Controversy Surrounds Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, Catholic News Service
The Jewish Abuse and Mockery of Jesus, The Marcan Account, taken from The Death of the Messiah, by Raymond Brown
Some Christians See 'Passion' as Evangelism Tool, by Laurie Goodstein, Published in New York Times: February 5, 2004
The Resurrection, taken from the book: 101 Questions and Answers by Raymond E. Brown [cited on our web pages in the Book section]
George Weigel's Prognosis On the Future Challenges Facing the Church, A Crossroad for the Catholic Church, By George Weigel, The Washington Post, Tuesday, February 3, 2004; Page A19
Pope John Paul II's Lenten message for 2004, Released at the Vatican Jan. 29
Tucked Behind the Home Page, a Call to Worship, by John Leland, Published: January 31, 2004, New York Times
The 'Religion Gap', by Peter Steinfels, Published: January 31, 2004 in the New York Times, Will a "religion gap" be crucial in the 2004 election?
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life, Can you commit a sin in the voting booth?
Thoughts well worth pondering on leadership by Marcus Tullius Cicero in his work: On Duty
On Duty, by Cicero, Old Classical Principles of Cicero That Aptly Apply To The Leadership Of Today, taken from Cicero's work written to his son Marcus
The Power of Speech, excellent advice from the Roman Senator Tullius Cicero for homilists or for those who want to create a great community spirit, keep the family spirit at its best, and to be known for possessing outstanding character
Catholics and the Liberal Tradition, by Michael Lacey and William M. Shea, taken from American Catholics and Civic Engagement A Distinctive Voice
Hawks, Doves, and Pope John Paul II, America, August 12, 2002, by Father Drew Christiansen, S.J.
Catholics in America, excerpts from John Zogby's Talk at The Catholic University of America on how American Catholics see Catholicism, What They Believe in, and What Improvements the Church Needs to Make
Truth and the Eucharist, From: Preparing Yourself for Mass, by Romano Guardini, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, NH
The Mass as Institution, From the book: Preparing Yourself for Mass, by Romano Guardini, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, New Hampshire
Stories To Tell The Story, by Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, from the Bridge University of Saint Mary of the Lake -- Mundelein Seminary, Fall, 2003
A Great Meditation for Preaching, The Continuation of the Incarnation, from the best of Fulton J. Sheen
Sex abuse audit report and national recommendations, by Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Spiritual Exercises, from Spiritual Combat Revisited, by Jonathan Robinson of the Oratory, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, CA, pp. 303
A Ministry for Senior Priests, by Most Rev. Timothy J. Lyne, D.D, Taken from Touchstone, NFPC, Fall, 2003 with side commentaries by Gene Hemrick
Recalling That God is Constantly Pursuing Us: An Excellent Way to Begin the New Year,
The Hound of Heaven, by Francis Thompson
The Cost of Sexual Abuse to the Church since 1950
An Often Overlooked Tool For Attracting Vocations to the Religious Life, Role of altar servers has diminished, say survey respondents, By Brandon Evans, Catholic News Service
O'Malley plans aggressive cuts, Vows to decide church closings as early as June, By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, 12/17/2003
Pope Lists 3 Reasons Why Youth Fear to Accept Call to Priesthood, Friendship With Christ Is Key, He Says
Vocations Crisis Demands Solid Priestly Formation, Says Pope, Sees a "Trial of Faith" for Pastors and the Flock
Pope's Prayer to Mary for World Peace, At Piazza di Spagna in Rome
Papal Household Preacher's First Meditation for Advent, Father Cantalamessa's Talk in Presence of Pope and Roman Curia
Guilt: Something Everyone Should Understand Better to Make Their Life Better, Handling Guilt, Sheila M. Harron, Ph.D., Vol. VI, No. 5 November - December, 2002, Taken From the St. Luke's Institute in Silver Springs, Maryland
A Humbler Church, from the Boston Globe, December 6, 2003
The Spirit of "Sasquache", By Father Eugene Hemrick
Retrieving a Filed-Away Document: Priests' Morale, by Father Eugene Hemrick
Pope Says Consumerism Helps to Spread Depression, Pontiff links depression with media that exalt consumerism, instant gratification, and the race for a better lifestyle, by Peggy Polk
(Our) Father Knows Best, Our human dads let us down -- or worse. When fathers have hurt us, how can we trust our Heavenly Father?, By Scott Hahn
O'Malley to reconsider policies against lay group, By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, 11/20/2003
At A Loss for Words, by Anthony de Mello, SJ
Palestrina Was Not in Vogue, The counterculture struck at God himself, How much damage was done?, by George Sim Johnston
What Will The Future of Pastoral Ministry Look Like?, Eugene Hemrick
Holiness, Evangelization, Vocations, by Archbishop Dolan, from Origins: Nov. 13, 2003 Vol. 33: No. 23
A Closer Look At The Spiritual Writer Jean Pierre de Caussade, Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Putting Our Priesthood Back In Order, by Eugene Hemrick
The Power of Understanding, From The Promise of Virtue, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana
A Pope Whose First Zeal Won't Quit, Unraveling the Mortal Coil, in Plain View, by Frank Bruni
Media Coverage of the Sexual Abuse Scandal, Bishop Wilton Gregory, Origins: Sept. 18, 2003: Vol.33:NO.15
Msgr. Peter Magee's Sermon at St. Patrick's Church, Washington on the Silver Jubilee of Pope John Paul II, October 16th, 2003
Anthony de Mello, SJ -- The Difference between Analysis and Awareness
Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility, by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Administrative Committee
Bigger Than The Nobel, by David Brooks, The New York Times
Dr. Dean Hoge's Remarks as He Receives the Father Louis J. Luzbetak Award, Dr. Dean Hoge is the Director of The Catholic University of America's Life Cycle Institute in Washington, DC
Formation for Embracing the Celibate State, by Father Gerald Coleman, SS
Anthony de Mello, SJ on A Priest's View of Confession
Pope's legacy of curbing anti-Semitism, by James Carroll, writing for the Boston Globe
Is Kneeling Important to You During Worship?, by Voices, comments from the faithful about the importance of kneeling to their worship
Confession Rite Evolves To Meet Changing Need, by Caryle Murphy, Washington Post Staff Writer
Understanding, the Heart of Dialogue, by Father Eugene Hemrick
Benefits for Teens in Religiously Involved Families, taken from the CARA Report, Summer 2003
Humor Just Might Be a Virtue, by Father Eugene Hemrick
Dr. Scott Appleby Offers Historical Perspective on Development of Priesthood, by Rev. Lawrence Dowling, in NFPC's magazine Touchstone
Plumbing The Depths of Celibacy, By Father Eugene Hemrick
The Heart of a Wholesome Priesthood by Eugene Hemrick
Justice for Job, Life is not just unfair -- it's cruel. Will good people who suffer receive justice?, by Andrew Greeley
Blind to the Spirit: How the Media Treat Religion -- Reporters Just Don't Get It
Vatican Congregation for Clergy Recommends Mel Gibson's "Passion"
What I Told the Bishops -- Thoughts on the crisis in the American Catholic Church, by Peggy Noonan, from the Wall Street Journal
Statements on Celibacy Worth Pondering
A Troublesome Priest -- Andrew Greeley on Let's Have 'Holy Days of Celebration -- not Obligation
Helpful suggestions for those in lay ministry to ponder -- Part I
Helpful suggestions for those in lay ministry to ponder -- Part II
Helpful suggestions for those in lay ministry to ponder -- Part III
Bishop Gregory Says Church Owes Much to Priests Faithful to Chaste Celibacy, "A Powerful Spiritual Means to Draw Closer to Christ"
Catholic colleges ranked among best in nation
A View of Tomorrow's Priests by Father Eugene Hemrick
What About Spirirtual Direction?, Joseph G. Bachand, M.S., Th.D., Vol. V No. 5, November/December 2001, Taken From St. Luke Institute Web Page
Spirituality and Recovery, Michael Fonseca, MA, NCC, CPC, Vol. III No. 4, September/October 1999, Taken from St. Luke's Institute Web Page
The Success Story of Brother James Van Dyke, C.S.C
Father Philip Murnion's Letter to Bishops on the Eve of His Death
Milwaukee priest uncovers spirituality in divorce, by Julie Mickles, Catholic News Service
The new CNS supplement kit on marriage is nearly ready -- and it contains
The Next Christianity by Philip Jenkins, from the October 2002 Atlantic Monthly
New Clerics Seek Ways to Reach Aging Flocks, by Marek Fuchs
Homily of Archbishop O'Malley at His Installation Mass at Boston's Cathedral
A Letter from Romano Guardini on the Essence of the Liturgical Act -- 1964
An Essential Quality of Understanding is to be able to Cross Borders, Taken from The Promise of Virtue by Fr. Eugene Hemrick, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN, pp.152
Bishops' Head Welcomes Vatican Statement on Legal Recognition of Unions Between Homosexual Persons -- Statement by Bishop Wilton Gregory
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons
Judge Bork Converts to the Catholic Faith, by Tim Drake
Theology, not popular opinion, should guide Episcopalians on gay issues, by George Will
O'Malley asks for prayers of healing, by Tom Mashberg and Lisa Gentes, Saturday, July 26, 2003
UCLA Launches Study on Spirituality, National Study to Track College Students' Spiritual Growth
Transcript from the Seminar -- God and Foreign Policy: The Religious Divide Between the U.S. and Europe, Thursday, July 10, 2003, 10:00-11:30 a.m., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Root Room, 1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.
