Essential to the Faith
Belief that God is Present in the Sacraments |
65% |
Charitable Efforts Toward Helping the Poor |
58% |
Belief that Christ is Really Present in the Eucharist |
58% |
Devotion to Mary, the Mother of God |
53% |
Belief that God is Present in a Special Way in the Poor |
52% |
Having Religious Orders of Priests, Sisters, Brothers and Monks |
48% |
The Necessity of Having a Pope |
48% |
Being a Universal Church Throughout the World |
45% |
Efforts Toward Eliminating the Social Causes of Poverty Such as Unequal Wages and Discrimination |
42% |
The Teaching that Christ Established the Authority of Bishops by Choosing Peter |
42% |
Having a Regular Daily Prayer Life |
41% |
Devotion to Saints |
41% |
The Obligation to Attend Mass Once A Week |
37% |
Private Confessions to a Priest |
32% |
Teachings that Oppose Abortion |
31% |
Belief that Priests Must Be Celibate |
27% |
Teachings that Oppose the Death Penalty |
22% |
Belief that Only Men Can Be Priests |
17% |
The Church's Traditional Support of the Right of Workers to Unionize |
14% |