Seventeen Statements About the Priesthood and Church Today
That Reflect Where Priests are in regard to the Priesthood
From the Hoge-Wenger Study
Ordination confers on a priest a new
status or a permanent character which makes him
essentially different from the laity
All Priests
Agree Strongly |
48% |
Agree Somewhat |
29% |
Uncertain |
6% |
Disagree Somewhat |
10% |
Disagree Strongly |
7% |
There is no ontological difference between
the priest and the laity, since all share in the
common priesthood of Christ given at
baptism; the difference is mainly one of
assigned duties in the Church
Agree Strongly |
11% |
Agree Somewhat |
12% |
Uncertain |
7% |
Disagree Somewhat |
17% |
Disagree Strongly |
53% |
The idea that the priest is a "man set
apart" is a barrier to the full realization
of true Christian community
Agree Strongly |
9% |
Agree Somewhat |
17% |
Uncertain |
10% |
Disagree Somewhat |
27% |
Disagree Strongly |
37% |
I feel that I am most a priest when I
am "saying Mass" and hearing
Agree Strongly |
41% |
Agree Somewhat |
32% |
Uncertain |
4% |
Disagree Somewhat |
16% |
Disagree Strongly |
8% |
What is lacking today is that
closeness among priests which used
to be present
Agree Strongly |
19% |
Agree Somewhat |
36% |
Uncertain |
24% |
Disagree Somewhat |
16% |
Disagree Strongly |
5% |
It is urgent that priests achieve greater
status as competent professionals in the
eyes of the Catholic community
Agree Strongly |
24% |
Agree Somewhat |
43% |
Uncertain |
15% |
Disagree Somewhat |
12% |
Disagree Strongly |
6% |
Priests today need to be more involved
with broad social and moral issues beyond
the parish level
Agree Strongly |
27% |
Agree Somewhat |
47% |
Uncertain |
16% |
Disagree Somewhat |
8% |
Disagree Strongly |
2% |
The Catholic Church in the U.S. should continue
to welcome Episcopalian priests who want to become
active Roman Catholic priests, whether they are married
or single
Agree Strongly |
40% |
Agree Somewhat |
32% |
Uncertain |
14% |
Disagree Somewhat |
7% |
Disagree Strongly |
7% |
Priests who have resigned from the priesthood
should be invited to re-apply for permission to
function as priests again, whether they are married
or single
Agree Strongly |
31% |
Agree Somewhat |
21% |
Uncertain |
15% |
Disagree Somewhat |
13% |
Disagree Strongly |
21% |
Celibacy should be a matter of
personal choice for diocesan priests
Agree Strongly |
35% |
Agree Somewhat |
21% |
Uncertain |
10% |
Disagree Somewhat |
10% |
Disagree Strongly |
24% |
The Catholic Church needs to move
faster in empowering lay persons in
Agree Strongly |
38% |
Agree Somewhat |
35% |
Uncertain |
11% |
Disagree Somewhat |
10% |
Disagree Strongly |
6% |
Parish life would be aided by an increase
in full-time professional ecclesial lay ministers
Agree Strongly |
38% |
Agree Somewhat |
34% |
Uncertain |
15% |
Disagree Somewhat |
7% |
Disagree Strongly |
5% |
Priests' attitudes on church issues can
never have an effect in our present institutional
church structures
Agree Strongly |
10% |
Agree Somewhat |
23% |
Uncertain |
22% |
Disagree Somewhat |
28% |
Disagree Strongly |
17% |
Priest members of presbyteral councils need
more influence if the councils are to be effective
in enhancing priestly ministry
Agree Strongly |
26% |
Agree Somewhat |
34% |
Uncertain |
30% |
Disagree Somewhat |
7% |
Disagree Strongly |
3% |
More effective organizations of priests
are needed to serve the needs of the priesthood today
Agree Strongly |
16% |
Agree Somewhat |
37% |
Uncertain |
30% |
Disagree Somewhat |
12% |
Disagree Strongly |
5% |
I think it would be a good idea if Christian
communities such as parishes were to choose
their own priest from among available ordained
Agree Strongly |
7% |
Agree Somewhat |
16% |
Uncertain |
21% |
Disagree Somewhat |
21% |
Disagree Strongly |
35% |
I think it would be a good idea if the
priests in a diocese were to choose their
own bishop
Agree Strongly |
22% |
Agree Somewhat |
25% |
Uncertain |
15% |
Disagree Somewhat |
15% |
Disagree Strongly |
23% |