Letting Go by Robert Ellsberg -- From the Book: The Saints' Guide to Happiness
Documentary film on Dietrich Bonhoeffer opens -- Two Perspectives on his life -- 'Bonhoeffer': A Man Who Took a Stand by Desson Howe and 'Bonhoeffer': Thou Shalt Kill, The Parable of the Theologian Who Decided Hitler Had to Die, by Philip Kennicott
A Habit That is Easy To Develop When Living Alone, Understanding Compulsive Eating, by Amy L. Glaser, Ph.D., Vol. V No. 2, March/April 2001, Taken from St. Luke's Institute
Clearing Clutter--Sabbatical Reflections, by Carol Farthing, Ph.D., Vol. IV No. 1, January/February 2000, Taken From The St. Luke's Institute
Monastic Life as "a Constant Search for God", Benedictine Abbot Primate on the 1st Centenary of Douai Abbey in England
Great Sermon Material; A Great Principle of Life, Cutting to the Core Meaning of Mercy, by Julia Upton, R.S.M. in the New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality
O'Malley offers plea, pledge, Bishop urges healing, vows a settlement, by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff
Selection seems driven first by local needs, by Kevin Cullen, Globe Staff
Pope Reported Set to Name New Archbishop for Boston, by Frank Bruni with Fox Butterfield, from the New York Times
Centering Prayer, by Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O.
A Church in Search of Followers, by Paul Elie, from the New York Times
Gifts to Charity in 2002 Stayed Unexpectedly High, By Stephanie Strom, from the New York Times
Healer Bishops Are Sent to Ease Churches' Pain, by Laurie Goodstein, taken from the New York Times
After the Keating resignation, By E.J. Dionne, Jr., 6/20/2003
Sant'Egidio -- Who We Are and What We Do
Six Qualities of an "Effective Confessor", by Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond, Taken from Spiritual Physician: Living Christ's Own Mission of Healing Love, An annual symposium co-sponsored by: The Institute for Priestly Formation and Notre Dame Seminary, February 28-March 3, 2002
Frank Keating Resigns from National Catholic Review Board, Bishop Wilton D. Gregory Responds
Opening To Wonder, From Seasons of Grace: The Life Giving Practice of Gratitude by Alan Jones and John O'Neil with Diana Landau
Reflections a Year After Dallas, Father Silva/NFPC, Origins May 29, 2003, Vol. 33:NO.3
The Bonds of Priesthood, Father Murnion/NFPC, Origins May 29, 2003, Vol. 33:NO.3
Historical Overview: Priests in America, 1930-2002, R. Scott Appleby/NFPC, In Origins June 5, 2003 Vol. 33: NO.4
Three Major Differences Between Young and Older Priests, from the study: Evolving Visions of the Priesthood: Changes from Vatican II to the Turn of the New Century by Dr. Dean R. Hoge and Jacqueline E. Wenger.
Feelings of Priests on Central Priesthood Issues, from the study: Evolving Visions of the Priesthood: Changes from Vatican II to the Turn of the New Century by Dr. Dean R. Hoge and Jacqueline E. Wenger.
What About Spirirtual Direction?, Joseph G. Bachand, M.S., Th.D.
The Healing Presence of the Holy Spirit in Priestly Life and Ministry: Reflections from the Thought of John Henry Newman, by Rev. Gerald McCarren, Taken from Spiritual Physician: Living Christ's Own Mission of Healing Love
Historian Laments the New Anti-Catholicism in the United States, Philip Jenkins, an Episcopalian, Faults the Intellectuals and Liberals
Barna Research Study on Catholics Who Tithe Calls for Qualifications
Catholics want change, poll finds, Seek archbishop open to new ideas, By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, 5/11/2003
Provoking Thoughts on Reaching Out to the Suffering, by Andrea Riccardi -- Founder of the Community of San' Egidio
Priests Discuss the Problem of Loneliness, from the study: Evolving Visions of the Priesthood: Changes from Vatican II to the Turn of the New Century by Dr. Dean R. Hoge and Jacqueline E. Wenger
Satisfaction in the Priesthood, from the study: Evolving Visions of the Priesthood: Changes from Vatican II to the Turn of the New Century by Dr. Dean R. Hoge and Jacqueline E. Wenger
Footprints in the Sand, A poem by Mary Jane Stevenson
Seven Top Recommendations Made by Priests to Insure the Future Health and Effectiveness of the Priesthood
Recommendation One, Recommendation Two, Recommendation Three, Recommendation Four, Recommendation Five,
Recommendation Six,
Recommendation Seven
Thoughts from a paper Andrea Riccardi presented to the Congress conducted by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in Rome
Thoughts on Church Reform to Ponder, from an April 23rd lecture given by Cardinal Avery Dulles at Fordham University
Catholics want change, poll finds, Seek archbishop open to new ideas, by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff
Washington Theological Consortium -- EcuNotes #17 (March 2003)
Father Cantalamessa's Good Friday Homily, In St. Peter's, Papal Household Preacher Speaks of Peace
Ecclesia De Eucharistia, Pope John Paul II's letter to the Faithful on the Eucharist in Its Relationship to the Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City
Washington Theological Consortium -- EcuNotes #16 (February 2003)
Meditations for Holy Week, by Msgr. Alex Rebello
John Paul II's Act of Entrustment of Young People to Mary, On Occasion of World Youth Day 2003, from Zenit
Canadian Cardinal Gerald Emmett Carter Dies at Age 91, Pope remembers Him For His Selfless Service, Toronto Star News
Who Are We to Judge Christ's Bride?, Asks Preacher, Pope and Curia Hear Lenten Meditation
Reflections on the Morale of Priests, A Document that needs to be Revisited, Bishops' Committee on Priestly Life and Ministry, The National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC, pp.20
Washington Theological Consortium EcuNotes #15 (October 2002)
Washington Theological Consortium - EcuNotes #14 (September 2002)
Washington Theological Consortium EcuNotes #13 (July 2002)
Reclaiming Priestly Identity at a Time of Complexity and Urgency, Origins March 20, 2003: Vol. 32: No. 40
Priests and Their Ministry: Obstacles and Supports, Bishop Gregory Aymond, Origins: March 13, 2003, Vol.32:NO.39
Historian Speculates Why Pope Backs Role of U.N. in Iraqi Crisis, Giorgio Rumi Warns About Dangers of a Divided West
Bishops' President Deeply Regrets War, Calls for Prayer, Protection of the Innocent, And Steps to Avert Humanitarian Crisis
Statement on the War With Iraq, Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory, President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, March 19, 2003
Unilateral Attack Would Be "War of Aggression," Says Vatican Official, Evil Cannot Justify Evil, Says President of Council for Justice and Peace
Spiritual Direction and the Experience of Healing, by Fr. Paul Wachdorf, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, Taken from the Bridge
Catholic Group Picks Academic Team to Study Problem of Sexual Abuse, by Laurie Goodstein, from the New York Times
Catholics Debating: Back President or Pope on Iraq?, by Laurie Goodstein, in the New York Times
