Posted June 1, 2003
Seven Statements About Priestly Status
These findings come from the study: Evolving Visions of the Priesthood: Changes from Vatican II to the Turn of the New Century by Dr. Dean R. Hoge and Jacqueline E. Wenger.
For further information please e-mail Dr. Dean Hoge at
1. Ordination confers on the priest a
new status or a permanent character
which makes him essentially different
from the laity within the Church.
(Percent Agreeing Strongly or Somewhat)
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
77% |
83% |
64% |
2. There is no ontological difference
between the priest and the laity, since
all share in the common priesthood of
Christ given at baptism; the difference
is mainly one of assigned duties in
the Church
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
23% |
19% |
29% |
3. The idea that the priest is a "man
set apart" is a barrier to the full
realization of true Christian community
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
26% |
25% |
29% |
4. I feel that I am most a priest when
I am "saying Mass (presiding at
Eucharist) and hearing confessions.
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
73% |
77% |
63% |
5. What is lacking today is that closeness
among priests which used to be present.
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
55% |
60% |
45% |
6. It is urgent that priests achieve
greater status as competent
professionals in the eyes of
the Catholic community.
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
67% |
65% |
71% |
7. Priests today need to be more involved
with broad social and moral issues
beyond the parish level.
All Priests |
Diocesan Priests |
Religious Priests |
74% |
71% |
80% |