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Featured Author

Fr. Walter Burghardt, S. J.

Fr. Walter Burghardt, S. J.


Fr. Walter Burghardt, S. J. has established a well earned reputation as one of America’s most distinguished clergymen. He is presently serving as a Senior Feloow at the Woodstock Theological Institute in Washington, DC. In addition, he is the President and co-editor of "The Living Pulpit" which is a wonderful publication dedicated to the philosophy and practice of preaching and sermons. A link to this wonderful resource is included below. His credentials also include his status as Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of America. If his name sounds familiar to you, it might be because his articles have appeared in countless journals, magazines and periodicals and he has also written more than a dozen books. You might also know him from his numerous appearances on radio and television.

Awards and Honors

Rev. Walter Burghardt Honored By Washington Theological Union with 2002 Distinguished Service Award

Featured Works

Burghardt, Walter J., S.J., Preaching the Just Word, Yale University Press, New Heaven, Connecticut, pp. 149

Burghardt, Walter J., S.J., Lovely in Eyes Not His: Homilies for an Imaging Christ, Paulist Press, NY pp. 218

Christ in Ten Thousand Places: Homilies Toward a New Millennium, by Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., Paulist Press, NY pp. 277

Preaching: The Art and the Craft, Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., Paulist Press, NY, pp. 250

Profound Thoughts of Fr. Walter Burghardt, S.J., From the Woodstock Theological Center Web Page

"Widow's Mite, Society's Sin" by Fr. Walter Burghardt, S. J.

Interview with Walter Burghardt conducted by by Floyd Brown


To read some interesting materials on preaching and sermons, please visit The Pulpit, an interesting peiodical that features the writing of Father Burghardt.

One article in particular you might review is Father Burghardt's thoughts about the Holy Family. Click on the link to go there.