Catholics Adopt More Liberal Attitudes During College, By Tamar Lewin, In The New York Times
In Times of Difficulty Say, "Jesus, I Trust in You," Pope Counsels
Lent as Divine Therapy, Fr. Thomas Keating talks about Lent as a time to look at unconscious dynamics that keep us from a deep relationship with God. An Interview by Anne A. Simpkinson -- Courtesy
Canon and Church Law are Restructured to Respond to the Challenges of our Times
Pope Declares Ash Wednesday A Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace, March 5 to Be Set Aside Especially for the Middle East, Vatican City, February 23, 2003
War Would Be a Tragedy for Religions Too, Says Pope John Paul II, Receives in Audience the Leaders of Faiths of Indonesia, Vatican City, February 20, 2003
The Foundations of Islamic Religious Experience, by Father Renard, S.J., Taken From Spirituality Today
"Global Ethic" Aiming to Supplant Christian Ethic, Warns Official, Head of Council for Health Care Workers Analyzes "New Paradigm", Vatican City, February 11, 2003
War in Iraq? -- Dr. Maryann Cusimano Love, Social Ministries Gathering International Plenary Talk, Catholic University, Center for International Social Development and Dept. of Politics
An Ethical Analysis of War Against Iraq, Gerard F. Powers, Director, Office of International Justice and Peace, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Pierre DuMaine: Spirituality and Electronic Communications: Introduction to the Theme
Preaching -- Father Goergen, O.P. -- A lengthy, old, scholarly article on who has a right to preach. It is as current now as it was when it was written
Five Suggestions for Church Policy Makers, by David O'Brien in Commonweal, February 14, 2003
Changes in the culture that have caused changes in the lives of priests, taken from the Dean Hoge Study: The First Five Years of the Priesthood
Reasons for Avoiding a War, Taken from a letter by Jesuit Father Fernando Franco, Head of the Secretariat for Social Justice
Latest from U.S. Bishops on Iraq, February 6, 2003
The Distinct Yet Related Parts of Priestly Formation, By Bishop John Nienstedt, In Origins Oct. 24, 2002
We Wait Too Long, Taken from Say Yes To Life
On Running Away from Ourselves, Taken from Say Yes To Life, Author: Sidney Greenberg, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York pp. 147
The Pastoral Work of Communion in Novo Millennio Inuente, A Reflection offered by Msgr. Cristian Precht Banados, Episcopal Vicar of the Southern Pastoral Zone, Archdiocese of Santiago, Secretariat for the Church in Latin America, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC
Vital Dimensions of Priesthood Accented by a Time of Crisis, Bishop Gerald Kicanas, Origins Oct. 3, 2002 Vol. 31: No.17
What the Church Needs the Priest to Be, Msgr. Philip Murnion, Origins Oct. 3, 2002 Vol.32: No. 17
The Priest as a Man of Communion, Father Stephen Rossetti, Origins Oct. 3, 2002 Vol 32: No. 17
The Lilly Endowment announces their National Clergy Renewal Program -- this is something all priests should look into
Effective Priests of the Future, by Bishop John Boissonneau, in Origins: August 1, 2002: Vol.32: NO 10
Bush's 'first strike' threat: Can it be justified?, Our Sunday Visitor, June 23, 2002, by William Bole
Two Recommendations to Seminarians, Taken from focus groups conducted by the National Federation of Priest Councils [NFPC]
Pondering Important Principles When Justice is Preached, Babel in Our Front Yard, by Father Raymond B. Kemp
The Importance of One's Culture in Healing, "Father Juan", Taken from St. Luke's Institute, Silver Springs, MD
Cardinal Kasper Evaluates Progress and Concerns of Ecumenism, Movement Has Slowed, Says President of Pontifical Council
Roe v. Wade, the U.S. and 3 Decades of Legal Abortion, Bishops' Spokeswoman Cathy Cleaver Views the Landscape
Three Important Recommendations by Priests to Bishops, Taken from focus group interviewed conducted by the National Federation of Priests' Councils
Resigned Priests Speak Out on Celibacy and Human Sexuality, From the Book: The First Five Years of the Priesthood
Priests (Mostly) Happy, Survey Says, Despite Scandals' Impact, State's Catholic Clergy Report Healthy And Satisfying Lives, by Garret Condon, from The Hartford Courant
A Virtue We All Need To Continue to Cultivate to Remain Young at Heart -- Perseverance, Failure -- the Line of Least Persistence, from the book: Say Yes to Life -- already cited
Positive Experiences By Young Priests, Taken from: The First Five Years of the Priesthood
A Story Worth Telling, Ms. Marti R. Jewell, from the book: The First Five Years of the Priesthood, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN
Catholic Priests' Attitudes Toward Celibacy and Homosexuality, by Dean R. Hoge and
Jacqueline E. Wenger, Catholic University of America, (Paper presented to the Association for the Sociology of Religion, Chicago, August 16, 2002)
Leadership in the Church, by Bishop William Friend, D.D., Origins Jan. 9, 2002, Vol. 32: No. 30
Thoughts On Leadership Worth Pondering, From Origins, January 9, 2003
The Mystique of the Priesthood, by Andrew Greeley
An Excerpt from an interview with Dr. James Gill, S.J., Founder of the Christian Institute for the Study of Human Sexuality, Taken from an interview by Pattie Wigand Sporrong, Marketing and Communications Director, Catholic Theological Union in Chicago
The Need for Connections, Rev. Stephen J. Rossetti, in the book; The First Five Years of the Priesthood
A Story Taken from the Case Studies of the St. Luke Institute in Washington, DC
Tell the truth or live a lie?, Peggy Steinfels addresses the church in crisis, by Stephanie Sinnot, Catholic Theological Union
Thérèse of Lisieux and Joan of Arc?, From the Washington Theological Union Lecture Series, Dr. Mary Frohlich, RSCJ, November 1, 2002, Article by Michael Goggin
Sex, Sin and Salvation: What Augustine Really Said (lecture text), David G. Hunter, PhD
Augustine, Citizen?, From the Washington Theological Union Lectures, Dr. Peter Kaufman, September 29, 2002, Article By Michael Goggin
Rev. Walter Burghardt Honored By Washington Theological Union with 2002 Distinguished Service Award
How do you [as a priest] see your role as a man in American society?, Taken from Grace Under Pressure: What Give Life to American Priests
Here's A New Year's Resolution Worth Considering! -- some thoughts from Romano Guardini
Service, Compassion, Empowerment in the Priesthood, From Grace Under Pressure
Pope John Paul II's message, "Pacem in Terris: A Permanent Commitment," for the celebration of the World Day of Peace January 1
The spirit of Advent and Cardinal Law, By Peter J. Gomes, 12/13/2002
Why I am an Advent person, excerpt from "The Shaking Reality of Advent"
Alfred Delp, SJ, d. Feb 2, 1945
Kindness During the Season of Kindness -- Christmas, by Romano Guardini
Rebels Within the Church Challenge the Hierarchy, By Laurie Goodstein
Vatican's "Lexicon of the Family" Leaves No Room for Ambiguities, Aimed at Terminology That Sows Seeds of Confusion
What does it mean to be a professional journalist who is Catholic?
How to deal prudently with grave difficulties according to St. Paul, Taken from the book: In the Thick of His Ministry by Carlo Maria Martini, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN
Cardinal Ratzinger on Why It's Not Time for Vatican III
Advent: A Wonderful Time For Priests To Reflect On How They Became Priests, Significance of Priesthood and the Mystery of Call, Taken from Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests
For Boston Archdiocese, Bankruptcy Would Have Drawbacks, By Pam Belluck and Adam Liptak, in the New York Times
A Celibate Priesthood Very Familiar With Family, Taken from Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests, National Catholic Education Association, Washington, DC
John Paul II Calls for Dialogue to Resist Clash of Civilizations, On Occasion of 375th Anniversary of Urban University
A Timely Meditation on Gratitude for the Christmas Season, by Romano Guardini
Vatican II As Ecumenical Council: Yves Congar's Vision Realized, By Joseph A. Komonchak, in Commonweal
To reform the church, laity must take action, By David O'Brien, from the Boston Globe
Catholic Leadership Is Looking to Past, Not to Change, as Response to Scandal, By Laurie Goodstein, from the New York Times
Opening Address At the November Bishops' Meeting in Washington DC, by Bishop Wilton Gregory
Scandal Is Stirring Lay Catholics to Push Church for More Power,
By Laurie Goodstein and Sam Dillon
Cardinal Law's New Leaf, By Joan Vennochi, 11/5/2002, From the Boston Globe
Catholic Bishops Unveil New Policy on Accusations of Abuse, By Laurie Goodstein, In the New York Times
Man of Mystery, The pope changes the rosary By Peggy Noonan
Pope Sees Art as Instrument of New Evangelization, Meets with Commission for the Cultural Goods of the Church
Revised Policy Sets Tribunals for Priests Accused of Abuse, By Laurie Goodstein, as seen in the New York Times
The Next Christianity, by Philip Jenkins, The Atlantic Monthly
The Vatican courts a schism, The Chicago Tribune, October 28, 2002
Ministry in the Twenty-First Century, A lecture presented at The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, October 2, 2002, Fred L. Hofheinz, Program Director for Religion, Lilly Endowment, Inc
A Plan All Priests Need to Take Much More Seriously to Reduce Seriousness and the Anxiety It Produces in their Ministry, Taken from St. Luke's Web Page, Developing A Fitness Plan, Dana Dowd, M.S.P.T.
Can Mankind Understand the Spirit of the Liturgy Anymore?, A View from Professor (and Now Bishop) Gerhard Ludwig Müller
The Case of Iraq and the Just War Tradition, Kenneth R. Himes, O.F.M.
Pray the Rosary as a Weapon of Peace
Friendship & Desire -- Augustine Reviews 'Will & Grace', Cathleen Kaveny, Commonweal, Sept. 27, 2002
Zero Tolerance? -- Taking Another Look, Gerald D. Coleman, S.S., Taken from Commonweal
The Bishop, The Scandal And His Plan, Gregory's '94 Experience Shapes Centrist Response, By Alan Cooperman, Washington Post Staff Writer
Notre Dame professors tackle church crisis in game-day lectures, By Ann Carey, Catholic News Service
Is a plenary council a good idea?, Catholic News Service
Priest-bishop relationship is not one way, Pope tells new prelates, By Catholic News Service
Bishop urges Catholics to fight back when media go too far on scandal, By Elaine Spencer, Catholic News Service
Vatican leaning toward OK of experimental application of U.S. norms, By John Thavis, Catholic News Service
Prelate criticizes media reports on restructured sex abuse panel, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Report: Vatican Won't OK Abuse Plan, By Frances D'Emilio, Associated Press Writer
Catholic Theologians Debate Ills of Church Hierarchy, by Pamela Ferdinand, The Washington Post
Two New Books on Ecology, Reviewed by Mark Lombard, Catholic News Service
Report says most dioceses have policies, procedures on sex abuse, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
What's right with priesthood' is better question, psychologist says, By Catholic News Service
New book aims to help clergy preach about natural family planning, By Catholic News Service
Plan on Abuse Is Said to Face Vatican Pitfalls, By Laurie Goodstein with Frank Bruni, From the New York Times
Researchers highlight changing priesthood, By Jerry Filteau, Catholic News Service
Sources of Support for Priests as Noted in the Recent Hoge-Wenger Study
A Success Story in Making Death Less Frightening, Woman develops program to ease loneliness of dying patients, by Kerry Weber, Catholic News Service
Avoid at all Cost the Contradiction of Being a Priest and Being Depressed, Former Dominican head urges priests to watch for signs of depression, From Catholic News Service
We Must Never Forget Ecology in Our Land of Plenty, Urgency of Man's "Ecological Vocation" Emphasized, John Paul II's Warning on Eve of World Summit on Development
In Jamica Plain, a school of hope, By James Carroll, 9/3/2002, In the Boston Globe
Cutting to the Heart of the Lifestyle of Priests, Questions to ponder for a healthy ministry, produced by the Joliet Priests' Continuing Education Committee
Priests Concerned About False Accusations Speak Up, From the New York Times
Sound Wisdom to Ponder As Catholic Students Head to College, Campus Catholic community can help students cope, keep faith strong, By Pete Sheehan, Catholic News Service
Bishop Robert Morneau discusses The Spirituality of Merton in The Catholic Church in the Twentieth Century, John Deedy, Editor, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN
Ordinary Diocesan Priests On The Church's Front Line, by George Aschenbrenner, S.J., In Quickening the Fire in Our Midst
A Timely Topic That Addresses a Church in Need of Correction, Yet Having the Responsibility to Correct, The Service of Correction as found in Scripture, by Raymond Brown
The Church's Mission and Its Connection to Community Life, Taken from Catholic News Service
Canice Connors, OFM Conv. -- Presidential Address
Raymond Brown on The Priestly Service of Prayer and The Service of Suffering
There are Vocations to the Religious Life Out There -- Here is Why, Life's twists, turns lead New Jersey woman to church, vocation, By Maura Rossi, Catholic News Service
The Role of Ordinary Work and Collecting Money in the Priesthood, by Raymond Brown S.S. in Priest and Bishop: Biblical Reflections, Paulist Press, New York
Future doctors at Catholic-run medical school serve Third World poor, By Michelle Martin, Catholic News Service
The Profound Significance of Bread and Wine at Mass, by Romano Guardini
Romano Guardini on The Purpose of Life, N.B. Not to be read, but studied and meditated!!
Cardinal John Henry Newman's idea of the Laity's Intellectual Place in the Church -- how university study together with clergy benefits it
The Crisis of Ethical Norms, Thoughts of Romano Guardini on ethics that are
as pertinent to CEO's, church leaders and Ecologists
as when he wrote them 50 years ago
The Meaning of Old Age, According to Romano Guardini
Cardinal John Henry Newman's Thoughts on Progress
Cardinal John Henry Newman's Thoughts on Fasting
Thoughts to Ponder about the Spiritual Life, by John Henry Newman, from Ian Ker's Newman in Being a Christian, Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN
Cardinal John Henry Newman on The Corruption of the Church, Taken from: Newman on Being a Christian, by Jan Ker, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN
Is It Doctrinally Possible for Lay People to Share in the Work of the Church?, From Laity, Church and World, by Yves Congar, Geoffrey Chapman, London
Karl Rahner addresses Christianity on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, From an interview with a Swiss Magazine
Karl Rahner on What It Means To Be A Priest Today, Part II
Maintain hope despite church troubles, USCCB president tells priests, written by Joseph Kenny, from the Catholic News Service
An Excerpt from the study: The First Five Years of the Priesthood -- A Young Priest Speaks About The Difficulties Of Priesthood, by Dean Hoge
Peace and the Christian Imagination, from Woodstock Report No. 69, March 2002
A Pastor's Response to the Church Crisis, this column was taken from Father Hynes' home parish during Mass April 7 at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Wilmington, Delaware where he is Pastor
Understanding the Media When It Comes to Religion, Panel of experts discusses relationship between religion and media, By Willy Thorn, Catholic News Service
Priests as Stewards of Their Time, From Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests, National Catholic Education Association, Washington, DC
Tres Padres Buenos/Three Good Priests, By Moises Sandoval, The Catholic News Service
Priest Camaraderie, From the book: Grace Under Pressure: What Give Life to American Priests
Pope Urges Proposes Transcendental Philosophy in Response to Anxiety, Suggests Study of St. Thomas Aquinas´ Thought
Campus Ministry, Nancy Frazier O'Brien, Catholic News Service
Faith, From Method in Theology, Bernard Lonergan, S.J.
Service seen as key to creating culture of vocations for all, By Julie Mickles, Catholic News Service
From the book: Grace Under Pressure, Mystery of God's Activity in Life and Ministry
A Doctor-Spokesman Attends to Papal Image, by John Tagliabue
Yeah, Yeah Sisterhood, by Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist, 6/18/2002
Revisiting a Classic Description of the Laity's Role in the Church, by Yves Congar
News Conference, Opening Remarks, Wednesday, June 12, by Bishop Wilton Gregory
Filling Our Homes With Prayer, by Florence Berger, in Worship, 1952
The Bishops and the Vatican by Cardinal Avery Dulles
Redrafting the Church's Rules on Redemption by Anthony DePalma
The Vatican on Hunger, from the Catholic News Service
Availability -- By Kathryn Sullivan, Address at the National Liturgical Week, St. Louis, 1964
Karl Adam's gift to the world, Pascal Botz, in Worship, 1958
Celibate and Loving It, For Many Priests, True Happiness Lies in The Joining of Self and Church
Revisiting the Characteristics of the Dialogue By Pope Paul VI
Concepts of Psychology and Spiritual Maturity by Charles Curren, Psychologist
Written in 1963
Reflections on the Importance of History, by Josep Jungmann
Vatican Reservations Emerging Over U.S. Direction on Sex Abuse, By John Thavis
The Problem of Large Parishes by Godfrey Diekman
The Sanctity of Standing While At Mass by Romano Guardini
Reflections on the Sign of the Cross, By Romano Guardini In Sacred Signs, 1927
Reflections on Adoration and Praise, by Reynold Hillenbrand -- Address at the first National Liturgical Week, Chicago, 1940
On the Demise of Clerical Culture, Farewell to "the Club', by Michael L. Papesh
Treating the Priest Under Church's Wing, by Caryle Murphy
Laity Must Not Be Clericalized Nor Clergy Laicized, Says Pope, Warns Bishops Not to Become Bureaucrats or Business Managers
It's National Friendship Week; Show Your Friends You Care
Bishop Wilton Gregory, President of the Bishops' Conference, Discusses the Upcoming Meeting of Bishops in Dallas
Examination of the Rights of Priests Accused of Misconduct, National Federation of Priests' Councils, Rev. Gregory Ingels, J.C.D.
A Letter from a Friend -- a letter I received from a friend of the ministry. It just seemed too wonderful not to share! Please take a look!
The Great Monsignor, By E. J. Dionne Jr.
How to Save The Church -- The Betrayal, by Michael Sean Winters
The Catholic Difference -- Getting "just-war" straight by George Weigel
The Changing Face of Parishes -- A CNS News Report on How the Archdiocese of Baltimore is Responding to Fewer Priests
A Revolution? Not So Fast -- A new openness is welcome -- but not to the point of allowing the Catholic Church to ordain women or married men.
The Chrism Mass Homily of Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap.
The Cardinals Who Weren't Called to Rome by Fintan O'Toole
Poverty and Celibacy Are Critical to Priestly Ministry -- Says Pope In Address to Group of Nigerian Bishops
People of All Faiths Coming Together in Song
Excerpts from a talk by Father Robert Silva President of the National Federation of Priests' Councils
God's Selection Frequently Seems Flawed!, By Wilton D. Gregory, President of the United States Conference of Bishops
Many Critical Of Hierarchy, But Few Say Faith Is Shaken, By Janet Elder
A Message from Lou Holtz to the Clergy Taken from the Catholic News Service
Models for Alternative Staffing -- by Rev. Joseph Lynch, S.M., Group Process Consultant for The Brooklyn Diocesan Office of Cluster Planning & Collaboration
What Does It Mean to Be a Priest Today? -- Interview with Gerhard Ruis on the occasion of Karl Rahner's fiftieth jubilee as a priest for Landesstudio Salzburg of Radio Austria, Salzburg (April 7, 1982)
On Authenticity -- From Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to American Priests
How Do You See Your Role As a Man in American Society? -- From Grace Under Pressure: What Gives Life to Priests, by Melvin Blanchette, James Castelli, Eugene Hemrick, Paul Theroux, James Walsh, National Catholic Educational Association, Washington, DC. 1995.
Scott Simon interviews Father Steve Rossetti on the Problems with the Priesthood
Meet the Press -- Fathers Donald Cozzens, Thomas Doyle, Richard McBrien and John McCloskey and former Ambassador Ray Flynn discuss the future of the Catholic Church and the sex abuse scandal
Philip Jenkins on the Pervasiveness of Sex Abuse Cases in All Churches
The Church's Response to the Latest Scandals Over Sex Abuse
The Struggle With Celibacy
Celibacy for Beginners
Protestant response to own abuse cases varies
At Seminary, New Ways for a New Generation
The Faith of Our Fathers
The Canon Law Society of America Calls for Due Process in Sexual Abuse Allegations
An Interview with Frederick S. Berlin, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Berlin is Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Founder of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Article in Origins -- March 14, 2002
Title: Restoring Trust
Author: Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua
"Sexual abuse of minors by priests is a deplorable act and a reprehensible breach of trust. I have not and will not under any circumstances tolerate such behavior by any priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia," Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua of Philadelphia said in a statement Feb. 26. "We will continue to investigate and to report allegations of sexual abuse of minors in complete cooperation with the law of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania," he said. The cardinal said that " the main priority in addressing instances of sexual abuse of minors is caring compassionately for the well-being and protection of the victims." The cardinal also discussed the care of the priest-offender himself as well as the evaluation of seminary applicants, the policy of the archdiocese regrading all who serve within the church's various apostolates and the adverse impact of reports of sexual abuse ofmnors by priests on "the overwhelming majority of dedicated priests." The cardinal outlined the archdiocese's existing policy on sexual abuse and said that in light of it he does "not know of any priest who is in a current assignment."
Dioceses, Facing Great Scrutiny, Look Anew at Sex Abuse Cases
Guidelines for Preaching During a Tragedy
Priests vow to help each other find healing
Opinion Split on Whether Molestation Is More Prevalent in Catholic Clergy
George Weigel on Where the Church Is Going
A Memo to the Priests of the United States from Rev. Stephen J. Rossetti, Ph.D., D.Min. President, Saint Luke Institute
A Word of Encouragement from Rev. Robert J. Silva
Methods That Are Being Implemented To Counter The Bewilderment Over Pedophilia
How Priests Around the Country Deal With Controversy
Diocesan Repercussions of Pedophilia Scandals
Bing Crosby Had It Right -- Excerpt from Kenneth L. Woodward article in News Week
Statements by Father Robert Silva and Father Stephen Rossetti
On the Recent Pedophilia Scandals
Celibacy Doesn't Create Pedophiles by Rev. James J. Gill S.J. MD, from the Philadelphia Inquirer
Report of a Meeting in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Concerning Priests Living and Serving in One-Man Houses
Shamed by the Sins of Others, by E.J. Dionne Jr., From an editorial in the Washington Post
Understanding Pedophilia, Taken from a Catholic News Service Report
Despite Therapies, Pedophilia Eludes Cure, Impact of Drugs, Counseling is Limited, Pedophilia Cure Remains Elusive, by Ellen Barry, Boston Globe
Spirituality in the Workplace: Making Sense of a Corporate Trend by James Nolan
Text of a Feb. 19 Statement by Bishop Wilton D. Gregory of Belleville, Ill., President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops On Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests
Secularized Feminism -- An interview with Pia de Solenni
A Success Story in Ecumenism -- Exercepts from a talk by Bishop Richard C. Hanifen
A Monastery That Embraces the Old and Thrives on the New-- Interesting article that focuses on a Trappist Monastery that strictly keeps the Rule of St. Benedict -- a code of chastity, physical labor and prayerful silence.
Understanding the Roots of Poverty
Pope John Paul II's message for World Day of Peace
The Role of Clustering and Collaborative Ministry, Diocese of Brooklyn, Bishop Howard J. Hubbard
Article: Crossing the Bridge: Women in the Church
Author: Dolores Leckey
Church: Winter 2001, Volume 17, Number 4
From introductory remarks:
Crossing the bridge is, I submit, an apt image for trying to understand change, particularly progress, in regard to the role of women in society and the church. I like to imagine I'm standing on a metaphorical bridge at a certain point in time and space, which enables me to look in several directions. The first thing I see as I look back is a plaque quoting the Polish poet and essayist, Czslaw Milosz:
Our age is better we would say. No plague. No sword to pursue us, so why should we look back?" Why indeed? We might suffer the fate of Lot's wife. Yet, if we are to note what progress has occurred, looking back is essential.
Table 1: Sources and Development of the Just War Tradition
Table 2: The Just War Tradition as a Source of Criteria for Ethical Judgment
Taken from Morality and Contemporary Warfare
Author: James Turner Johnson
Title: Excerpts from a Pastoral Letter from Bishop Richard C. Hanifen
Author: Bishop Richard C. Hanifen
Title: A Successful Way to Keep Priests From Getting Windy Without Them Losing Their Wind
Author: The Catholic Review of Baltimore
Title: A Meditation on the Miserere
Author: Papal Address at General Audience, Pope John Paul II
Title: Commentary on the study: A Survey of Priests Ordained Five to Nine Years
Author: Rev. Richard W. Burton
Title: On Choosing Candidates for the Priesthood
Author: Bishop Wilton Gregory
Origins: 0116-ISSUE-26:30
TITLE: Priest and Bishop in the Next Millenium
AUTHOR: Bishop Donald Wuerl
Origins: 1024-ISSUE-26:19
TITLE: Three Goals for Vocation Directors: Priesthood
AUTHOR: Bishop Gerald Kicanas
Origins 0322-Issue-30:40
Title: A Vision and Perspective for Today's Priests
Author: Father Stephen Rosetti
Origins: 0322 Issue-30:40
Title: Human Development and the Ongoing Formation of Priests
Author: Father J. Cletus Kiley
Origins: 1209-Issue-29:26
Title: Listening to Priests and Supporting Them
Author: Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo
Title: Ways of Responding to the Priesthood Shortage
Author: Cardinal Roger Mahony
Origins 1113-ISSUE-27:22
TITLE: Priesthood in the Church of Tomorrow
AUTHOR: Father Thomas Rausch, SJ
Origins: 1121-ISSUE-26:23
TITLE: Expressing Support and Respect for Priests
AUTHOR: Anthony Pilla
Origins: 1026-ISSUE-25:19
TITLE: A Renewed Priesthood in a Renewed Church
AUTHOR: Archbishop Weakland
Origins 0413-Issue-29:43
Title: Rediscovering the Priesthood in Light of the Eucharist
Author: Pope John Paul II
Origins: 0520-Issue-29:01
Title: Toward a Transformative Model of Religious Life
Author: Father Paul Philibert, OP
TITLE: Fire in the Belly: From Experience Through Imagination to Passion
AUTHOR: Father Walter Burghardt, SJ
Origins: -ISSUE-27:01
TITLE: Sense of Church Acquired From 32 Years of Priesthood
AUTHOR: Archbishop Francis George
Title: On Choosing Candidates for the Priesthood
Author: Bishop Wilton Gregory
"We need to hone our criteria for selecting candidates for the priesthood
of Christ," Bishop Wilton Gregory of Belleville, Ill., said in an address
Sept. 29 to the National Association of Diocesan Vocation Directors
convention in Cincinnati. "Jesus did not choose flawless personalities" as
apostles, Gregory observed. Yet, he said, "none of us ought to risk
challenging the grace of the Holy Spirit with candidates who are not merely
unworthy, but even unsuitable for the public ordained ministry." Asking
whether there are "qualities that militate against selecting a candidate,"
Gregory recommended, among other points, that vocation directors be "wary of
those who seek to save the church.... Be cautious of those who too quickly
and almost universally find enemies or clandestine motives in those 'out
there.'" Discussing the relationship between vocations personnel and
priesthood candidates, Gregory said that "it is important not to give
potential students the impression that they are those who must decide
matters of orthodoxy, liturgical propriety and spiritual merit." He also
discussed the "appropriate emotional distance" to maintain in evaluating a
candidate so that the person remains "a candidate and not a peer." Gregory
said that it must be admitted "that young people today are not exactly like
ourselves, 40, 30 or even 20 years ago." He commented, "I do not consider it
a limitation that young people who might now be considering a vocation to
the clerical or religious life are not our clones." In light of this,
however, he urged vocations personnel "to help the young see the tremendous
contributions of their seniors in the presbyterate or community as well as
to help those in established positions of authority to take heart in the
enthusiasm and good desires of the young."
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Origins: 0116-ISSUE-26:30
TITLE: Priest and Bishop in the Next Millenium
AUTHOR: Bishop Donald Wuerl
"Between and among bishops and priests there should be that level of mutual
support that allows, on the personal level, an easy exchange of concerns and
an openness that permits the bishop to be the first one to offer support in
a time of crisis," Bishop Donald Wuerl of Pittsburgh said Dec. 7 in an
address at Chicago's University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary.
He addressed a national conference of diocesan seminares, marking the 75th
anniversary of Mundelein's opening. "We have all given our life to the
service of the church, and it is to the church in the person of the bishop
that we should feel free to turn as we struggle with the many challenges of
living out our priestly commitment," Wuerl said. But, he added, "if the
bishop is always the last one to hear of a problem, he cannot be the first
one to offer help." Wuerl also stressed the importance of fraternal support
among priests. He said, "While we may not be inclined to be our brother's
keeper, we should certainly sense the need to be our brother's brother."
Wuerl examined priestly identity and the priest's role, and he discussed
three levels of the relationship of priests and bishops: sacramental unity
through ordination, ministerial solidarity and common pastoral
responsibility. Wuerl said he believes "the most pervasive challenge that
priestly ministry faces today and into the next century is the powerful
voice of secularism and its arrogant claim to the sole possession of the
public forum." He said, "Poverty, racism and abortion are all serious
issues, but the most pervasive threat to the faith is its increasing
irrelevance in a world and among people who have been convinced that secular
is good."
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Origins: 1024-ISSUE-26:19
TITLE: Three Goals for Vocation Directors: Priesthood
AUTHOR: Bishop Gerald Kicanas
"The church needs vocation directors to be "image makers who present a
vision of diocesan priesthood that is enticing and inviting; problem solvers
responsible to help address the issues faced by diocesan priests that make
ministry less desirable, less fulfilling; instigators who prod your
presbyterate and diocese to see vocation ministry as central to their
corporate mission," Auxiliary Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Chicago told the
National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors Sept. 30 in Orlando, Fla.
"If we make progress in reimaging diocesan priesthood, addressing some of
the concerns priests face and eliciting the involvement of others in
vocation ministry, we would enhance the climate in which candidates consider
the possibility of serving as priests," Kicanas said. He urged vocation
directors to "communicate that priesthood matters, makes a difference." He
said, "Most candidates I met longed to do something significant with their
lives." As problem solvers, vocation directors "need to play an active role
in helping priests to address the issues that they face today," said
Kicanas. He added: "Unless those issues are faced, diocesan priesthood is
less attractive, less appealing. I will focus on three issues: loneliness,
polarization and lack of ongoing formation and education." Finally, as
"instigators prodding the diocese to making vocation ministry part of its
core mission," vocation directors must recognize that while they are
"energetic, enthusiastic and talented, and while they are self-starters and
initiators and people who follow through, (they) cannot do vocation ministry
alone." Kicanas said, "Vocation directors must switch from being soloists to
being orchestra leaders."
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Origins 0322-Issue-30:40
Title: A Vision and Perspective for Today's Priests
Author: Father Stephen Rosetti
Father Rossetti/NOCERCCA Vision and Perspective for Today's Priests"What is
needed today is a formation program that focuses on perspective and vision."
Father Stephen Rossetti, a psychologist, said in his keynote address to the
Feb. 19-22 convention in San Antonio of the National Organization for
Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy. Rossetti is president of St.
Luke Institute in Silver Spring, Md., a treatment center for church ministry
personnel with substance addictions or other disorders. Rossetti said he
believes insecurity results from the lack of this perspective and vision.
"The resulting insecurity causes us to be frightened about the future. It
causes us to wonder if the naysayers are correct." Rossetti said: "If we
fall into despair about the church and the priesthood, we are not very good
historians.... One could easily make the case for this being the best of
times for the presbyterate." But, he said, priests often don't see their
strengths and seem overly focused on their shortcomings. He said that "the
fear, the arrogance, hostility and harsh judgmentalism that cripple so many
in the church today are not manifestations of the Spirit." In addition to
discussing the need for a perspective and vision among priests, which, "for
want of a better phrase," he calls a "resurrection vision," Rossetti
discussed two processes that he believes "undergird our time": change and
diversity. "The first key to understanding the priesthood today and thus to
an effective program of ongoing formation is this: Change has become the
norm, not the exception," he said. "A theology and pastoral appropriation of
change" are needed. "Not all change is good," said Rossetti. But, he
commented, priests "must be comfortable with it; they must be leaders of
change and not its victims." Speaking of diversity, Rossetti said that
priesthood today confronts cultural diversity, generational diversity,
diversity of sexual orientation, theological diversity." He said:
"Diversity, like change, is upsetting. It calls into question what we
believe and how we believe it. But diversity is here to stay." The typical
reaction to diversity, he said, "is judgmentalism on the one extreme or a
wishy-washy 'everything is wonderful' syncretism on the other." He urged his
audience of diocesan priestly life officials to help priests with diversity;
"a good formation program must include it."
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Origins: 0322 Issue-30:40
Title: Human Development and the Ongoing Formation of Priests
Author: Father J. Cletus Kiley
Father Kiley/NOCERCC Human Development and the Ongoing Formation of
Priests"There are certain key moments in the life of a priest, each with
their own temptations and graces. These are unique opportunities for growth
and development," Father J. Cletus Kiley, executive director of the U.S.
bishops' Secretariat for Priestly Life and Ministry, said in remarks on
human development and ongoing priestly formation to the Feb. 19-22
convention in San Antonio of the National Organization for the Continuing
Education of Roman Catholic Clergy. Kiley discussed four principles of
priestly development: who the priest is; what he does; his discipleship, and
his membership in a presbyterate and wider "communio." Kiley said that "lack
of a full consideration of the identity of the priest conferred in the
sacrament of holy orders is a formula for conflict down the line." On the
one hand, Kiley said this "can reduce priestly identity to a set of
functions that can just as well be completed by others within the church. On
the other hand, a poor consideration of the sacrament of holy orders and the
identity conferred upon the priest could also lead to a kind of
neo-clericalism." Part of a priest's identity is "shaped by what he does,"
but this "is not the sum and total of who he is," said Kiley. The journey of
formation holds four major factors in perspective, Kiley told convention
participants: "1) There is something unchanging about the priesthood. 2)
Formation has four essential facets: intellectual, spiritual, pastoral and
human. 3) The context of priestly life and ministry needs to be appreciated.
4) There are certain key moments in a priest's life which offer unique
opportunities for growth and development." He explained also that adult
learning is affected by the contexts in which learners live, and he looked
at 10 factors related to the context in which priests today find
themselves - from divisions within the presbyterate to the diminishing
number of priests, from multiculturalism in the priesthood itself to the
existence of many ministers besides priests. Kiley spoke during a convention
workshop. (He was joined in the workshop by Father Stephen Rossetti, whose
keynote speech to the convention appears on the preceding pages of this
week's Origins. During the workshop, Rossetti addressed key moments in the
life of a priest that are opportunities for growth.)
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Origins: 1209-Issue-29:26
Title: Listening to Priests and Supporting Them
Author: Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo
Archbishop Montalvo/U.S. Bishops' Meeting Listening to and Supporting
Priests While in the United States "there still are steady numbers of
candidates for holy orders," the problem of decreased seminary enrollment
"is augmented by the fact that the number of Catholics in this country is
increasing as new populations are coming from Asia, Central and South
America, and even from some countries in Europe," Archbishop Gabriel
Montalvo, apostolic nuncio to the United States, said Nov. 15 in an address
to the U.S. bishops during their fall meeting in Washington. But, he said,
"more important than the number is the quality of priests, as well as the
good and sound preparation that is offered to them." Montalvo urged the
bishops "to always strive to have a greater understanding of [their]
priests, to always be ready to listen to them and to support them." Priests,
he said, "must be able to look to their bishops to draw strength." Montalvo
also discussed the eucharist and the sacrament of reconciliation. "I have
the impression that more could be done to encourage the faithful to approach
the sacrament of reconciliation with greater frequency and regularity," he
said. Finally, speaking of ordination as "a gift and a mystery," Montalvo
said that "no individual can claim a 'right' to be ordained a priest."
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Title: Ways of Responding to the Priesthood Shortage
Author: Cardinal Roger Mahony
Ways of Responding to the Priesthood Shortage"Our priests are stretched to
the breaking point, and we cannot ask them to do even more to fill in these
gaps in their ranks," Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles wrote in an open
letter Oct. 16 to the people of the archdiocese on the "very serious
shortage of priests that we are experiencing." He said: "I cannot and will
not ask our priests to do any more than they are presently doing in their
ministry. Most are terribly overworked and trying valiantly to serve
impossible pastoral demands day after day. Our solutions must all focus upon
methods that mitigate these enormous pastoral demands, not increase them."
Mahony said that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has over 4 million Catholics
and has 285 active parishes to staff. He quoted "sobering statistics" from
the priest personnel board on aging priests, parishes without pastors and
the size of upcoming ordination classes. Mahony said he saw ways to meet
the shortage, "but ultimately, we need more priests." And he wrote, "We
definitely need to have all our people understand this priest shortage and
to step forward with your own baptismal gifts to help meet the many
spiritual, pastoral, organizational and administrative functions of our
parish communities." The laity, he wrote, "must continue to assume and
develop their proper roles." Mahony asked that each parish devise a plan for
promoting vocations. He suggested this include a day of prayer each month
for vocations.
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Origins 1113-ISSUE-27:22
TITLE: Priesthood in the Church of Tomorrow
AUTHOR: Father Thomas Rausch, SJ
The priest's vocation involves discipleship, but also leadership, Jesuit
Father Thomas Rausch said Oct. 30 in an address to the Los Angeles Assembly
of Priests in Palm Springs, Calif. "We are to bring Jesus' call to
discipleship to others," he said. However, citing contemporary commentators
who "have mentioned a certain reluctance of priests to speak of God, or even
an abandonment of prayer," he said: "How tragic this is, when those who lead
the church in its public prayer have no prayer in their own personal lives."
Rausch, professor and chairman of theological studies at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles, reflected in his address on the implications for
priests of several trends affecting the church's "institutional culture":
the continued rise in the number of parishes without a resident priest; the
dramatically increasing number of lay men and women preparing for ministry;
and the "incredible" and increasing multiculturalism of parishes. He asked
what these "trends or patterns suggest" for priests in four areas of their
lives: discipleship and leadership; colleagueship and collaboration;
preaching and presiding; and celibacy and community. Rausch commented that
"one of the things Pope John Paul II will be most remembered for ... will be
his emphasis on evangelization." Applying this to the priest's preaching
ministry, Rausch said: "Good 'evangelical' preaching means being able to
articulate the religious experience of a community of faith and to call each
to be a disciple, not just a member." Hospitality and a "consciousness of
the nature of the liturgical assembly" are "two of the most important
dimensions" of the priest's role as a presider, he said. Rausch said that
rarely has there been "a moment in the life of the church when it had
greater need of priests who are both wise and generous." He added: "As
church we are in a time of enormous transition, and we don't know what the
future will be. But we can and will play an important role, a truly pastoral
role, in linking the church we love, the church we have known and served,
with the church of tomorrow."
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Origins: 1121-ISSUE-26:23
TITLE: Expressing Support and Respect for Priests
AUTHOR: Anthony Pilla
Three fears of priests - fears regarding the shortage of priests, the
challenge of priestly leadership and priestly life in general - were
examined by Bishop Anthony Pilla of Cleveland in his presidential address
Nov. 11 opening the U.S. bishops' four-day fall meeting in Washington. "My
message to our priests today is one of support, of confidence in them, of
respect for them in their ministry and of the love that gathers all
together," Pilla said. His address came at the time of observances in Rome
of the 50th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's priestly ordination. Bishops
should ask themselves about the extent to which they empower priests in
their ministry, Pilla observed in discussing the challenge of priestly
leadership. He added that "priests, in turn, should ask themselves about the
extent to which they truly empower us bishops." He said, "I have heard from
some priests that while we bishops call our priests our closest
collaborators, they too often feel themselves to be our most
taken-for-granted employees." Pilla asked the bishops: "Do we empower our
priests in their pastoral ministry or do we burden them, stifling them with
myriad programs and directives? Second, do we tell them they are our closest
collaborators and then place a level of bureaucracy between them and us?"
Priestly celibacy was among points Pilla discussed in the area of priestly
life in general. "There is little attempt by the media or others to
understand the witness of celibacy, and its special charism often takes
second place to a malign pleasure at instances of its violation," Pilla
commented. He said that "without minimizing the harm done" by the
inappropriate behavior of a few priests, he wanted "to offer some pointed
words in response to the condescending and derisive portrayals of priestly
celibacy which we often see."
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Origins: 1026-ISSUE-25:19
TITLE: A Renewed Priesthood in a Renewed Church
AUTHOR: Archbishop Weakland
For a priest, "being pastoral in his preaching and teaching means making an
attempt to bring divine revelation to the practical needs of the people so
that they can find God in their lives and in their duties and work,"
Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee told the National Conference of
Priests of England and Wales meeting in Birmingham, England, Sept. 5. He
outlined "the priest's role in five different categories": teacher and
preacher; presider; healer; enabler; and leader. But Weakland first turned
attention to the mission of the church. "Priests will find their identity
only when the whole mission of the church is clearer to them and to the
faithful. We also will have vocations only when that vision is clear," he
insisted. The archbishop said that "the church is not a club of people who
think alike or who are united by a common cause. They are united by life in
Jesus Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit." He emphasized that "the
inner renewal of the church, as Vatican Council II well understood, has to
begin with worship.... The revitalization of the sense of sacraments, of
mediated grace, of how God ordinarily works with the human person, would do
much also to reinforce the role of the priest." Weakland examined several
impediments to a renewal of one's concept of the church, including the fact
that religion often is conceived as a private affair between an individual
and God. The archbishop discussed the scarcity of priests, which is a major
concern "because it could diminish the accessibility of sacraments."
Weakland told priests that "rather than languish over seeking out our
identity, we should be busy at work strengthening people's faith, helping
them to realize God's presence and action in their lives."
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Origins 0413-Issue-29:43
Title: Rediscovering the Priesthood in Light of the Eucharist
Author: Pope John Paul II
John Paul II/Holy Thursday LetterRediscovering the Priesthood in Light of
the Eucharist"From this place where Christ spoke the words instituting the
eucharist, I invite you, dear priests, to rediscover the 'gift' and the
'mystery' which we have received," Pope John Paul II said in his year-2000
Holy Thursday letter to the world's priests, released by the Vatican March
30. The pope signed the letter March 23 (see Origins, the current volume,
pp. 681f in the edition dated April 6, 2000) while visiting Jerusalem's
Upper Room, where Christ is thought to have instituted the eucharist the
night before his crucifixion. The pope wrote: "Two thousand years after the
birth of Christ, in this jubilee year, we especially need to remember and
ponder the truth of what we might call his 'eucharistic birth.' The Upper
Room is the place of this 'birth.' Here began a new presence of Christ for
the world." The pope said to priests that in the Upper Room he found himself
"imagining you in all the various parts of the world with your myriad faces,
some younger, some more advanced in years, in all the different emotional
states which you are experiencing: for many, thank God, joy and enthusiasm,
for others perhaps suffering or weariness or discouragement. In all of you I
honor the image of Christ which you received at your consecration, the
'character' which marks each of you indelibly." The pope also acknowledged
that "in the history of the priesthood, no less than in the history of the
whole people of God, the dark presence of sin is also found." However, the
pope said, "for all the frailties of their priests ... the people of God
have not ceased to put their faith in the power of Christ at work through
their ministry." The pope discussed sacrifice as "an essential dimension of
the priesthood of Christ and therefore of our own priesthood," and he urged
priests during the jubilee year "to contemplate the intimate link between
Christ's priesthood and the mystery of his person."
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Origins: 0520-Issue-29:01
Title: Toward a Transformative Model of Religious Life
Author: Father Paul Philibert, OP
Father Philibert, OPToward a Transformative Model of Religious Life"We
stand at the edge of an important frontier for the church," Dominican Father
Paul Philibert said in an address April 25 in which he analyzed what he
termed "a transformative model of religious life." Philibert, director of
the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, spoke at the
Dominican House of Studies in Washington. Drawing upon categories found in
H. Richard Niebuhr's "Christ and Culture," Philibert spoke of "a radical, a
cultural and a transformative vision of religious life." The challenge today
"is to bring about something new which is neither the resuscitation of
pre-Vatican II radicalism nor the revival of the overly accommodating
cultural Christianity of the 1970s and '80s," he said. The transformative
model as described by Philibert is "a third option." It is "neither
restorationism nor revolution, but a witness to the continuing transition
that has been called for by the theology and reforms of the council."
Philibert said that the tendency of the radical Christian is "to flee a
world that denies the Gospel. Separation from a corrupting culture is the
only solution for the radical Christian." Culture Christians, on the other
hand, see "little gap or division between Gospel and culture." Philibert
said, "Whatever the culture produces that is fine, exciting or promising is
by its very structure an apt expression of grace." Philibert commented that
"many today recognize that the cultural model has run out of steam. For
whatever reasons ... cultural Christianity is not replicating itself." In
religious life, many decisions expressing the cultural model "had to do with
our 'reactive' rejection of extreme authoritarianism. But younger people
today have not known those extreme experiences." Philibert said that "if the
fundamental conviction of the radical religious was to flee the world and
the fundamental conviction of the cultural religious was to embrace the
world, then the fundamental conviction of the transformist religious is to
redefine the world. This redefinition will be based upon the capacity to be
so grounded in the word of God and contemplative prayer that one's generous
engagement with the culture will not draw one away from the true resources
of religious experience." Philibert examined how the transformative model
might relate to various aspects of religious life such as dress and
community living, prayer and social vision, and the vows.
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TITLE: Fire in the Belly: From Experience Through Imagination to Passion
AUTHOR: Father Walter Burghardt, SJ
Preaching costs, "takes its toll on mind, on spirit, on flesh. But I know
no other way of making contact with the flesh and blood in the pews. Like
the prophets of old, like Isaiah and Jesus, I want to feel fiercely," Jesuit
Father Walter Burghardt said in an address Sept. 24 in Cincinnati to the
third national conference on preaching sponsored by the Catholic Coalition
on Preaching. Burghardt is senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center
in Washington and director of Preaching the Just Word. Burghardt said that
his own homilies "are not primarily head trips, cool, calm, collected
analyses of a world in danger of losing its soul. People seem to see that
when I pour out statistics on children - one of every four grows up poor in
the richest country on earth, the younger you are the poorer you are - I am
outraged." Burghardt titled his address "Fire in the Belly: From Experience
Through Imagination to Passion." Of his first term, "experience," he
explained that the preacher must read, listen, see and participate in the
world of the congregation. But to experience, imagination must be added, he
said. And he explained, "For the homiletic imagination I have found four
realities that ceaselessly kindle my fire: story, symbol, words and film."
Finally, passion must be added. But, Burghardt cautioned, "passion is not an
emotion a preacher can fake, manufacture at will." He examined the roots of
the passion he brings to his preaching - what it is that motivates him,
keeps him "on fire, feeling deeply."
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Origins: -ISSUE-27:01
TITLE: Sense of Church Acquired From 32 Years of Priesthood
AUTHOR: Archbishop Francis George
"I will bring into our conversation about pastoral priorities a vision of a
church of parishes with many small communities, each intent on growing in
the Lord and reaching out with his truth and justice and love to all who
will listen," Archbishop Francis George told archdiocesan and
religious-order priests in Chicago during an evening prayer service at Holy
Name Cathedral May 6, the night before his installation as Chicago's new
archbishop. "A church can flourish with large parishes, I believe, if each
of these eucharistic communities is composed of many small faith communities
where a personal relationship to Jesus Christ is sustained by prayer and
strengthened by love so that their members can reach out and introduce
others to Jesus." In remarks that George called a self-portrait, he
described himself as "an inquisitive man." He said, "The cost of not asking
questions is to live in ignorance and possibly to mess up many people's
lives." George said also that he has friends "who are more conservative than
I," friends "at the other end of the spectrum," friends who are Orthodox,
Protestants, Jews and Muslims, as well as friends who are agnostics and
atheists. "I have Catholic friends with whom I basically agree theologically
and others with whom I have very serious disagreements. Some of my friends
can tell you I enjoy disagreement, at least I am not afraid of it," George
said. The archbishop thinks that today in the church "we are stuck in an
endless argument between devotion and liturgy or in a constant dispute
between charity and justice." He asked, "Where do I wish we were?" and he
responded: "In a church filled with devotions of all sorts and active in its
liturgical participation; in a church able to give in charity and desirous
also to work for justice. In short, in an evangelizing church that reaches
out to transform our society into a civilization of love."
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